Uses of Interface
Packages that use Graph
Adapters from Guava to JGalgo, and from JGalgo to Guava.
Adapters from JGraphT to JGalgo, and from JGalgo to JGraphT.
Algorithms for solving bipartite graph problems.
Algorithms for solving cliques and independent sets problems.
Algorithms for findings closures in graphs.
Algorithms for solving graph coloring problems.
Package for common classes and interfaces used by the algorithms in the JGAlgo library.
Algorithms for solving connectivity problems, such as strongly/weakly connected components, minimum edge/vertex cuts,
Algorithms for computing the cores of graphs.
Algorithms for solving set cover problems, such as minimum vertex/edge cover, dominating set, etc.
Algorithms solving cycles related problems, such as iterating over cycles in a graph, findings a cycle with the
minimum mean edge weight, etc.
Algorithms specifically designed for directed acyclic graphs (DAGs).
Algorithms for computing the distance measures properties in graphs, such as the the diameter, the radius, the
eccentricity, the center, ect.
Algorithms for finding Eulerian paths and cycles in graphs.
Algorithms for solving flow problems in graphs, such as maximum flow, min cost flow, and circulation problems.
Algorithms for solving Hamiltonian path problems.
Algorithms for determining isomorphism between graphs.
Algorithms for computing matchings in graphs, such as maximum/minimum weight matchings, maximum cardinality
matchings, perfect matchings, ect.
Algorithms for finding paths in graphs, such as shortest paths, iterating over all simple paths between two vertices,
computing the Voronoi cells given a set of sites, ect.
Algorithms for finding the minimum spanning trees and Steiner trees of graphs.
Algorithms for traversing graphs, such as depth-first search and breadth-first search.
Algorithms specifically for tree graphs, such as LCA or TPM.
Graph generators used to generate (possibly random) graphs with different distributions and structures.
Graphs object are the fundamental building blocks of the JGAlgo library.
The I/O classes provide varies ways to read/write graphs from/to files.
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.adapt.guava
Classes in com.jgalgo.adapt.guava that implement GraphModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
E> An adapter from Guava Network to JGAlgo Graph.Constructors in com.jgalgo.adapt.guava with parameters of type GraphModifierConstructorDescriptionGuavaGraphAdapter
(Graph<V, E> graph) Constructs a new adapter from the given JGAlgo graph.GuavaMutableGraphAdapter
(Graph<V, E> graph) Constructs a new mutable adapter from the given JGAlgo graph.GuavaMutableNetworkAdapter
(Graph<V, E> graph) Constructs a new mutable adapter from the given JGAlgo graph.GuavaMutableValueGraphAdapter
(Graph<V, E> graph, String edgeWeightKey) Constructs a new adapter from the given JGAlgo graph.GuavaNetworkAdapter
(Graph<V, E> graph) Constructs a new adapter from the given JGAlgo graph.GuavaValueGraphAdapter
(Graph<V, E> graph, String edgeWeightKey) Constructs a new adapter from the given JGAlgo graph. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.adapt.jgrapht
Classes in com.jgalgo.adapt.jgrapht that implement GraphModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
E> An adapter from JGraphT graph to JGAlgo graph.Constructors in com.jgalgo.adapt.jgrapht with parameters of type GraphModifierConstructorDescriptionJGraphTAdapter
(Graph<V, E> graph) Constructs a new unweighted adapter from the given JGAlgo graph.JGraphTAdapter
(Graph<V, E> graph, String edgeWeightKey) Constructs a new adapter from the given JGAlgo graph, optionally weighted. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.bipartite
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.bipartite with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <V,
E> Optional <VertexBiPartition<V, E>> BipartiteGraphs.findPartition
(Graph<V, E> g) Find a bipartite partition of the given graph (if one exists).static <V,
E> Optional <VertexBiPartition<V, E>> BipartiteGraphs.findPartition
(Graph<V, E> g, boolean addPartitionWeights) Find a bipartite partition of the given graph (if one exists), and optionally add the partition as vertex weights.static <V,
E> Optional <VertexBiPartition<V, E>> BipartiteGraphs.getExistingPartition
(Graph<V, E> g) Get the existing bipartite partition of the given graph from the vertices weights.static <V,
E> boolean BipartiteGraphs.isBipartite
(Graph<V, E> g) Check whether the given graph is bipartite or not. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.clique
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.clique with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMaximalCliquesEnumerator.maximalCliquesIter
(Graph<V, E> g) Iterate over all maximal cliques in a graph.MaximalCliquesEnumeratorAbstract.maximalCliquesIter
(Graph<V, E> g) MaximalIndependentSetsEnumerator.maximalIndependentSetsIter
(Graph<V, E> g) Iterate over all maximal independent sets in a graph.MaximalIndependentSetsEnumeratorAbstract.maximalIndependentSetsIter
(Graph<V, E> g) -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.closure
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.closure with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionClosuresEnumerator.closuresIter
(Graph<V, E> g) Iterate over all closures in the given graph.ClosuresEnumeratorAbstract.closuresIter
(Graph<V, E> g) static <V,
E> boolean ClosuresEnumerator.isClosure
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> c) Check whether the given set of vertices is a closure in the given graph. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.color
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.color with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V,
E> VertexPartition <V, E> ColoringAlgo.computeColoring
(Graph<V, E> g) Assign a color to each vertex of the given graph, while minimizing the number of different colors.<V,
E> VertexPartition <V, E> ColoringAlgoAbstract.computeColoring
(Graph<V, E> g) static <V,
E> boolean ColoringAlgo.isColoring
(Graph<V, E> g, ToIntFunction<V> mapping) Check whether a given mapping is a valid coloring of a graph. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.common
