Package com.jgalgo

Interface MatchingAlgorithm

  • public interface MatchingAlgorithm
    Maximum/minimum matching algorithm.

    Given a graph \(G=(V,E)\), a matching is a sub set of edges \(M\) such that any vertex in \(V\) has at most one adjacent edge in \(M\). A maximum cardinality matching is a matching with the maximum number of edges in \(M\). A maximum/minimum weighted matching is a matching with the maximum/minimum edges weight sum with respect to some weight function. A perfect maximum/minimum weighted matching is a matching with the maximum/minimum edges weight sum out of all the matchings in which each vertex has an adjacent matched edge. Note that the weight of a perfect maximum matching is smaller or equal to the weight of a maximum weight matching.

    Barak Ugav
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • computeMaximumCardinalityMatching

        Matching computeMaximumCardinalityMatching​(Graph g)
        Compute the maximum matching of unweighted undirected graph.
        g - an undirected graph
        the computed matching
        IllegalArgumentException - if g is a directed graph
      • computeMaximumWeightedMatching

        Matching computeMaximumWeightedMatching​(Graph g,
                                                WeightFunction w)
        Compute the maximum weighted matching of a weighted undirected graph.
        g - an undirected graph
        w - an edge weight function
        the computed matching
        IllegalArgumentException - if g is a directed graph
      • computeMinimumWeightedMatching

        Matching computeMinimumWeightedMatching​(Graph g,
                                                WeightFunction w)
        Compute the minimum weighted matching of a weighted undirected graph.
        g - an undirected graph
        w - an edge weight function
        the computed matching
        IllegalArgumentException - if g is a directed graph
      • computeMaximumWeightedPerfectMatching

        Matching computeMaximumWeightedPerfectMatching​(Graph g,
                                                       WeightFunction w)
        Compute the maximum perfect matching of a weighted undirected graph.

        A perfect matching in which each vertex has an adjacent matched edge is assumed to exist in the input graph, and if no such matching exist the behavior is undefined.

        g - an undirected graph
        w - an edge weight function
        the computed perfect matching
        IllegalArgumentException - if g is a directed graph
      • computeMinimumWeightedPerfectMatching

        Matching computeMinimumWeightedPerfectMatching​(Graph g,
                                                       WeightFunction w)
        Compute the minimum perfect matching of a weighted undirected graph.

        A perfect matching in which each vertex has an adjacent matched edge is assumed to exist in the input graph, and if no such matching exist the behavior is undefined.

        g - an undirected graph
        w - an edge weight function
        the computed perfect matching
        IllegalArgumentException - if g is a directed graph