Package com.jgalgo.adapt.guava
package com.jgalgo.adapt.guava
Adapters from Guava to JGalgo, and from JGalgo to Guava.
Classes that accept a JGAlgo Graph and implement other library graph interface
are called adapters. Classes that accept other library graph and implement the JGAlgo graph interface are
called wrappers. In Guava there are more than one graph interfaces, Graph
and Network
. These three interfaces are
immutable, and each of them has a mutable counterpart, MutableGraph
and MutableNetwork
. There is an
adapter from any of the above to JGAlgo. Wrappers are not implemented for basic graphs and value graphs, but only for
, see GuavaNetworkWrapper
E> An adapter from a JGAlgo graph to a Guava graph.An adapter from a JGAlgo graph to a mutable GUava graph.An adapter from a JGAlgo graph to a Guava network.GuavaMutableValueGraphAdapter<V,E, ValueT> An adapter from a JGAlgo graph to a mutable Guava value graph.GuavaNetworkAdapter<V,E> An adapter from a JGAlgo graph to a Guava network.GuavaNetworkWrapper<V,E> An adapter from Guava Network to JGAlgo Graph.GuavaValueGraphAdapter<V,E, ValueT> An adapter from a JGAlgo graph to a Guava value graph.