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.common that return GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionVertexPartition.blocksGraph()
Create a new graph representing the edges between the blocks.VertexPartition.blocksGraph
(boolean parallelEdges, boolean selfEdges) Create a new graph representing the edges between the blocks.VertexPartition.blockSubGraph
(int block) Create a new graph that contains only the vertices and edges that are contained in a block.VertexPartition.blockSubGraph
(int block, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) Create a new graph that contains only the vertices and edges that are contained in a block with option to copy weights.Path.graph()
Get the graph this path is defined on.VertexPartition.graph()
Get the graph that the partition is defined on.Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.common with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <V,
E> Path <V, E> Find a valid path from \(u\) to \(v\).static <V,
E> VertexBiPartition <V, E> Create a new vertex bi-partition from a vertex-side map.static <V,
E> VertexPartition <V, E> VertexPartition.fromMap
(Graph<V, E> g, Object2IntMap<V> map) Create a new vertex partition from a vertex-blockIndex map.static <V,
E> VertexBiPartition <V, E> VertexBiPartition.fromMapping
(Graph<V, E> g, Predicate<V> mapping) Create a new vertex bi-partition from a vertex-side mapping function.static <V,
E> VertexPartition <V, E> VertexPartition.fromMapping
(Graph<V, E> g, ToIntFunction<V> mapping) Create a new vertex partition from a vertex-blockIndex mapping function.static <V,
E> VertexBiPartition <V, E> VertexBiPartition.fromWeights
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightsBool<V> weights) Create a new vertex bi-partition from a vertex-side weights container.static <V,
E> boolean VertexBiPartition.isPartition
(Graph<V, E> g, Predicate<V> mapping) Check if a mapping is a valid bi-partition of the vertices of a graph.static <V,
E> boolean VertexPartition.isPartition
(Graph<V, E> g, ToIntFunction<V> mapping) Check if a mapping is a valid partition of the vertices of a graph.static <V,
E> boolean Check whether the given edge list is a valid path in the given graph.static <V,
E> VertexBiPartition <V, E> VertexBiPartition.partitionFromIndexPartition
(Graph<V, E> g, IVertexBiPartition indexPartition) Create a vertex bi-partition view from a vertex bi-partition of the index graph of the given graph.static <V,
E> VertexPartition <V, E> VertexPartition.partitionFromIndexPartition
(Graph<V, E> g, IVertexPartition indexPartition) Create a vertex partition view from a vertex partition of the index graph of the given graph.static <V,
E> Path <V, E> Path.pathFromIndexPath
(Graph<V, E> g, IPath indexPath) Create a path view from a path in the index graph of the given graph.static <V,
E> Set <V> Path.reachableVertices
(Graph<V, E> g, Iterator<V> sources) Find all the vertices reachable from a given set of source vertices.static <V,
E> Set <V> Path.reachableVertices
(Graph<V, E> g, V source) Find all the vertices reachable from a given source vertex.static <V,
E> Path <V, E> Create a new path from an edge list, a source and a target vertices.static <V,
E> Iterator <V> Path.verticesIter
(Graph<V, E> g, V source, List<E> edges) Create an iterator that iterate over the vertices visited by an edge path. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.connect
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.connect with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <V,
E> List <VertexBiPartition<V, E>> MinimumEdgeCutAllSt.allMinimumCuts
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source, V sink) Compute all the minimum edge-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices.MinimumVertexCutAllGlobal.allMinimumCuts
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w) Find all the minimum vertex-cuts in a graph.MinimumVertexCutAllSt.allMinimumCuts
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w, V source, V sink) Compute all the minimum vertex-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices.<V,
E> VertexPartition <V, E> KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgo.computeKEdgeConnectedComponents
(Graph<V, E> g, int k) Compute the k-edge connected components of a graph.<V,
E> VertexPartition <V, E> KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract.computeKEdgeConnectedComponents
(Graph<V, E> g, int k) <V,
E> VertexBiPartition <V, E> MinimumEdgeCutGlobal.computeMinimumCut
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the global minimum edge-cut in a graph.<V,
E> VertexBiPartition <V, E> MinimumEdgeCutGlobalAbstract.computeMinimumCut
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) <V,
E> VertexBiPartition <V, E> MinimumEdgeCutSt.computeMinimumCut
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, Collection<V> sources, Collection<V> sinks) Compute the minimum edge-cut in a graph between two sets of vertices.<V,
E> VertexBiPartition <V, E> MinimumEdgeCutSt.computeMinimumCut
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source, V sink) Compute the minimum edge-cut in a graph between two terminal vertices.<V,
E> VertexBiPartition <V, E> MinimumEdgeCutStAbstract.computeMinimumCut
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, Collection<V> sources, Collection<V> sinks) <V,
E> VertexBiPartition <V, E> MinimumEdgeCutStAbstract.computeMinimumCut
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source, V sink) <V,
E> Set <V> MinimumVertexCutGlobal.computeMinimumCut
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w) Compute the global minimum vertex-cut in a graph.<V,
E> Set <V> MinimumVertexCutGlobalAbstract.computeMinimumCut
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w) <V,
E> Set <V> MinimumVertexCutSt.computeMinimumCut
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w, V source, V sink) Compute the minimum vertex-cut in a graph between two terminal vertices.<V,
E> Set <V> MinimumVertexCutStAbstract.computeMinimumCut
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w, V source, V sink) <V,
E> BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result <V, E> BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.findBiConnectedComponents
(Graph<V, E> g) Compute all maximal bi-connected components of a graph.<V,
E> BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result <V, E> BiConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract.findBiConnectedComponents
(Graph<V, E> g) KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo.findKVertexConnectedComponents
(Graph<V, E> g, int k) Find all k-vertex connected components in a graph.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract.findKVertexConnectedComponents
(Graph<V, E> g, int k) <V,
E> VertexPartition <V, E> StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo.findStronglyConnectedComponents
(Graph<V, E> g) Find all strongly connected components in a graph.<V,
E> VertexPartition <V, E> StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract.findStronglyConnectedComponents
(Graph<V, E> g) <V,
E> VertexPartition <V, E> WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgo.findWeaklyConnectedComponents
(Graph<V, E> g) Compute all weakly connected components in a graph.<V,
E> VertexPartition <V, E> WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract.findWeaklyConnectedComponents
(Graph<V, E> g) static <V,
E> boolean MinimumVertexCutGlobal.isCut
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> cut) Check whether the given vertices form a vertex cut in the graph.<V,
E> boolean StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo.isStronglyConnected
(Graph<V, E> g) Check whether a graph is strongly connected.<V,
E> boolean StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract.isStronglyConnected
(Graph<V, E> g) <V,
E> boolean WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgo.isWeaklyConnected
(Graph<V, E> g) Check whether a graph is weakly connected.<V,
E> boolean WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract.isWeaklyConnected
(Graph<V, E> g) <V,
E> Iterator <VertexBiPartition<V, E>> MinimumEdgeCutAllSt.minimumCutsIter
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source, V sink) Iterate over all the minimum edge-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices.<V,
E> Iterator <VertexBiPartition<V, E>> MinimumEdgeCutAllStAbstract.minimumCutsIter
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source, V sink) MinimumVertexCutAllGlobal.minimumCutsIter
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w) Iterate over all the minimum vertex-cuts in a graph.MinimumVertexCutAllGlobalAbstract.minimumCutsIter
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w) MinimumVertexCutAllSt.minimumCutsIter
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w, V source, V sink) Iterate over all the minimum vertex-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices.MinimumVertexCutAllStAbstract.minimumCutsIter
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w, V source, V sink) -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.cores
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.cores with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <V,
E> CoresAlgo.Result <V, E> CoresAlgo.computeCores
(Graph<V, E> g) Compute the cores of the graph with respect to both in and out degree of the vertices.<V,
E> CoresAlgo.Result <V, E> CoresAlgo.computeCores
(Graph<V, E> g, EdgeDirection degreeType) Compute the cores of the graph with respect the given degree type.<V,
E> CoresAlgo.Result <V, E> CoresAlgoAbstract.computeCores
(Graph<V, E> g, EdgeDirection degreeType) -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.cover
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.cover with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <V,
E> Set <V> DominatingSetAlgo.computeMinimumDominationSet
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w) Compute a minimum dominating set of the graph with respect to the in-degree + out-degree of the vertices.<V,
E> Set <V> DominatingSetAlgo.computeMinimumDominationSet
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w, EdgeDirection dominanceDirection) Compute a minimum dominating set of the graph with respect to the given edges direction.<V,
E> Set <V> DominatingSetAlgoAbstract.computeMinimumDominationSet
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w, EdgeDirection dominanceDirection) <V,
E> Set <E> EdgeCover.computeMinimumEdgeCover
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute a minimum edge cover of a graph with respect to an edge weight function.<V,
E> Set <E> EdgeCoverAbstract.computeMinimumEdgeCover
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) <V,
E> Set <V> VertexCover.computeMinimumVertexCover
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w) Compute a minimum vertex cover of a graph with respect to a vertex weight function.<V,
E> Set <V> VertexCoverAbstract.computeMinimumVertexCover
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<V> w) static <V,
E> boolean EdgeCover.isCover
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<E> edges) Check whether a set of edges is a edge cover of a graph.static <V,
E> boolean VertexCover.isCover
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> vertices) Check whether a set of vertices is a vertex cover of a graph.static <V,
E> boolean DominatingSetAlgo.isDominatingSet
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> dominatingSet, EdgeDirection dominanceDirection) Check whether a given set of vertices is a dominating set of a graph. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.cycle
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.cycle with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V,
E> Path <V, E> MinimumMeanCycle.computeMinimumMeanCycle
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the minimum mean cycle in a graph.<V,
E> Path <V, E> MinimumMeanCycleAbstract.computeMinimumMeanCycle
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) default <V,
E> Path <V, E> ChinesePostman.computeShortestEdgeVisitorCircle
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the shortest circuit that visits all edges in the graph at least once.ChinesePostman.computeShortestEdgeVisitorCircleIfExist
