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addEdge(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Add a new edge to the graph.
addEdge(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Add a new edge to the graph with user chosen ID.
addEdge(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
addEdgeSwapListener(IndexSwapListener) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Adds a listener that will be called each time a edge swap is performed.
addEdgesWeights(Object, Class<? super E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Add a new weights container associated with the edges of this graph.
addEdgesWeights(Object, Class<? super E>, E) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Add a new weights container associated with the edges of this graph with default value.
addHint(Graph.Builder.Hint) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph.Builder
Add a hint to this builder.
addHint(Graph.Builder.Hint) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph.Builder
Add a hint to this builder.
addLeaf(LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Node) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Add a new leaf node to the tree.
addQuery(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.TreePathMaxima.Queries
Add a query for the heaviest edge in a tree between two vertices.
addVertex() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Add a new vertex to the graph.
addVertex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Add a new vertex to the graph with user chosen ID.
addVertex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
addVertexSwapListener(IndexSwapListener) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Adds a listener that will be called each time a vertex swap is performed.
addVerticesWeights(Object, Class<? super V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Add a new weights container associated with the vertices of this graph.
addVerticesWeights(Object, Class<? super V>, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Add a new weights container associated with the vertices of this graph with default value.


BFSIter - Interface in com.jgalgo
Bread first search (BFS) iterator.
BiConnectedComponentsAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo
An algorithm that compute the bi-connected components of a graph.
BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for BiConnectedComponentsAlgo objects.
BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result - Interface in com.jgalgo
A result object of a BiConnectedComponentsAlgo computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for bi-connected components computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Coloring.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for coloring computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for connectivity components computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.CyclesFinder.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for cycles computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.EulerianTourAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for Eulerian tours computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph.Builder
Create a new empty graph.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph.Builder
Create a new empty index graph.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Builder
Create a new dynamic LCA algorithm.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorStatic.Builder
Create a new static LCA algorithm.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MaximumFlow.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for maximum flow computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MaximumMatching.Builder
Create a new maximum matching algorithm object.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumCutGlobal.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for global minimum cut computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumCutST.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum cut computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumDirectedSpanningTree.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum directed spanning tree computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumMeanCycle.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum mean cycle computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumSpanningTree.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum spanning tree computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathAllPairs.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for all pairs shortest paths computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for single source shortest path computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathWithHeuristic.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for shortest path with heuristic computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.TopologicalOrderAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for topological order computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.TreePathMaxima.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for tree path maxima computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.VertexCover.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum vertex cover computation.


