All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractGraph<V,E> |
Abstract implementation of Graph .
AlgorithmBuilderBase |
A base interface for all algorithm builders.
BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates a Barabási–Albert graph.
BfsDfsExample |
This example demonstrates how to use the BFS and DFS algorithms.
BfsIter<V,E> |
Bread first search (BFS) iterator.
BfsIter.Int |
BiConnectedComponentsAlgo |
An algorithm that compute the bi-connected components of a graph.
BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult |
BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result<V,E> |
BiConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for bi-connected components algorithms.
BiConnectedComponentsAlgoHopcroftTarjan |
Hopcroft-Tarjan algorithm for bi-connected components.
BipartiteGraphs |
Static class with functions for bipartite graphs.
ChinesePostman |
An algorithm for the chinese postman problem.
ChinesePostmanAbstract |
Abstract class for computing a shortest edge visitor circle in a graph.
ChinesePostmanImpl |
An algorithm for the chinese postman problem using minimum weighted perfect matching and Eulerian tour.
ClosuresEnumerator |
An algorithm that enumerate all the closure subsets in a directed graph.
ClosuresEnumeratorAbstract |
Abstract class for enumerating over all the closure subsets in a directed graph.
ClosuresEnumeratorSchrageBaker |
Schrage-Baker algorithm for enumerating all the closure subsets in a directed graph.
ColoringAlgo |
An algorithm that assign a color to each vertex in a graph such that the endpoints of each edge have different
ColoringAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for coloring algorithms.
ColoringDSatur |
The D-Satur coloring algorithm.
ColoringExample |
This example demonstrates how to use the coloring algorithm.
ColoringGreedy |
A greedy coloring algorithm with random vertices order.
ColoringRecursiveLargestFirst |
The Recursive Largest First coloring algorithm.
ComplementGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates the complement graph of a given graph.
CompleteBipartiteGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates a complete bipartite graph.
CompleteGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates a complete graph.
CoresAlgo |
Cores computing algorithm.
CoresAlgo.IResult |
The result of the cores computation for IntGraph .
CoresAlgo.Result<V,E> |
The result of the cores computation.
CoresAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for computing the cores of a graph.
CoresAlgoImpl |
Linear cores computing algorithm.
CyclesEnumerator |
An algorithm that enumerate all cycles in a graph.
CyclesEnumeratorAbstract |
Abstract class for enumerating all simple cycles in a graph.
CyclesEnumeratorJohnson |
Johnson's algorithm for finding all cycles in a directed graph.
CyclesEnumeratorTarjan |
Tarjan's algorithm for enumeration all cycles in a directed graph.
DfsIter<V,E> |
Depth first search (DFS) iterators static class.
DfsIter.Int |
DifferenceGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generate a graph that contains the edges that exist in one graph but not in the other.
Digraph6GraphReader |
Read a graph in 'digraph6' format.
Digraph6GraphWriter |
Write a graph in 'digraph6' format.
DimacsGraphReader |
Read a graph in 'DIMACS' format.
DimacsGraphWriter |
Write a graph in 'DIMACS' format.
DistanceMeasures<V,E> |
A set of graph distance measures.
DominatingSetAlgo |
An algorithm for computing a minimum dominating set.
DominatingSetAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for computing a minimum dominating set.
DominatingSetAlgoGreedy |
A greedy algorithm for computing a minimum dominating set.
EdgeCover |
Minimum edge vertex cover algorithm.
EdgeCoverAbstract |
Abstract class for computing a minimum edge cover.
EdgeCoverCardinality |
A simply algorithm for computing a minimum edge cover using a maximum matching algorithm.
EdgeCoverWeighted |
A simply algorithm for computing a minimum weighted edge cover using a minimum weighted perfect matching algorithm.
EdgeDirection |
The direction type of an edge with respect to a vertex.
EdgeIter<V,E> |
Iterator used to iterate over graph edges.
EdgeIterationExample |
This example demonstrates how to iterate over the edges of a graph.
EdgeSet<V,E> |
Set of graph edges.
EmptyGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generate a graph with no edges.
EulerianTourAlgo |
Eulerian tour calculation algorithm.
Flow<V,E> |
Flow on graph edges.
GexfGraphReader<V,E> |
Read a graph in 'GEXF' format.
GexfGraphWriter<V,E> |
Write a graph in 'GEXF' format.
GmlGraphReader<V,E> |
Read a graph in 'GML' format.
GmlGraphWriter<V,E> |
Write a graph in 'GML' format.
GnmBipartiteGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates a uniformly random bipartite graph among all graphs with \(n\) vertices and \(m\) edges.
GnmGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates a uniformly random graph among all graphs with \(n\) vertices and \(m\) edges.
GnpBipartiteGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates a random bipartite graph using the \(G(n_1,n_2,p)\) model in which every edge exists with probability
GnpGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates a random graph using the \(G(n,p)\) model in which every edge exists with probability \(p\).
Graph<V,E> |
A discrete graph with vertices and edges.
Graph6GraphReader |
Read a graph in 'graph6' format.
Graph6GraphWriter |
Write a graph in 'graph6' format.
GraphBuilder<V,E> |
GraphFactory<V,E> |
A factory for Graph objects.
GraphFactory.Hint |
Hints for a graph factory.
GraphGenerator<V,E> |
A generator of graphs.
GraphMlGraphReader<V,E> |
Read a graph in 'GraphML' format.
GraphMlGraphWriter<V,E> |
Write a graph in 'GraphML' format.
GraphReader<V,E> |
A reader that reads Graphs from files/IO-reader.
Graphs |
Static methods class for graphs.
GraphWriter<V,E> |
A writer that writes Graphs to files/IO-writer.
GuavaGraphAdapter<V,E> |
An adapter from a JGAlgo graph to a Guava graph.
GuavaMutableGraphAdapter<V,E> |
An adapter from a JGAlgo graph to a mutable GUava graph.
GuavaMutableNetworkAdapter<V,E> |
An adapter from a JGAlgo graph to a Guava network.
GuavaMutableValueGraphAdapter<V,E,ValueT> |
An adapter from a JGAlgo graph to a mutable Guava value graph.
GuavaNetworkAdapter<V,E> |
An adapter from a JGAlgo graph to a Guava network.
GuavaNetworkWrapper<V,E> |
An adapter from Guava Network to JGAlgo Graph.
GuavaValueGraphAdapter<V,E,ValueT> |
An adapter from a JGAlgo graph to a Guava value graph.
HamiltonianPathAlgo |
Hamiltonian path/cycle algorithm.
HamiltonianPathAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for computing Hamiltonian cycles/paths in graphs.
HamiltonianPathAlgoAbstractBasedCycle |
Abstract class for computing Hamiltonian cycles/paths in graphs, based on Hamiltonian cycle algo.
HamiltonianPathRubin |
Frank Rubin's algorithm for finding Hamiltonian paths in directed and undirected graphs.
IdBuilder<K> |
Builder for unique identifiers of vertices or edges in a graph.
IdBuilderInt |
Builder for unique identifiers of vertices or edges in an IntGraph .
IDistanceMeasures |
A set of graph distance measures for IntGraph .
IEdgeIter |
Iterator used to iterate over int graph edges.
IEdgeSet |
Set of int graph edges.
IFlow |
IMatching |
IndexGraph |
A graph whose vertices and edges identifiers are indices.
IndexGraphBuilder |
IndexGraphBuilder.ReIndexedGraph |
A result object of re-indexing and building a graph operation.
IndexGraphBuilder.ReIndexingMap |
A map of indices in range \([0, n)\) to indices in range \([0, n)\).
IndexGraphFactory |
IndexIdMap<K> |
IndexIdMaps |
IndexIntIdMap |
IndexRemoveListener |
A listener that will be notified when an IndexGraph remove a vertex or an edge.
IntersectionGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generate the intersection graph of two or more given graphs.
IntGraph |
A discrete graph with int vertices and edges.
IntGraphBuilder |
IntGraphFactory |
IPath |
A path of edges in an int graph.
IsomorphismIMapping |
A mapping between two graphs that preserves the structure of the graphs for IntGraph .
IsomorphismMapping<V1,E1,V2,E2> |
A mapping between two graphs that preserves the structure of the graphs.
IsomorphismTester |
Tester that check whether two graphs are isomorphic.
IsomorphismTesterAbstract |
Abstract class for computing isomorphism mapping between two graphs.
IsomorphismTesterVf2 |
Vf2 algorithm for testing isomorphism of two graphs.
IVertexBiPartition |
A partition of the vertices of an int graph into two blocks.
IVertexPartition |
A partition of the vertices of an int graph.
IWeightFunction |
Weight function that maps graph edges or vertices of IntGraph to weights.
IWeightFunctionInt |
Weight function that maps graph edges or vertices of IntGraph to integer weights.