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the shortest circuit that visits all edges in the graph at least once, if it exist.ChinesePostmanAbstract.computeShortestEdgeVisitorCircleIfExist
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) CyclesEnumerator.cyclesIter
(Graph<V, E> g) Iterate over all cycles in the given graph.CyclesEnumeratorAbstract.cyclesIter
(Graph<V, E> g) -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.dag
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.dag with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <V,
E> TopologicalOrderAlgo.Result <V, E> TopologicalOrderAlgo.computeTopologicalSorting
(Graph<V, E> g) Compute the topological order of the vertices in a DAG graph.<V,
E> Optional <TopologicalOrderAlgo.Result<V, E>> TopologicalOrderAlgo.computeTopologicalSortingIfExist
(Graph<V, E> g) Compute the topological order of the vertices, if the graph is DAG.<V,
E> Optional <TopologicalOrderAlgo.Result<V, E>> TopologicalOrderAlgoAbstract.computeTopologicalSortingIfExist
(Graph<V, E> g) -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.distancemeasures
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.distancemeasures with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <V,
E> DistanceMeasures <V, E> DistanceMeasures.of
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Get a distance measures object of a graph. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.euler
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.euler with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <V,
E> Path <V, E> EulerianTourAlgo.computeEulerianTour
(Graph<V, E> g) Compute an Eulerian tour in the graph that visit all edges exactly once.EulerianTourAlgo.computeEulerianTourIfExist
(Graph<V, E> g) Compute an Eulerian tour in the graph that visit all edges exactly once if one exists.default <V,
E> boolean EulerianTourAlgo.isEulerian
(Graph<V, E> g) Check whether a graph is Eulerian.static <V,
E> boolean EulerianTourAlgo.isEulerianTour
(Graph<V, E> g, List<E> tour) Check if the given tour is an Eulerian tour in the given graph. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.flow
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.flow with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V,
E> Flow <V, E> MaximumFlow.computeMaximumFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, Collection<V> sources, Collection<V> sinks) Calculate the maximum flow in a network between a set of sources and a set of sinks.<V,
E> Flow <V, E> MaximumFlow.computeMaximumFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, V source, V sink) Calculate the maximum flow in a network between a source and a sink.<V,
E> Flow <V, E> MaximumFlowAbstract.computeMaximumFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, Collection<V> sources, Collection<V> sinks) <V,
E> Flow <V, E> MaximumFlowAbstract.computeMaximumFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, V source, V sink) <V,
E> Flow <V, E> MinimumCostFlow.computeMinCostFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, WeightFunction<E> cost, WeightFunction<E> lowerBound, WeightFunction<V> supply) Compute the min-cost (not maximum!) flow in a network given a supply for each vertex and a lower bound for the edges flows.<V,
E> Flow <V, E> MinimumCostFlow.computeMinCostFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, WeightFunction<E> cost, WeightFunction<V> supply) Compute the min-cost (not maximum!) flow in a network given a supply for each vertex.<V,
E> Flow <V, E> MinimumCostFlowAbstract.computeMinCostFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, WeightFunction<E> cost, WeightFunction<E> lowerBound, WeightFunction<V> supply) <V,
E> Flow <V, E> MinimumCostFlowAbstract.computeMinCostFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, WeightFunction<E> cost, WeightFunction<V> supply) <V,
E> Flow <V, E> MinimumCostFlow.computeMinCostMaxFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, WeightFunction<E> cost, WeightFunction<E> lowerBound, Collection<V> sources, Collection<V> sinks) Compute the min-cost max-flow in a network between a set of sources and a set of sinks given a lower bound for the edges flows.<V,
E> Flow <V, E> MinimumCostFlow.computeMinCostMaxFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, WeightFunction<E> cost, WeightFunction<E> lowerBound, V source, V sink) Compute the min-cost max-flow in a network between a source and a sink given a lower bound for the edges flows.<V,
E> Flow <V, E> MinimumCostFlow.computeMinCostMaxFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, WeightFunction<E> cost, Collection<V> sources, Collection<V> sinks) Compute the min-cost max-flow in a network between a set of sources and a set of sinks.<V,
E> Flow <V, E> MinimumCostFlow.computeMinCostMaxFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, WeightFunction<E> cost, V source, V sink) Compute the min-cost max-flow in a network between a source and a sink.<V,
E> Flow <V, E> MinimumCostFlowAbstract.computeMinCostMaxFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, WeightFunction<E> cost, WeightFunction<E> lowerBound, Collection<V> sources, Collection<V> sinks) <V,
E> Flow <V, E> MinimumCostFlowAbstract.computeMinCostMaxFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, WeightFunction<E> cost, WeightFunction<E> lowerBound, V source, V sink) <V,
E> Flow <V, E> MinimumCostFlowAbstract.computeMinCostMaxFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, WeightFunction<E> cost, Collection<V> sources, Collection<V> sinks) <V,
E> Flow <V, E> MinimumCostFlowAbstract.computeMinCostMaxFlow
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> capacity, WeightFunction<E> cost, V source, V sink) -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.hamilton
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.hamilton with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHamiltonianPathAlgo.hamiltonianCycle
(Graph<V, E> g) Find a Hamiltonian cycle in the given graph.HamiltonianPathAlgo.hamiltonianCyclesIter