CardinalityWeightFunction - Static variable in interface com.jgalgo.WeightFunction
A weight function that assign a weight of 1 to any element.
clear() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Clear the graph completely by removing all vertices and edges.
clear() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Clear the data structure by removing all nodes in the tree.
clear() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.TreePathMaxima.Queries
Clear the container from all existing queries.
clearEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Remove all the edges from the graph.
Coloring - Interface in com.jgalgo
An algorithm that assign a color to each vertex in a graph while avoiding identical color for any pair of adjacent vertices.
Coloring.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for Coloring objects.
Coloring.Result - Interface in com.jgalgo
A coloring result containing a color for each vertex.
colorOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Coloring.Result
Get the color assigned to a vertex.
colorsNum() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Coloring.Result
The total number of different colors used in the coloring.
com.jgalgo - package com.jgalgo
compare(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.WeightFunction
Compare two elements by their weights.
compare(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.WeightFunction.Int
computeAllCardinalityShortestPaths(Graph) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathAllPairs
Compute the cardinality shortest path between each pair of vertices in a graph.
computeAllShortestPaths(Graph, WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathAllPairs
Compute the shortest path between each pair of vertices in a graph.
computeBiConnectivityComponents(Graph) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo
Compute all maximal bi-connected components of a graph.
computeCardinalityShortestPaths(Graph, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource
Compute the cardinality shortest paths from a source to any other vertex in a graph.
computeColoring(Graph) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Coloring
Assign a color to each vertex of the given graph, resulting in a valid coloring.
computeConnectivityComponents(Graph) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ConnectedComponentsAlgo
Find all (strongly) connected components in a graph.
computeEulerianTour(Graph) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.EulerianTourAlgo
Compute an Eulerian tour in the graph that visit all edges exactly once.
computeHeaviestEdgeInTreePaths(Graph, WeightFunction, TreePathMaxima.Queries) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.TreePathMaxima
Compute the heaviest edge in multiple tree paths.
computeMaximumCardinalityMatching(Graph) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MaximumMatching
Compute the maximum matching of unweighted undirected graph.
computeMaximumFlow(Graph, FlowNetwork, int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MaximumFlow
Calculate the maximum flow in a flow network.
computeMaximumWeightedMatching(Graph, WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MaximumMatching
Compute the maximum weighted matching of a weighted undirected graph.
computeMaximumWeightedPerfectMatching(Graph, WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MaximumMatching
Compute the maximum perfect matching of a weighted undirected graph.
computeMinimumCut(Graph, WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumCutGlobal
Compute the global minimum cut in a graph.
computeMinimumCut(Graph, WeightFunction, int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumCutST
Compute the minimum cut in a graph and a weight function with two terminal vertices.
computeMinimumDirectedSpanningTree(Graph, WeightFunction, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumDirectedSpanningTree
Compute a minimum directed spanning tree (MDST) in a directed graph, rooted at the given vertex.
computeMinimumMeanCycle(Graph, WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumMeanCycle
Compute the minimum mean cycle in a graph.
computeMinimumSpanningTree(Graph, WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumSpanningTree
Compute the minimum spanning tree (MST) of a given graph.
computeMinimumVertexCover(Graph, WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.VertexCover
Compute a minimum vertex cover of a graph with respect to a vertex weight function.
computeShortestPath(Graph, WeightFunction, int, int, IntToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathWithHeuristic
Compute the shortest path between two vertices in a graph.
computeShortestPaths(Graph, WeightFunction, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource
Compute the shortest paths from a source to any other vertex in a graph.
computeShortestTour(Graph, WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.TSPMetric
Compute the shortest tour that visit all vertices.
computeTopologicalSorting(Graph) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.TopologicalOrderAlgo
Compute the topological order of a DAG vertices.
ConnectedComponentsAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo
Connectivity components algorithm.
ConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for ConnectedComponentsAlgo objects.
ConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result - Interface in com.jgalgo
Result object for connectivity components calculation.
containsEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Matching
Check whether an edge is part of the matching.
containsVertex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Cut
Check whether a vertex is in the cut.
copy() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Create a copy of this graph.
copy() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
createAsEdgeWeight(Graph) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork
Create a flow network by adding edge weights using Graph.addEdgesWeights(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Class<? super E>).
createAsEdgeWeight(Graph) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork.Int
Create an integer flow network by adding edge weights using Graph.addEdgesWeights(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Class<? super E>).
createExternalEdgesWeights(Graph, Class<? super E>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights
Create an external edge weights container.
createExternalEdgesWeights(Graph, Class<? super E>, E) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights
Create an external edge weights container with default values.
createExternalVerticesWeights(Graph, Class<? super E>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights
Create an external vertex weights container.
createExternalVerticesWeights(Graph, Class<? super E>, E) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights
Create an external vertex weights container with default values.
Cut - Interface in com.jgalgo
A cut that partition the vertices of a graph into two sets.
CyclesFinder - Interface in com.jgalgo
An algorithm that finds all cycles in a graph.
CyclesFinder.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for CyclesFinder objects.


