Package com.jgalgo

Interface MatchingAlgorithm.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • build

        MatchingAlgorithm build()
        Create a new matching algorithm object.
        a new matching algorithm
      • setBipartite

        MatchingAlgorithm.Builder setBipartite​(boolean bipartite)
        Set whether the matching algorithms built by this builder should only support bipartite graphs.

        If the input graphs are known to be bipartite, simpler or more efficient algorithm may exists.

        bipartite - if true, the created matching algorithms will support bipartite graphs only
        this builder
      • setCardinality

        MatchingAlgorithm.Builder setCardinality​(boolean cardinality)
        Set whether the matching algorithms built by this builder should support only maximum cardinality matching.

        For cardinality weights, simpler or more efficient algorithm may exists.

        cardinality - if true, the created matching algorithms will support maximum cardinality matching only
        this builder