(Graph<V, E> g) Iterate over all Hamiltonian cycles in the given graph.HamiltonianPathAlgoAbstract.hamiltonianCyclesIter
(Graph<V, E> g) HamiltonianPathAlgo.hamiltonianPath
(Graph<V, E> g) Find a Hamiltonian path in the given graph.HamiltonianPathAlgo.hamiltonianPath
(Graph<V, E> g, V source, V target) Find a Hamiltonian path in the given graph that start and end at two given vertices.HamiltonianPathAlgo.hamiltonianPathsIter
(Graph<V, E> g) Iterate over all Hamiltonian paths in the given graph.HamiltonianPathAlgo.hamiltonianPathsIter
(Graph<V, E> g, V source, V target) Iterate over all Hamiltonian paths in the given graph that start and end at two given vertices.HamiltonianPathAlgoAbstract.hamiltonianPathsIter
(Graph<V, E> g) HamiltonianPathAlgoAbstract.hamiltonianPathsIter
(Graph<V, E> g, V source, V target) static <V,
E> boolean HamiltonianPathAlgo.isHamiltonianPath
(Graph<V, E> g, List<E> path) Check whether the given path is a Hamiltonian path (or cycle) in the given graph. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.isomorphism
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.isomorphism that return GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIsomorphismMapping.sourceGraph()
Get the source graph.IsomorphismMapping.targetGraph()
Get the target graph.Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.isomorphism with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <V1,
E1, V2, E2>
Optional<IsomorphismMapping<V1, E1, V2, E2>> IsomorphismTester.isomorphicMapping
(Graph<V1, E1> g1, Graph<V2, E2> g2) Get an induced sub graph isomorphism mapping between two graphs if one exists.default <V1,
E1, V2, E2>
Optional<IsomorphismMapping<V1, E1, V2, E2>> IsomorphismTester.isomorphicMapping
(Graph<V1, E1> g1, Graph<V2, E2> g2, boolean induced) Get a sub graph isomorphism mapping between two graphs if one exists, optionally induced.default <V1,
E1, V2, E2>
Iterator<IsomorphismMapping<V1, E1, V2, E2>> IsomorphismTester.isomorphicMappingsIter
(Graph<V1, E1> g1, Graph<V2, E2> g2) Get an iterator over all the induced sub graph isomorphism mappings between two graphs.default <V1,
E1, V2, E2>
Iterator<IsomorphismMapping<V1, E1, V2, E2>> IsomorphismTester.isomorphicMappingsIter
(Graph<V1, E1> g1, Graph<V2, E2> g2, boolean induced) Get an iterator over all the sub graph isomorphism mappings between two graphs, optionally induced.<V1,
E1, V2, E2>
Iterator<IsomorphismMapping<V1, E1, V2, E2>> IsomorphismTester.isomorphicMappingsIter
(Graph<V1, E1> g1, Graph<V2, E2> g2, boolean induced, BiPredicate<? super V1, ? super V2> vertexMatcher, BiPredicate<? super E1, ? super E2> edgeMatcher) Get an iterator over all the sub graph isomorphism mappings between two graphs, optionally induced, with vertex and/or edge matchers.<V1,
E1, V2, E2>
Iterator<IsomorphismMapping<V1, E1, V2, E2>> IsomorphismTesterAbstract.isomorphicMappingsIter
(Graph<V1, E1> g1, Graph<V2, E2> g2, boolean induced, BiPredicate<? super V1, ? super V2> vertexMatcher, BiPredicate<? super E1, ? super E2> edgeMatcher) -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.match
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.match with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V,
E> Matching <V, E> MatchingAlgo.computeMaximumMatching
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the maximum weighted matching of a weighted undirected graph.<V,
E> Matching <V, E> MatchingAlgoAbstract.computeMaximumMatching
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) <V,
E> Matching <V, E> MatchingAlgo.computeMaximumPerfectMatching
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the maximum perfect matching of a weighted undirected graph.<V,
E> Matching <V, E> MatchingAlgoAbstract.computeMaximumPerfectMatching
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) <V,
E> Matching <V, E> MatchingAlgo.computeMinimumMatching
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the minimum weighted matching of a weighted undirected graph.<V,
E> Matching <V, E> MatchingAlgoAbstract.computeMinimumMatching
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) <V,
E> Matching <V, E> MatchingAlgo.computeMinimumPerfectMatching
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the minimum perfect matching of a weighted undirected graph.<V,
E> Matching <V, E> MatchingAlgoAbstract.computeMinimumPerfectMatching
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) static <V,
E> boolean Matching.isMatching
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<E> edges) Check whether the given collection of edges form a valid matching in the graph. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.shortestpath
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.shortestpath that return GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionShortestPathSingleSource.Result.graph()
Get the graph on which the shortest paths were computed on.ShortestPathSingleSource.Result.shortestPathTree()
Get the shortest path tree.ShortestPathSingleSource.Result.shortestPathTree
(boolean directed) Get the shortest path tree, optionally directed or undirected.Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.shortestpath with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSimplePathsEnumerator.allSimplePaths
(Graph<V, E> g, V source, V target) Find all the simple paths between a source and a target vertices in the given graph.<V,
E> ShortestPathAllPairs.Result <V, E> ShortestPathAllPairs.computeAllShortestPaths
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the shortest path between each pair of vertices in a graph.<V,
E> ShortestPathAllPairs.Result <V, E> ShortestPathAllPairsAbstract.computeAllShortestPaths
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) KShortestPathsSt.computeKShortestPaths
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source, V target, int k) Compute the K shortest paths from a source vertex to a target vertex.KShortestPathsStAbstract.computeKShortestPaths
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source, V target, int k) <V,
E> Path <V, E> ShortestPathHeuristicSt.computeShortestPath
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source, V target, ToDoubleFunction<V> vHeuristic) Compute the shortest path between two vertices in a graph.<V,
