Class MatchingAlgoAbstractCardinality

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    MatchingCardinalityBipartiteHopcroftKarp, MatchingCardinalityGabow1976

    public abstract class MatchingAlgoAbstractCardinality
    extends MatchingAlgoAbstract
    Abstract class for computing (only) cardinality matching in a graph.

    The MatchingAlgo interface expose a large number of methods of different variants of the matching problem. This abstract class implements these methods by restricting the input weight function to be the cardinality weight function or null, and solving only a relatively simply maximum cardinality matching, computeMaximumCardinalityMatching(IndexGraph), which is left to the subclasses to implement.

    Barak Ugav
    • Constructor Detail

      • MatchingAlgoAbstractCardinality

        public MatchingAlgoAbstractCardinality()
        Default constructor.