IWeights<T> |
IWeightsBool |
IWeightsByte |
IWeightsChar |
IWeightsDouble |
IWeightsFloat |
IWeightsInt |
IWeightsLong |
IWeightsObj<T> |
IWeightsShort |
JGAlgoConfig |
A global configuration class.
JGraphTAdapter<V,E> |
An adapter from JGAlgo graph to JGraphT graph.
JGraphTWrapper<V,E> |
An adapter from JGraphT graph to JGAlgo graph.
KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgo |
An algorithm that compute the k-edge connected components of a graph.
KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for k-edge connected components algorithms.
KEdgeConnectedComponentsWang |
Wang's algorithm for computing the k-edge connected components of a graph.
KShortestPathsSt |
An algorithm for computing the K shortest paths between two vertices in a graph.
KShortestPathsStAbstract |
Abstract class for computing the k-shortest paths in graphs.
KShortestPathsStBasedPathsTree |
A base class for computing the k-shortest paths from a source vertex to a target vertex in a graph using the
compressed paths tree data structure.
KShortestPathsStHershbergerMaxelSuri |
Hershberger, Maxel and Suri algorithm for K shortest simple paths in directed graphs.
KShortestPathsStKatohIbarakiMine |
Katoh, Ibaraki and Mine algorithm for K shortest simple paths in undirected graphs.
KShortestPathsStYen |
Yen's algorithm for computing the K shortest paths between two vertices in a graph.
KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo |
Finds the k-vertex connected components of a graph.
KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for k-vertex connected components algorithms.
KVertexConnectedComponentsWhiteMoody |
White-Moody algorithm for finding k-vertex-connected components in an undirected graph.
LedaGraphReader |
Read a graph in 'LEDA' format.
LedaGraphWriter |
Write a graph in 'LEDA' format.
LineGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates the line graph given an existing graph.
LowestCommonAncestorDynamic |
Dynamic algorithm for Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) queries.
LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Vertex |
LowestCommonAncestorDynamicGabowInts |
Gabow linear dynamic LCA data structure with 32bit word operations.
LowestCommonAncestorDynamicGabowLongs |
Gabow linear dynamic LCA data structure with 64bit word operations.
LowestCommonAncestorDynamicGabowSimple |
Gabow implementation for dynamic LCA data structure with \(O(\log^2 n)\) amortized time for addLeaf()
LowestCommonAncestorExample |
This example demonstrates how to use the lowest common ancestor algorithm.
LowestCommonAncestorOffline |
An algorithm for computing the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two vertices in a tree, offline.
LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IQueries |
LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IResult |
LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries<V,E> |
LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Result<V,E> |
LowestCommonAncestorOfflineAbstract |
Abstract class for offline LCA computation.
LowestCommonAncestorOfflineUnionFind |
Offline LCA algorithm based on Union-Find data structure.
LowestCommonAncestorStatic |
Static Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) algorithm.
LowestCommonAncestorStatic.DataStructure<V,E> |
Data structure result created from a static LCA pre-processing.
LowestCommonAncestorStatic.IDataStructure |
Data structure result created from a static LCA pre-processing for IntGraph .
LowestCommonAncestorStaticAbstract |
Abstract class for static LCA data structures.
LowestCommonAncestorStaticRmq |
Static LCA implementation using RMQ.
Matching<V,E> |
A matching in a graph.
MatchingAlgo |
Maximum/minimum matching algorithm.
MatchingAlgo.Builder |
MatchingAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for computing matchings in graphs.
MatchingAlgoAbstractBasedMaximum |
Abstract class for computing matching in graphs, based on a maximum matching solution.
MatchingAlgoAbstractBasedMinimum |
Abstract class for computing matching in graphs, based on a minimum matching solution.
MatchingAlgoAbstractCardinality |
Abstract class for computing (only) cardinality matching in a graph.
MatchingCardinalityBipartiteHopcroftKarp |
Hopcroft–Karp maximum unweighted matching algorithm for undirected bipartite graphs.
MatchingCardinalityGabow1976 |
Gabow's implementation of Endmond's algorithm for cardinality maximum matching in general graphs.
MatchingWeightedBipartiteHungarianMethod |
Kuhn's Hungarian method for maximum weighted matching in bipartite graphs.
MatchingWeightedBipartiteSssp |
MatchingWeightedBlossomV |
Blossom V implementation for maximum weighted matching.
MatchingWeightedGabow1990 |
Edmonds' Blossom algorithm for Maximum weighted matching with Gabow's dynamic LCA data structure.