E> Path <V, E> ShortestPathHeuristicStAbstract.computeShortestPath
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source, V target, ToDoubleFunction<V> vHeuristic) default <V,
E> Path <V, E> ShortestPathSt.computeShortestPath
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source, V target) Compute the shortest path from a source vertex to a target vertex.<V,
E> ObjectDoublePair <Path<V, E>> ShortestPathSt.computeShortestPathAndWeight
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source, V target) Compute the shortest path from a source vertex to a target vertex, and its weight.<V,
E> ObjectDoublePair <Path<V, E>> ShortestPathStAbstract.computeShortestPathAndWeight
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source, V target) <V,
E> ShortestPathSingleSource.Result <V, E> ShortestPathSingleSource.computeShortestPaths
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source) Compute the shortest paths from a source to any other vertex in a graph.<V,
E> ShortestPathSingleSource.Result <V, E> ShortestPathSingleSourceAbstract.computeShortestPaths
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V source) Tsp.computeShortestTour
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the shortest tour that visit all vertices.TspAbstract.computeShortestTour
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) <V,
E> ShortestPathAllPairs.Result <V, E> ShortestPathAllPairs.computeSubsetShortestPaths
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> verticesSubset, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the shortest path between each pair of vertices in a given subset of the vertices of the graph.<V,
E> ShortestPathAllPairs.Result <V, E> ShortestPathAllPairsAbstract.computeSubsetShortestPaths
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> verticesSubset, WeightFunction<E> w) <V,
E> VoronoiAlgo.Result <V, E> VoronoiAlgo.computeVoronoiCells
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> sites, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the Voronoi cells of a graph with respect to a set of sites and an edge weight function.<V,
E> VoronoiAlgo.Result <V, E> VoronoiAlgoAbstract.computeVoronoiCells
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> sites, WeightFunction<E> w) <V,
E> Path <V, E> Get the negative cycle that was found in the graph in type generic safe way.SimplePathsEnumerator.simplePathsIter
(Graph<V, E> g, V source, V target) Iterate over all the simple paths between a source and a target vertices in the given graph.SimplePathsEnumeratorAbstract.simplePathsIter
(Graph<V, E> g, V source, V target) Constructors in com.jgalgo.alg.shortestpath with parameters of type GraphModifierConstructorDescriptionNegativeCycleException
(Graph<V, E> graph, Path<V, E> cycle) Create a new instance of the exception. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.span
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.span with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V,
E> MinimumSpanningTree.Result <V, E> MinimumDirectedSpanningTree.computeMinimumDirectedSpanningTree
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V root) Compute a minimum directed spanning tree (MDST) in a directed graph, rooted at the given vertex.<V,
E> MinimumSpanningTree.Result <V, E> MinimumDirectedSpanningTreeAbstract.computeMinimumDirectedSpanningTree
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, V root) <V,
E> MinimumSpanningTree.Result <V, E> MinimumSpanningTree.computeMinimumSpanningTree
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) Compute the minimum spanning tree (MST) of a given graph.<V,
E> MinimumSpanningTree.Result <V, E> MinimumSpanningTreeAbstract.computeMinimumSpanningTree
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w) <V,
E> SteinerTreeAlgo.Result <V, E> SteinerTreeAlgo.computeSteinerTree
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, Collection<V> terminals) Compute the minimum Steiner tree of a given graph.<V,
E> SteinerTreeAlgo.Result <V, E> SteinerTreeAlgoAbstract.computeSteinerTree
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, Collection<V> terminals) static <V,
E> boolean MinimumSpanningTree.isSpanningForest
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<E> edges) Check whether a given set of edges is a spanning forest of a given graph.static <V,
E> boolean MinimumSpanningTree.isSpanningTree
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<E> edges) Check whether a given set of edges is a spanning tree of a given graph.static <V,
E> boolean SteinerTreeAlgo.isSteinerTree
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> terminals, Collection<E> edges) Check whether a given set of edges is a valid Steiner tree for a given graph and terminals. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.traversal
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.traversal that return GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Create a tree from all the vertices and edges traversed by a bread first search.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Create a tree from all the vertices and edges traversed by a bread first search, optionally directed or undirected.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Create a tree from all the vertices and edges traversed by a depth first search.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Create a tree from all the vertices and edges traversed by a depth first search, optionally directed or undirected.Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.traversal with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCompute all the layers of the vertices in a graph.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Create a tree from all the vertices and edges traversed by a bread first search.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Create a tree from all the vertices and edges traversed by a bread first search, optionally directed or undirected.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Create a tree from all the vertices and edges traversed by a depth first search.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Create a tree from all the vertices and edges traversed by a depth first search, optionally directed or undirected.static <V,
