Class ShortestPathStBidirectionalBfs

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ShortestPathStBidirectionalBfs
    extends ShortestPathStAbstract
    Compute the shortest path between a source and a target using bidirectional breadth-first search.

    The algorithm can be used with cardinality weight functions only, similar to ShortestPathSingleSourceCardinality. Different from the single source algorithm, this algorithm uses two BFS originated from the source and target vertices, instead of a single BFS. The algorithm terminate (roughly) when the two BFS trees meet. In practice, this algorithm can be much faster than the single source algorithm, especially for large graphs.

    Barak Ugav
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ShortestPathStBidirectionalBfs

        public ShortestPathStBidirectionalBfs()
        Create a algorithm for computing a shortest path between a source and a target with respect to a cardinality weight function.

        Please prefer using ShortestPathSt.newInstance() to get a default implementation for the ShortestPathSt interface.