Class MinimumCostFlowCycleCanceling
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Firstly, a maximum flow is computed using MaximumFlow
. Then, the residual graph is constructed from the max
flow (containing only non-saturated edges), and negative cycles (with respect to the cost function) are eliminated
from it repeatedly until no negative cycles remain.
The algorithm runs in \(O(CC) \cdot O(mCU)\), where \(O(CC)\) is the running time of the algorithm used to find a cycle in the residual graph, \(C\) is the maximum (absolute) edge cost and \(U\) is the maximum edge capacity.
Based on 'A Primal Method for Minimal Cost Flows with Applications to the Assignment and Transportation Problems' by M Klein (1966).
- Author:
- Barak Ugav
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.jgalgo.alg.flow.MinimumCostFlow
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionCreate a new minimum-cost flow algorithm object. -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class com.jgalgo.alg.flow.MinimumCostFlowAbstract
computeMinCostFlow, computeMinCostFlow, computeMinCostMaxFlow, computeMinCostMaxFlow, computeMinCostMaxFlow, computeMinCostMaxFlow
Constructor Details
public MinimumCostFlowCycleCanceling()Create a new minimum-cost flow algorithm object.Please prefer using
to get a default implementation for theMinimumCostFlow