E> BfsIter <V, E> BfsIter.newInstance
(Graph<V, E> g, V source) Create a BFS iterator.static <V,
E> DfsIter <V, E> DfsIter.newInstance
(Graph<V, E> g, V source) Create a DFS iterator.static <V,
E> RandomWalkIter <V, E> RandomWalkIter.newInstance
(Graph<V, E> g, V source) Create a new random walk iterator.static <V,
E> RandomWalkIter <V, E> RandomWalkIter.newInstance
(Graph<V, E> g, V source, WeightFunction<E> weights) Create a new weighted random walk iterator. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.alg.tree
Methods in com.jgalgo.alg.tree with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V,
E> TreePathMaxima.Result <V, E> TreePathMaxima.computeHeaviestEdgeInTreePaths
(Graph<V, E> tree, WeightFunction<E> w, TreePathMaxima.Queries<V, E> queries) Compute the heaviest edge in multiple tree paths.<V,
E> TreePathMaxima.Result <V, E> TreePathMaximaAbstract.computeHeaviestEdgeInTreePaths
(Graph<V, E> tree, WeightFunction<E> w, TreePathMaxima.Queries<V, E> queries) <V,
E> LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Result <V, E> LowestCommonAncestorOffline.findLowestCommonAncestors
(Graph<V, E> tree, V root, LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries<V, E> queries) Find the lowest common ancestors of the given queries.<V,
E> LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Result <V, E> LowestCommonAncestorOfflineAbstract.findLowestCommonAncestors
(Graph<V, E> tree, V root, LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries<V, E> queries) static <V,
E> boolean Check if a graph is a forest.static <V,
E> boolean Check if an undirected graph is a tree.static <V,
E> boolean Check if a graph is a tree rooted as some vertex.static <V,
E> LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries <V, E> LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries.newInstance
(Graph<V, E> g) Create an empty queries container.static <V,
E> TreePathMaxima.Queries <V, E> TreePathMaxima.Queries.newInstance
(Graph<V, E> g) Create an empty queries container.<V,
E> LowestCommonAncestorStatic.DataStructure <V, E> LowestCommonAncestorStatic.preProcessTree
(Graph<V, E> tree, V root) Perform a static pre processing of a tree for future LCA (Lowest common ancestor) queries.<V,
E> LowestCommonAncestorStatic.DataStructure <V, E> LowestCommonAncestorStaticAbstract.preProcessTree
(Graph<V, E> tree, V root) static <V,
E> boolean TreePathMaxima.verifyMst
(Graph<V, E> g, WeightFunction<E> w, Collection<E> mstEdges, TreePathMaxima tpmAlgo) Verify that the given edges actually form an MST of a graph. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.gen
Methods in com.jgalgo.gen that return GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <V,
E> Graph <V, E> EmptyGraphGenerator.emptyGraph
(Collection<? extends V> vertices) Generate a new empty undirected graph.GraphGenerator.generate()
Generates an immutable graph.GraphGenerator.generateMutable()
Generates a mutable graph.Methods in com.jgalgo.gen with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSet the input graph whose complement graph will be generated.Set the input graph whose line graph this generator should generate.Set the input graphs whose difference graph will be IntersectionGraphGenerator
<V, E> Set the input graphs whose intersection graph will be generated.Set the input graphs whose symmetric difference graph will be UnionGraphGenerator
<V, E> Set the input graphs whose union graph will be generated (variable arguments version).Method parameters in com.jgalgo.gen with type arguments of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIntersectionGraphGenerator.graphs
(Collection<? extends Graph<V, E>> graphs) Set the input graphs whose intersection graph will be generated.UnionGraphGenerator.graphs
(Collection<? extends Graph<V, E>> graphs) Set the input graphs whose union graph will be generated. -
Uses of Graph in com.jgalgo.graph
Subinterfaces of Graph in com.jgalgo.graphModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
A graph whose vertices and edges identifiers are indices.interface
A discrete graph withint
vertices and edges.Classes in com.jgalgo.graph that implement GraphMethods in com.jgalgo.graph that return GraphModifier and
Build a new immutable graph with the builder vertices and edges.GraphBuilder.buildMutable()
Build a new mutable graph with the builder vertices and edges.Graph.copy()
Create a copy of this graph, with the same vertices and edges, without copying weights.Graph.copy
(boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) Create a copy of this graph, with the same vertices and edges, with/without copying weights.Graph.immutableCopy()
Create an immutable copy of this graph, with the same vertices and edges, without copying weights.Graph.immutableCopy
(boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) Create an immutable copy of this graph, with the same vertices and edges, with/without copying weights.Graph.immutableView()
Get an immutable view of this graph.Create a copy of a given graph, with the same vertices and edges, without copying weights.Create a copy of a given graph, with the same vertices and edges, with/without copying weights.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Graph.newDirected()
Create a new directed empty graph.GraphFactory.newGraph()
Create a new empty graph.GraphFactory.newImmutableCopyOf
(Graph<V, E> g) Create a new immutable copy of a given graph, with the same vertices and edges, without copying weights.GraphFactory.newImmutableCopyOf
(Graph<V, E> g, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) Create a new immutable copy of a given graph, with the same vertices and edges, with/without copying weights.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Graph.newUndirected()
Create a new undirected empty graph.Graph.reverseView()
Get a reversed view of this graph.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Graphs.subGraph
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> vertices) Create a new graph that is an induced subgraph of the given graph.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Graphs.subGraph
