Package com.jgalgo.alg.flow
package com.jgalgo.alg.flow
Algorithms for solving flow problems in graphs, such as maximum flow, min cost flow, and circulation problems.
E> Flow on graph edges.Flow onIntGraph
edges.Calculate the maximum flow in a flow network.Abstract class for computing a maximum flow in a graph.Abstract class for computing a maximum flow in a graph without using a residual network.Abstract class for computing a maximum flow in a graph with a residual network.Dinic's algorithm for maximum flow.Dinic's algorithm for maximum flow using dynamic trees.The Edmonds-Karp algorithm for maximum flow.The push-relabel maximum flow algorithm with FIFO ordering.The push relabel algorithm for maximum flow using dynamic trees.Compute the minimum-cost (max) flow in a flow network.A builder forMinimumCostFlow
objects.Abstract class for computing minimum cost flow in a graph.Abstract class for computing a minimum cost flow in a graph, based on a source-sink solution.Abstract class for computing a minimum cost flow in a graph, based on a supply solution.Minimum-cost flow computation using the cost-scaling algorithm with partial-augmentations push-relabel variant.Compute the minimum-cost (max) flow in a flow network using cycle canceling.