Package com.jgalgo.alg.match
package com.jgalgo.alg.match
Algorithms for computing matchings in graphs, such as maximum/minimum weight matchings, maximum cardinality
matchings, perfect matchings, ect.
ClassDescriptionA matching in a
.Matching<V,E> A matching in a graph.Maximum/minimum matching algorithm.A builder forMatchingAlgo
objects.Abstract class for computing matchings in graphs.Abstract class for computing matching in graphs, based on a maximum matching solution.Abstract class for computing matching in graphs, based on a minimum matching solution.Abstract class for computing (only) cardinality matching in a graph.Hopcroft–Karp maximum unweighted matching algorithm for undirected bipartite graphs.Gabow's implementation of Endmond's algorithm for cardinality maximum matching in general graphs.Kuhn's Hungarian method for maximum weighted matching in bipartite graphs.Maximum weighted matching algorithm usingShortestPathSingleSource
for bipartite graphs.Blossom V implementation for maximum weighted matching.Edmonds' Blossom algorithm for Maximum weighted matching with Gabow's dynamic LCA data structure.Edmonds' Blossom algorithm for Maximum weighted matching with Gabow's implementation WITHOUT dynamic LCA data structure.