DefaultBipartiteWeightKey - Static variable in interface com.jgalgo.Weights
The default vertices weight key of the bipartite property.
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Bool
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Byte
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Char
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Double
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Float
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Int
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Long
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Short
defaultWeightBool() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Bool
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeightByte() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Byte
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeightChar() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Char
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeightDouble() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Double
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeightFloat() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Float
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeightInt() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Int
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeightLong() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Long
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeightShort() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Short
Get the default weight of this weights container.
DFSIter - Interface in com.jgalgo
Depth first search (DFS) iterator.
directed() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.GraphCapabilities
Checks whether the graph is directed.
distance(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource.Result
Get the distance to a target vertex.
distance(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathAllPairs.Result
Get the distance of the shortest path between two vertices.


edgeEndpoint(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the other end-point of an edge.
edgeIter() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Path
Get an EdgeIter that iterate over the edges of the path.
EdgeIter - Interface in com.jgalgo
Iterator used to iterate over edges of a vertex.
edgePath() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.DFSIter
Get the path from the source to the last vertex returned by DFSIter.nextInt().
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Cut
Get the collection of all the edges that cross the cut.
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the set of all edges of the graph.
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Get the set of all edges of the graph.
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Matching
The collection of edges forming this matching.
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumSpanningTree.Result
Get all the edges that form the spanning tree.
EdgeSet - Interface in com.jgalgo
Set of graph edges.
edgeSource(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the source vertex of an edge.
edgeTarget(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the target vertex of an edge.
EmptyGraphDirected - Static variable in class com.jgalgo.Graphs
A directed graphs with no vertices and no edges
EmptyGraphUndirected - Static variable in class com.jgalgo.Graphs
An undirected graphs with no vertices and no edges
EulerianTourAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo
Eulerian tour calculation algorithm.
EulerianTourAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for EulerianTourAlgo objects.
expectedEdgesNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph.Builder
Set the expected number of edges that will exist in the graph.
expectedEdgesNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph.Builder
Set the expected number of edges that will exist in the graph.
expectedVerticesNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph.Builder
Set the expected number of vertices that will exist in the graph.
expectedVerticesNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph.Builder
Set the expected number of vertices that will exist in the graph.


FastEdgeLookup - com.jgalgo.Graph.Builder.Hint
The graph should support fast edge lookup via Graph.getEdge(int, int)
FastEdgeRemoval - com.jgalgo.Graph.Builder.Hint
The graph should support fast edge removal via Graph.removeEdge(int)
findAllCycles(Graph) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.CyclesFinder
Find all cycles in the given graph.
findLowestCommonAncestor(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorStatic.DataStructure
Find the lowest common ancestor of two vertices in the tree.
findLowestCommonAncestor(LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Node, LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Node) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes in the tree.
findPath(Graph, int, int) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.Path
Find a valid path from \(u\) to \(v\).
FlowNetwork - Interface in com.jgalgo
Flow on graph edges, with capacities and flows values.
FlowNetwork.Int - Interface in com.jgalgo
Flow on graph edges, with integer capacities and flows values.
foundNegativeCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathAllPairs.Result
Check whether a negative cycle was found.
foundNegativeCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource.Result
Check whether a negative cycle was found.


get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Bool
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Byte
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Char
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Double
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Float
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights
Get the weight associated with the given id.
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Int
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Long
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Short
getBiCcEdges(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get the edges contained in a single bi-connected component.
getBiCcVertices(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get the vertices contained in a single bi-connected component.
getBool(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Bool
Get the weight associated with the given id.
getByte(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Byte
Get the weight associated with the given id.
getCapabilities() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the capabilities of this graph.
getCapacity(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork
Get the capacity of an edge.
getCapacity(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork.Int
getCapacityInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork.Int
Get the integer capacity of an edge.
getCcEdges(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get all the edges that are part of a connectivity component.
getCcVertices(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get all the vertices that are part of a connectivity component.
getChar(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Char
Get the weight associated with the given id.
getDouble(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Double
Get the weight associated with the given id.
getEdge(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the edge whose source is source and target is target.
getEdges(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the edges whose source is source and target is target.
getEdgesWeights(Object) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the edges weights of some key.
getEdgesWeightsKeys() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the keys of all the associated edges weights.
getFloat(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Float
Get the weight associated with the given id.
getFlow(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork
Get the amount of flow units going along an edge.
getFlow(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork.Int
getFlowInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork.Int
Get the integer amount of flow units going along an edge.
getHeaviestEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.TreePathMaxima.Result
Get the heaviest edge found for a single query.
getInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Int
Get the weight associated with the given id.
getLong(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Long
Get the weight associated with the given id.
getNegativeCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathAllPairs.Result
Get the negative cycle that was found.
getNegativeCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource.Result
Get the negative cycle that was found.
getNodeData() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Node
Get the user data of this node.
getNumberOfBiCcs() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get the number of bi-connected components computed in the graph.
getNumberOfCcs() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get the number of connectivity components in the graph.
getParent() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Node
Get the parent node of this node.
getPath(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource.Result
Get shortest path to a target vertex.
getPath(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathAllPairs.Result
Get the shortest path between vertices.
getQuery(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.TreePathMaxima.Queries
Get a query by index.
getShort(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Short
Get the weight associated with the given id.
getVertexBiCcs(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get the bi-connected components a vertex is contained in.
getVertexCc(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get the connectivity component containing a vertex.
getVerticesWeights(Object) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the vertices weights of some key.
getVerticesWeightsKeys() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the keys of all the associated vertices weights.
Graph - Interface in com.jgalgo
A discrete graph with vertices and edges.
Graph.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for Graph objects.
Graph.Builder.Hint - Enum in com.jgalgo
Hints for a graph builder.
GraphCapabilities - Interface in com.jgalgo
Object specifying the capabilities of a graph implementation.
Graphs - Class in com.jgalgo
Static methods class for graphs.