MatchingWeightedGabow1990Simpler |
Edmonds' Blossom algorithm for Maximum weighted matching with Gabow's implementation WITHOUT dynamic LCA data
MaximalCliquesEnumerator |
Algorithm for enumerating over all maximal cliques in a graph.
MaximalCliquesEnumeratorAbstract |
Abstract class for enumerating over all maximal cliques in a graph.
MaximalCliquesEnumeratorBronKerbosch |
The Bron-Kerbosch algorithm for Maximal cliques.
MaximalCliquesEnumeratorBronKerboschPivot |
The Bron-Kerbosch algorithm for Maximal cliques with the pivot heuristic.
MaximalIndependentSetsEnumerator |
Algorithm for enumerating over all maximal independent sets in a graph.
MaximalIndependentSetsEnumeratorAbstract |
Abstract class for enumerating over all maximal independent sets in a graph.
MaximalIndependentSetsEnumeratorComplementCliques |
Compute the maximal independent sets of a graph by computing the maximal cliques of the complement graph.
MaximumFlow |
Calculate the maximum flow in a flow network.
MaximumFlowAbstract |
Abstract class for computing a maximum flow in a graph.
MaximumFlowAbstractWithoutResidualNet |
Abstract class for computing a maximum flow in a graph without using a residual network.
MaximumFlowAbstractWithResidualNet |
Abstract class for computing a maximum flow in a graph with a residual network.
MaximumFlowDinic |
Dinic's algorithm for maximum flow.
MaximumFlowDinicDynamicTrees |
Dinic's algorithm for maximum flow using dynamic trees.
MaximumFlowEdmondsKarp |
The Edmonds-Karp algorithm for maximum flow.
MaximumFlowPushRelabel |
The push-relabel maximum flow algorithm with FIFO ordering.
MaximumFlowPushRelabelDynamicTrees |
The push relabel algorithm for maximum flow using dynamic trees.
MaximumMatchingExample |
This example demonstrates how to use the maximum matching algorithm.
MinimumCostFlow |
Compute the minimum-cost (max) flow in a flow network.
MinimumCostFlow.Builder |
MinimumCostFlowAbstract |
Abstract class for computing minimum cost flow in a graph.
MinimumCostFlowAbstractBasedSourceSink |
Abstract class for computing a minimum cost flow in a graph, based on a source-sink solution.
MinimumCostFlowAbstractBasedSupply |
Abstract class for computing a minimum cost flow in a graph, based on a supply solution.
MinimumCostFlowCostScaling |
Minimum-cost flow computation using the cost-scaling algorithm with partial-augmentations push-relabel variant.
MinimumCostFlowCycleCanceling |
Compute the minimum-cost (max) flow in a flow network using cycle canceling.
MinimumDirectedSpanningTree |
Minimum spanning tree algorithm for directed graphs.
MinimumDirectedSpanningTreeAbstract |
Abstract class for computing minimum spanning trees in directed graphs.
MinimumDirectedSpanningTreeTarjan |
Tarjan's minimum directed spanning tree algorithm.
MinimumEdgeCutAllSt |
Minimum Edge-Cut algorithm that finds all minimum edge-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices (source-sink,
MinimumEdgeCutAllStAbstract |
Abstract class for computing all minimum edge cuts between two terminal nodes.
MinimumEdgeCutAllStPicardQueyranne |
Picard-Queyranne algorithm for enumerating all the minimum edge cuts between two terminal nodes.
MinimumEdgeCutGlobal |
Global Minimum Edge-Cut algorithm without terminal vertices.
MinimumEdgeCutGlobalAbstract |
Abstract class for computing the global minimum edge cut in a graph.
MinimumEdgeCutGlobalStoerWagner |
Stoer-Wagner Algorithm for global minimum cut.
MinimumEdgeCutSt |
Minimum Edge-Cut algorithm with terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T).
MinimumEdgeCutStAbstract |
Abstract class for computing the minimum edge cut between two vertices in a graph.
MinimumMeanCycle |
Algorithm that find the cycle with the minimum mean weight.
MinimumMeanCycleAbstract |
Abstract class for computing the cycle with minimum mean weight in a graph.
MinimumMeanCycleDasdanGupta |
Dasdan and Gupta algorithm for minimum mean cycle.
MinimumMeanCycleHoward |
Howard's algorithm for minimum mean cycle detection.
MinimumSpanningTree |
Minimum spanning tree algorithm.
MinimumSpanningTree.IResult |
MinimumSpanningTree.Result<V,E> |
MinimumSpanningTreeAbstract |
Abstract class for computing a minimum spanning trees in undirected graphs.
