default ShortestPathAllPairs.Result |
ShortestPathAllPairs.computeAllCardinalityShortestPaths(Graph g) |
Compute the cardinality shortest path between each pair of vertices in a graph.
ShortestPathAllPairs.Result |
ShortestPathAllPairs.computeAllShortestPaths(Graph g,
WeightFunction w) |
Compute the shortest path between each pair of vertices in a graph.
BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result |
BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.computeBiConnectivityComponents(Graph g) |
Compute all maximal bi-connected components of a graph.
default ShortestPathSingleSource.Result |
ShortestPathSingleSource.computeCardinalityShortestPaths(Graph g,
int source) |
Compute the cardinality shortest paths from a source to any other vertex in a graph.
Coloring.Result |
Coloring.computeColoring(Graph g) |
Assign a color to each vertex of the given graph, resulting in a valid coloring.
ConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result |
ConnectedComponentsAlgo.computeConnectivityComponents(Graph g) |
Find all (strongly) connected components in a graph.
Path |
EulerianTourAlgo.computeEulerianTour(Graph g) |
Compute an Eulerian tour in the graph that visit all edges exactly once.
TreePathMaxima.Result |
TreePathMaxima.computeHeaviestEdgeInTreePaths(Graph tree,
WeightFunction w,
TreePathMaxima.Queries queries) |
Compute the heaviest edge in multiple tree paths.
Matching |
MaximumMatching.computeMaximumCardinalityMatching(Graph g) |
Compute the maximum matching of unweighted undirected graph.
double |
MaximumFlow.computeMaximumFlow(Graph g,
FlowNetwork net,
int source,
int sink) |
Calculate the maximum flow in a flow network.
Matching |
MaximumMatching.computeMaximumWeightedMatching(Graph g,
WeightFunction w) |
Compute the maximum weighted matching of a weighted undirected graph.
Matching |
MaximumMatching.computeMaximumWeightedPerfectMatching(Graph g,
WeightFunction w) |
Compute the maximum perfect matching of a weighted undirected graph.
Cut |
MinimumCutGlobal.computeMinimumCut(Graph g,
WeightFunction w) |
Compute the global minimum cut in a graph.
Cut |
MinimumCutST.computeMinimumCut(Graph g,
WeightFunction w,
int source,
int sink) |
Compute the minimum cut in a graph and a weight function with two terminal vertices.
MinimumSpanningTree.Result |
MinimumDirectedSpanningTree.computeMinimumDirectedSpanningTree(Graph g,
WeightFunction w,
int root) |
Compute a minimum directed spanning tree (MDST) in a directed graph, rooted at the given vertex.
Path |
MinimumMeanCycle.computeMinimumMeanCycle(Graph g,
WeightFunction w) |
Compute the minimum mean cycle in a graph.
MinimumSpanningTree.Result |
MinimumSpanningTree.computeMinimumSpanningTree(Graph g,
WeightFunction w) |
Compute the minimum spanning tree (MST) of a given graph.
VertexCover.Result |
VertexCover.computeMinimumVertexCover(Graph g,
WeightFunction w) |
Compute a minimum vertex cover of a graph with respect to a vertex weight function.
Path |
ShortestPathWithHeuristic.computeShortestPath(Graph g,
WeightFunction w,
int source,
int target,
IntToDoubleFunction vHeuristic) |
Compute the shortest path between two vertices in a graph.
ShortestPathSingleSource.Result |
ShortestPathSingleSource.computeShortestPaths(Graph g,
WeightFunction w,
int source) |
Compute the shortest paths from a source to any other vertex in a graph.
Path |
TSPMetric.computeShortestTour(Graph g,
WeightFunction w) |
Compute the shortest tour that visit all vertices.
TopologicalOrderAlgo.Result |
TopologicalOrderAlgo.computeTopologicalSorting(Graph g) |
Compute the topological order of a DAG vertices.
static FlowNetwork |
FlowNetwork.createAsEdgeWeight(Graph g) |
static FlowNetwork.Int |
FlowNetwork.Int.createAsEdgeWeight(Graph g) |
static <E,WeightsT extends Weights<E>> WeightsT |
Weights.createExternalEdgesWeights(Graph g,
Class<? super E> type) |
Create an external edge weights container.
static <E,WeightsT extends Weights<E>> WeightsT |
Weights.createExternalEdgesWeights(Graph g,
Class<? super E> type,
E defVal) |
Create an external edge weights container with default values.
static <E,WeightsT extends Weights<E>> WeightsT |
Weights.createExternalVerticesWeights(Graph g,
Class<? super E> type) |
Create an external vertex weights container.
static <E,WeightsT extends Weights<E>> WeightsT |
Weights.createExternalVerticesWeights(Graph g,
Class<? super E> type,
E defVal) |
Create an external vertex weights container with default values.
Iterator<Path> |
CyclesFinder.findAllCycles(Graph g) |
Find all cycles in the given graph.
static Path |
Path.findPath(Graph g,
int source,
int target) |
Find a valid path from \(u\) to \(v\).
static boolean |
Trees.isForest(Graph g) |
Check if a graph is a forest.
static boolean |
Trees.isTree(Graph g) |
Check if an undirected graph is a tree.
static boolean |
Trees.isTree(Graph g,
int root) |
Check if a graph is a tree rooted as some vertex.
static BFSIter |
BFSIter.newInstance(Graph g,
int source) |
Create a BFS iterator rooted at a single source vertex.
static DFSIter |
DFSIter.newInstance(Graph g,
int source) |
Create a DFS iterator rooted at some source vertex.
static BFSIter |
BFSIter.newInstanceBackward(Graph g,
int source) |
Create a backward BFS iterator rooted at a single source vertex.
LowestCommonAncestorStatic.DataStructure |
LowestCommonAncestorStatic.preProcessTree(Graph tree,
int root) |
Perform a static pre processing of a tree for future LCA (Lowest common ancestor) queries.
static boolean |
TreePathMaxima.verifyMST(Graph g,
WeightFunction w,
it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntCollection mstEdges,
TreePathMaxima tpmAlgo) |
Verify that the given edges actually form an MST of a graph.