hasNext() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.BFSIter
Check whether there is more vertices to iterate over.
hasNext() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.DFSIter
Check whether there is more vertices to iterate over.


idToIndex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexIdMap
Get the index of an element by its ID.
indexGraph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get an Index graph view of this graph.
IndexGraph - Interface in com.jgalgo
A graph whose vertices and edges identifiers are indices.
IndexGraph.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for IndexGraph objects.
indexGraphEdgesMap() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the index-id edges mapping of this graph.
indexGraphVerticesMap() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the index-id vertices mapping of this graph.
IndexIdMap - Interface in com.jgalgo
A mapping between Graph IDs to IndexGraph indices.
IndexSwapListener - Interface in com.jgalgo
A listener that will be notified when a IndexGraph chooses to swap two IDs (vertices/edges).
indexToId(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexIdMap
Get the ID of an element by its index.
inEdges(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the edges whose target is target.
initTree() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Initialize the tree the LCA will operate on and create a root node.
intIterator() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.EdgeSet
Return an edge iterator that iterate over the edges in this set
isCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Path
Check whether this path form a cycle.
isForest(Graph) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.Trees
Check if a graph is a forest.
isInCover(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.VertexCover.Result
Check whether a vertex is included in the cover.
isTree(Graph) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.Trees
Check if an undirected graph is a tree.
isTree(Graph, int) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.Trees
Check if a graph is a tree rooted as some vertex.
isVertexMatched(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Matching
Check whether a vertex is matched by the matching.
iterator() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.EdgeSet
Return an edge iterator that iterate over the edges in this set
iterator() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Path
Get an iterator that iterate over the edges of the path.


JGAlgoConfig - Class in com.jgalgo
A global configuration class.


lastEdge() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.BFSIter
Get the edge that led to the last vertex returned by BFSIter.nextInt().
layer() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.BFSIter
Get the layer of the last vertex returned by BFSIter.nextInt().
LowestCommonAncestorDynamic - Interface in com.jgalgo
Dynamic algorithm for Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) queries.
LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for LowestCommonAncestorDynamic objects.
LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Node - Interface in com.jgalgo
A tree node in an LowestCommonAncestorDynamic data structure.
LowestCommonAncestorStatic - Interface in com.jgalgo
Static Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) algorithm.
LowestCommonAncestorStatic.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for LowestCommonAncestorStatic objects.
LowestCommonAncestorStatic.DataStructure - Interface in com.jgalgo
Data structure result created from a static LCA pre-processing.