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> vertices, Collection<E> edges) Create a new graph that is a subgraph of the given graph.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Graphs.subGraph
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> vertices, Collection<E> edges, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) Create a new graph that is a subgraph of the given graph, with option to copy weights.Graph.subGraphCopy
(Collection<V> vertices, Collection<E> edges) Create a new graph that is a subgraph of this graph.Graph.undirectedView()
Get an undirected view of this (directed) graph.Methods in com.jgalgo.graph with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <V,
E> EdgeSet <V, E> Create an edge set object of all the edges in a graph.static <V,
E> boolean Graphs.containsParallelEdges
(Graph<V, E> g) Check whether a graph contain parallel edges.static <E,
T, WeightsT extends Weights<E, T>>
(Graph<?, E> g, Class<? super T> type) Create an external edge weights container.static <E,
T, WeightsT extends Weights<E, T>>
(Graph<?, E> g, Class<? super T> type, T defVal) Create an external edge weights container with default values.static <V,
T, WeightsT extends Weights<V, T>>
(Graph<V, ?> g, Class<? super T> type) Create an external vertex weights container.static <V,
T, WeightsT extends Weights<V, T>>
(Graph<V, ?> g, Class<? super T> type, T defVal) Create an external vertex weights container with default values.static <V,
E> EdgeIter <V, E> IndexIdMaps.indexToIdEdgeIter
(Graph<V, E> g, IEdgeIter indexIter) static <V,
E> EdgeSet <V, E> IndexIdMaps.indexToIdEdgeSet
(IEdgeSet indexSet, Graph<V, E> g) Create an edge set of IDs from an edge set of indices.default GraphBuilder
<V, E> GraphFactory.newBuilderCopyOf
(Graph<V, E> g) Create a new graph builder with the factory parameters initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, without copying the weights.GraphFactory.newBuilderCopyOf
(Graph<V, E> g, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) Create a new graph builder with the factory parameters initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, with/without copying the weights.default IndexGraphBuilder
(Graph<Integer, Integer> g) Create a new graph builder with the factory parameters initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, without copying the weights.IndexGraphFactory.newBuilderCopyOf
(Graph<Integer, Integer> g, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) Create a new graph builder with the factory parameters initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, with/without copying the weights.default IntGraphBuilder
(Graph<Integer, Integer> g) IntGraphFactory.newBuilderCopyOf
(Graph<Integer, Integer> g, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) static <V,
E> GraphBuilder <V, E> Create a new builder initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, without copying the weights.static <V,
E> GraphBuilder <V, E> Create a new builder initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, with/without copying the weights.Create a copy of a given graph, with the same vertices and edges, without copying weights.Create a copy of a given graph, with the same vertices and edges, with/without copying weights.default IndexGraph
(Graph<Integer, Integer> g, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) static IntGraphBuilder
Create a new builder initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, without copying the weights.static IntGraphBuilder
(Graph<Integer, Integer> g, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) Create a new builder initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, with/without copying the weights.default IntGraph
(Graph<Integer, Integer> g, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) GraphFactory.newImmutableCopyOf
(Graph<V, E> g) Create a new immutable copy of a given graph, with the same vertices and edges, without copying weights.GraphFactory.newImmutableCopyOf
(Graph<V, E> g, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) Create a new immutable copy of a given graph, with the same vertices and edges, with/without copying weights.default IndexGraph
(Graph<Integer, Integer> g) IndexGraphFactory.newImmutableCopyOf
(Graph<Integer, Integer> g, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) default IntGraph
(Graph<Integer, Integer> g) IntGraphFactory.newImmutableCopyOf
(Graph<Integer, Integer> g, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) static <V,
E> EdgeSet <V, E> Create an edge set object from a plain set of edges.static <E> E
Get a random edge from the given graph.static <V> V
(Graph<V, ?> g, Random rand) Get a random vertex from the given graph.static <V,
E> Set <E> Get a view of all the self edges in a graph.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Graphs.subGraph
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> vertices) Create a new graph that is an induced subgraph of the given graph.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Graphs.subGraph
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> vertices, Collection<E> edges) Create a new graph that is a subgraph of the given graph.static <V,
E> Graph <V, E> Graphs.subGraph
(Graph<V, E> g, Collection<V> vertices, Collection<E> edges, boolean copyVerticesWeights, boolean copyEdgesWeights) Create a new graph that is a subgraph of the given graph, with option to copy weights. -
Uses of Graph in
Methods in that return GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRead a graph from a file.Read a graph from an I/O reader.Read a graph from a file, given a path to it.Methods in with parameters of type GraphModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault void
(Graph<V, E> graph, File file) Write a graph to a file.void
(Graph<V, E> graph, Writer writer) Write a graph to an I/O writer.default void
(Graph<V, E> graph, String path) Write a graph to a file, given its path.void
(Graph<Integer, Integer> graph, Writer writer) void
(Graph<V, E> graph, Writer writer) void
(Graph<Integer, Integer> graph, Writer writer)