MinimumSpanningTreeBoruvka |
Boruvka minimum spanning tree algorithm.
MinimumSpanningTreeExample |
This example demonstrates how to use the minimum spanning tree algorithm.
MinimumSpanningTreeFredmanTarjan |
Fredman and Tarjan’s minimum spanning tree algorithm.
MinimumSpanningTreeKargerKleinTarjan |
Karger, Klein and Tarjan randomized linear minimum spanning tree algorithm
MinimumSpanningTreeKruskal |
Kruskal's minimum spanning tree algorithm.
MinimumSpanningTreePrim |
Prim's minimum spanning tree algorithm.
MinimumSpanningTreeYao |
Yao's buckets minimum spanning tree algorithm.
MinimumVertexCutAllGlobal |
Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm that finds all minimum vertex-cuts in a graph (global vertex-cut).
MinimumVertexCutAllGlobalAbstract |
Abstract class for computing all global minimum vertex cuts in a graph.
MinimumVertexCutAllGlobalKanevsky |
Kanevsky algorithm for computing all minimum unweighted vertex cuts in a graph.
MinimumVertexCutAllSt |
Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm that finds all minimum vertex-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices
(source-sink, S-T).
MinimumVertexCutAllStAbstract |
Abstract class for computing all minimum vertex cuts between two vertices in a graph.
MinimumVertexCutAllStEdgeCut |
All Minimum Vertex-Cuts algorithm with terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T) using All Minimum Edge-Cuts algorithm.
MinimumVertexCutGlobal |
Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm without terminal vertices.
MinimumVertexCutGlobalAbstract |
Abstract class for computing the global minimum vertex cut in a graph.
MinimumVertexCutGlobalEsfahanianHakimi |
Esfahanian-Hakimi algorithm for computing a minimum unweighted vertex cut in a graph.
MinimumVertexCutSt |
Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm with terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T).
MinimumVertexCutStAbstract |
Abstract class for computing the minimum vertex cut between two vertices in a graph.
MinimumVertexCutStEdgeCut |
Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm with terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T) using Minimum Edge-Cut algorithm.
NegativeCycleException |
Exception thrown when a negative cycle is detected in a graph during a shortest path computation.
NoSuchEdgeException |
Exception thrown when an edge is not found in a graph.
NoSuchVertexException |
Exception thrown when a vertex is not found in a graph.
Path<V,E> |
A path of edges in a graph.
RandomizedAlgorithm |
Randomized algorithm interface.
RandomWalkIter<V,E> |
Random walk iterator.
RandomWalkIter.Int |
RecursiveMatrixGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates a random graph using the R-MAT model.
ShortestPathAllPairs |
An algorithm that compute all pairs shortest path (APSP) in a graph.
ShortestPathAllPairs.Builder |
ShortestPathAllPairs.IResult |
ShortestPathAllPairs.Result<V,E> |
ShortestPathAllPairsAbstract |
Abstract class for computing shortest path between all pairs in a graph.
ShortestPathAllPairsCardinality |
All pairs cardinality shortest path algorithm.
ShortestPathAllPairsFloydWarshall |
The Floyd Warshall algorithm for all pairs shortest path.
ShortestPathAllPairsJohnson |
Johnson's algorithm for all pairs shortest path.
ShortestPathAStar |
A* shortest path algorithm.
ShortestPathExample |
This example demonstrates how to use the single-source shortest path algorithm.
ShortestPathHeuristicSt |
Shortest path algorithm that uses a distance heuristic function.
ShortestPathHeuristicStAbstract |
Abstract class for computing shortest path between a source and a target with a heuristic.
ShortestPathSingleSource |
Single Source Shortest Path algorithm.
ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder |
ShortestPathSingleSource.IResult |
ShortestPathSingleSource.Result<V,E> |
ShortestPathSingleSourceAbstract |
Abstract class for computing shortest path from a single source in graphs.
ShortestPathSingleSourceBellmanFord |
Bellman–Ford algorithm for Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP) with negative weights in directed graphs.
ShortestPathSingleSourceCardinality |
Single Source Shortest Path for cardinality weight function.
ShortestPathSingleSourceDag |
Linear Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP) algorithm for directed acyclic graphs (DAG).
ShortestPathSingleSourceDial |
Dial's algorithm for Single Source Shortest Path for positive integer weights.
ShortestPathSingleSourceDijkstra |
Dijkstra's algorithm for Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP).