Matching - Interface in com.jgalgo
A matching in a graph.
MaximumFlow - Interface in com.jgalgo
Calculate the maximum flow in a flow network.
MaximumFlow.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for MaximumFlow objects.
MaximumMatching - Interface in com.jgalgo
Maximum matching algorithm.
MaximumMatching.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for MaximumMatching objects.
MinimumCutGlobal - Interface in com.jgalgo
Global Minimum Cut algorithm without terminal vertices.
MinimumCutGlobal.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for MinimumCutGlobal objects.
MinimumCutST - Interface in com.jgalgo
Minimum Cut algorithm with terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T).
MinimumCutST.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for MinimumCutST objects.
MinimumDirectedSpanningTree - Interface in com.jgalgo
Minimum spanning tree algorithm for directed graphs.
MinimumDirectedSpanningTree.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for MinimumDirectedSpanningTree objects.
MinimumMeanCycle - Interface in com.jgalgo
Algorithm that find the cycle with the minimum mean weight.
MinimumMeanCycle.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for MinimumMeanCycle objects.
MinimumSpanningTree - Interface in com.jgalgo
Minimum spanning tree algorithm.
MinimumSpanningTree.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for MinimumSpanningTree objects.
MinimumSpanningTree.Result - Interface in com.jgalgo
A result object for MinimumSpanningTree computation.


newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo
Create a new bi-connected components algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.Coloring
Create a new coloring algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.ConnectedComponentsAlgo
Create a new connectivity algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.CyclesFinder
Create a new cycles finder algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.EulerianTourAlgo
Create a new Eulerian tour algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Create a new dynamic LCA algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorStatic
Create a new static LCA algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.MaximumFlow
Create a new maximum flow algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.MaximumMatching
Create a new maximum matching algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumCutGlobal
Create a new global minimum cut algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumCutST
Create a new minimum cut algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumDirectedSpanningTree
Create a new minimum directed spanning tree algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumMeanCycle
Create a new minimum mean cycle algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumSpanningTree
Create a new minimum spanning tree algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathAllPairs
Create a new all pairs shortest paths algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource
Create a new single source shortest path algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathWithHeuristic
Create a new heuristic shortest path algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.TopologicalOrderAlgo
Create a new topological order algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.TreePathMaxima
Create a new tree path maxima algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.VertexCover
Create a new vertex cover algorithm builder.
newBuilderDirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Create a directed graph builder.
newBuilderDirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Create a directed index graph builder.
newBuilderUndirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Create an undirected graph builder.
newBuilderUndirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Create an undirected index graph builder.
newCompleteGraphDirected(int) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.Graphs
Create a new directed complete graph with a fixed number of vertices.
newCompleteGraphUndirected(int) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.Graphs
Create a new undirected complete graph with a fixed number of vertices.
newFromMaximumFlow(MaximumFlow) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumCutST
Create a new minimum cut algorithm using a maximum flow algorithm.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.TreePathMaxima.Queries
Create an empty queries container.
newInstance(Graph, int) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.BFSIter
Create a BFS iterator rooted at a single source vertex.
newInstance(Graph, int) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.DFSIter
Create a DFS iterator rooted at some source vertex.
newInstanceBackward(Graph, int) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.BFSIter
Create a backward BFS iterator rooted at a single source vertex.
nextInt() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.BFSIter
Advance the iterator and return a vertex that was not visited by the iterator yet.
nextInt() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.DFSIter
Advance the iterator and return a vertex that was not visited by the iterator yet.


outEdges(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the edges whose source is source.


parallelEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.GraphCapabilities
Checks whether parallel edges are supported.
Path - Interface in com.jgalgo
A path of edges in a graph.
preProcessTree(Graph, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorStatic
Perform a static pre processing of a tree for future LCA (Lowest common ancestor) queries.


removeEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Remove an edge from the graph.
removeEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Remove an edge from the graph.
removeEdgesOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Remove all the edges of a vertex.
removeEdgesOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Remove all the edges of a vertex.
removeEdgeSwapListener(IndexSwapListener) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Removes an edge swap listener.
removeEdgesWeights(Object) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Remove a weight type associated with the edges of the graph.
removeHint(Graph.Builder.Hint) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph.Builder
Remove a hint from this builder.
removeHint(Graph.Builder.Hint) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph.Builder
Remove a hint from this builder.
removeInEdgesOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Remove all edges whose target is target.
removeInEdgesOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Remove all edges whose target is target.
removeOutEdgesOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Remove all edges whose source is source.
removeOutEdgesOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Remove all edges whose source is source.
removeVertex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Remove a vertex and all its edges from the graph.
removeVertex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Remove a vertex and all its edges from the graph.
removeVertexSwapListener(IndexSwapListener) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Removes a vertex swap listener.
removeVerticesWeights(Object) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Remove a weight type associated with the vertices of the graph.
reverseEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Reverse an edge by switching its source and target.
reverseView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get a reversed view of this graph.
reverseView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph


selfEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.GraphCapabilities
Checks whether self edges are supported.
set(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Bool
Set the weight associated with the given id.
set(int, byte) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Byte
Set the weight associated with the given id.
set(int, char) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Char
Set the weight associated with the given id.
set(int, double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Double
Set the weight associated with the given id.
set(int, float) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Float
Set the weight associated with the given id.
set(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Int
Set the weight associated with the given id.
set(int, long) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Long
Set the weight associated with the given id.
set(int, short) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Short
Set the weight associated with the given id.
set(int, Boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Bool
set(int, Byte) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Byte
set(int, Character) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Char
set(int, Double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Double
set(int, Float) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Float
set(int, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Int
set(int, Long) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Long
set(int, Short) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Short
set(int, W) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights
Set the weight associated with the given id.
setBipartite(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MaximumMatching.Builder
Set whether the maximum matching algorithms built by this builder should support only bipartite graphs.
setCapacity(int, double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork.Int
setCapacity(int, double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork
Set the capacity of an edge.
setCapacity(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork.Int
Set the integer capacity of an edge.
setCardinality(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MaximumMatching.Builder
Set whether the maximum matching algorithms built by this builder should support only maximum cardinality matching.
setCardinality(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathAllPairs.Builder
Enable/disable the support for cardinality shortest paths only.
setCardinality(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder
Enable/disable the support for cardinality shortest paths only.
setDag(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder
Enable/disable the support for directed acyclic graphs (DAG) only.
setDirected(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph.Builder
Determine if graphs built by this builder should be directed or not.
setDirected(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph.Builder
Determine if graphs built by this builder should be directed or not.
setFlow(int, double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork.Int
setFlow(int, double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork
Set the amount of flow units going along an edge.
setFlow(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.FlowNetwork.Int
Set the integer amount of flow units going along an edge.
setIntWeights(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder
Enable/disable integer weights.
setMaxDistance(double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder
Set the maximum distance that should be supported.
setNegativeWeights(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder
Enable/disable the support for negative numbers.
setNodeData(Object) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Node
Set the user data of this node.
setParallelByDefault(boolean) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.JGAlgoConfig
Enable/disable default parallel computations in all algorithms.
ShortestPathAllPairs - Interface in com.jgalgo
An algorithm that compute all pairs shortest path (APSP) in a graph.
ShortestPathAllPairs.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for ShortestPathAllPairs objects.
ShortestPathAllPairs.Result - Interface in com.jgalgo
A result object for an ShortestPathAllPairs algorithm.
ShortestPathSingleSource - Interface in com.jgalgo
Single Source Shortest Path algorithm.
ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for ShortestPathSingleSource objects.
ShortestPathSingleSource.Result - Interface in com.jgalgo
A result object for the ShortestPathSingleSource problem.
ShortestPathWithHeuristic - Interface in com.jgalgo
Shortest path algorithm that uses a distance heuristic function.
ShortestPathWithHeuristic.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for ShortestPathWithHeuristic objects.
size() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Get the number of nodes in the tree.
size() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.TreePathMaxima.Queries
Get the number of queries in this container.
size() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.TreePathMaxima.Result
Get the number queries results this result object hold.
source() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.EdgeIter
Get the source vertex of the last returned edge.
source() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Path
Get the source vertex of the path.
swap(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexSwapListener
A callback that is called when idx1 and idx2 are swapped.


target() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.EdgeIter
Get the target vertex of the last returned edge.
target() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Path
Get the target vertex of the path.
TopologicalOrderAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo
Algorithm that calculate a topological order of graph vertices.
TopologicalOrderAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for TopologicalOrderAlgo objects.
TopologicalOrderAlgo.Result - Interface in com.jgalgo
A result object of a TopologicalOrderAlgo algorithm.
toVerticesList() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Path
Get the vertices forming this path.
TreePathMaxima - Interface in com.jgalgo
Tree Path Maxima (TPM) algorithm.
TreePathMaxima.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for TreePathMaxima objects.
TreePathMaxima.Queries - Interface in com.jgalgo
Queries container for TreePathMaxima computations.
TreePathMaxima.Result - Interface in com.jgalgo
A result object for TreePathMaxima algorithm.
Trees - Class in com.jgalgo
Static methods class for tree graphs.
TSPMetric - Interface in com.jgalgo
Metric Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) algorithm.
TSPMetricMatchingAppx - Class in com.jgalgo
TSP \(3/2\)-approximation using maximum matching.
TSPMetricMatchingAppx() - Constructor for class com.jgalgo.TSPMetricMatchingAppx
Create a new TSP \(3/2\)-approximation algorithm.
TSPMetricMSTAppx - Class in com.jgalgo
TSP \(2\)-approximation using MST.
TSPMetricMSTAppx() - Constructor for class com.jgalgo.TSPMetricMSTAppx
Create a new TSP \(2\)-approximation algorithm.


unmodifiableView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get an unmodifiable view of this graph.
unmodifiableView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.jgalgo.Graph.Builder.Hint
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.jgalgo.Graph.Builder.Hint
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyMST(Graph, WeightFunction, IntCollection, TreePathMaxima) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.TreePathMaxima
Verify that the given edges actually form an MST of a graph.
VertexCover - Interface in com.jgalgo
Minimum weighted vertex cover algorithm.
VertexCover.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo
A builder for VertexCover algorithms.
VertexCover.Result - Interface in com.jgalgo
A result object of VertexCover computation.
vertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Cut
Get the collection of all the vertices in the cut.
vertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Graph
Get the set of all vertices of the graph.
vertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.IndexGraph
Get the set of all vertices of the graph.
vertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.VertexCover.Result
Get the vertices which are included in the cover.
verticesIterator() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.TopologicalOrderAlgo.Result
Get an iterator that iterate over the vertices of the graph in the order computed by the TopologicalOrderAlgo.


weight(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.WeightFunction.Int
weight(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.WeightFunction
Get the weight of an element.
weight(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Double
Get the weight of an element.
weight(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Float
Get the weight of an element.
weight(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Long
Get the weight of an element.
weight(WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Cut
Get the weight of the cut with respect to the given weight function.
weight(WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Matching
Get the weight of the matching with respect to some weight function.
weight(WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.MinimumSpanningTree.Result
Get the MST weight with respect to a weight function
weight(WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Path
Get the weight of the path with respect to some weight function.
weight(WeightFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.VertexCover.Result
Get the weight of the cover with respect to a vertex weight function.
WeightFunction - Interface in com.jgalgo
Weight function that maps graph edges (or vertices) to weights.
WeightFunction.Int - Interface in com.jgalgo
Weight function that maps graph edges (or vertices) to integer weights.
weightInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.WeightFunction.Int
Get the integer weight of an element.
weightInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Byte
Get the integer weight of an element.
weightInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Int
Get the integer weight of an element.
weightInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.Weights.Short
Get the integer weight of an element.
Weights<W> - Interface in com.jgalgo
Weights of graph vertices or edges.
Weights.Bool - Interface in com.jgalgo
Specific weights of primitive type boolean.
Weights.Byte - Interface in com.jgalgo
Specific weights of primitive type byte.
Weights.Char - Interface in com.jgalgo
Specific weights of primitive type char.
Weights.Double - Interface in com.jgalgo
Specific weights of primitive type double.
Weights.Float - Interface in com.jgalgo
Specific weights of primitive type float.
Weights.Int - Interface in com.jgalgo
Specific weights of primitive type int.
Weights.Long - Interface in com.jgalgo
Specific weights of primitive type long.
Weights.Short - Interface in com.jgalgo
Specific weights of primitive type short.
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