ShortestPathSingleSourceGoldberg |
Goldberg's SSSP algorithm for integer (positive and negative) weights on directed graphs.
ShortestPathSt |
An algorithm for computing the shortest path between two vertices in a graph.
ShortestPathStAbstract |
Abstract class for computing a single shortest path between a source and a target.
ShortestPathStBidirectionalBfs |
Compute the shortest path between a source and a target using bidirectional breadth-first search.
ShortestPathStBidirectionalDijkstra |
Compute the shortest path between a source and a target using bidirectional Dijkstra's algorithm.
SimplePathsEnumerator |
An algorithm that enumerate over simple paths between a source and a target.
SimplePathsEnumeratorAbstract |
Abstract class for enumerating all simple paths between a source and target vertices.
SimplePathsEnumeratorSedgewick |
Sedgewick's simple paths enumerator implementation.
Sparse6GraphReader |
Read a graph in 'sparse6' format.
Sparse6GraphWriter |
Write a graph in 'sparse6' format.
SteinerTreeAlgo |
An algorithm for the Steiner tree problem.
SteinerTreeAlgo.IResult |
SteinerTreeAlgo.Result<V,E> |
SteinerTreeAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for computing Steiner trees in graphs.
SteinerTreeMehlhorn |
Mehlhorn algorithm for Steiner tree approximation.
StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo |
Strongly Connected components algorithm.
StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for computing strongly connected components in a graph.
StronglyConnectedComponentsPathBasedDfs |
Path based DFS implementation of Dijkstra's strongly connected components algorithm.
StronglyConnectedComponentsTarjan |
Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm.
SymmetricDifferenceGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generate a graph that contains the edges that exist in one of two input graphs but not in both.
TopologicalOrderAlgo |
Algorithm that calculate a topological order of graph vertices.
TopologicalOrderAlgo.IResult |
TopologicalOrderAlgo.Result<V,E> |
TopologicalOrderAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for computing a topological order in a DAG graph.
TopologicalOrderAlgoImpl |
A simple algorithm that compute a topological order in a DAG graph.
TreePathMaxima |
Tree Path Maxima (TPM) algorithm.
TreePathMaxima.IQueries |
TreePathMaxima.IResult |
TreePathMaxima.Queries<V,E> |
TreePathMaxima.Result<V,E> |
TreePathMaximaAbstract |
Abstract class for TPM computations.
TreePathMaximaHagerup |
Hagerup's Tree Path Maxima (TPM) linear time algorithm.
Trees |
Static methods class for tree graphs.
Tsp |
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) algorithm.
TspAbstract |
Abstract class for computing the shortest tour that visit all vertices in a graph.
TspMetricMatchingAppx |
TSP \(3/2\)-approximation using maximum matching.
TspMetricMstAppx |
Metric TSP \(2\)-approximation using minimum spanning trees.
UniformTreeGenerator<V,E> |
Generate a uniform random tree.
UnionGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generate the union graph of two or more given graphs.
VertexBiPartition<V,E> |
A partition of the vertices of a graph into two blocks.
VertexCover |
Minimum weighted vertex cover algorithm.
VertexCoverAbstract |
Abstract class for computing a minimum vertex cover.
VertexCoverBarYehuda |
Bar Yehuda's vertex cover algorithm.
VertexPartition<V,E> |
A partition of the vertices of a graph.
VoronoiAlgo |
Voronoi cells algorithm.
VoronoiAlgo.IResult |
VoronoiAlgo.Result<V,E> |
VoronoiAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for computing the Voronoi cells in a graph given a set of site vertices.
VoronoiAlgoDijkstra |
Variant of Dijkstra algorithm that starts at multiple vertices and compute the Voronoi cells.
WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgo |
Weakly Connected components algorithm.
WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for computing weakly connected components in a graph.
WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgoImpl |
Simple implementation of the weakly connected components algorithm.
WeightFunction<K> |
Weight function that maps graph edges or vertices to weights.
WeightFunctionInt<K> |
Weight function that maps graph edges or vertices to integer weights.
WeightFunctions |
Weights<K,T> |
Weights of graph vertices or edges.
WeightsBool<K> |
Specific weights of boolean .
WeightsByte<K> |
Specific weights of byte .
WeightsChar<K> |
Specific weights of char .
WeightsDouble<K> |
Specific weights of double .
WeightsFloat<K> |
Specific weights of float .
WeightsInt<K> |
Specific weights of int .
WeightsLong<K> |
Specific weights of long .
WeightsObj<K,T> |
Specific weights of Object .
WeightsShort<K> |
Specific weights of short .