Package com.jgalgo

Interface MaximumFlow

  • public interface MaximumFlow
    Calculate the maximum flow in a flow network.

    A maximum flow is firstly a valid flow, namely for each vertex except the source and sink the sum of flow units going along Graph.inEdges(int) must be equal to the sum of flow units going along Graph.outEdges(int). In addition, a maximum flow maximize the number of flow units originated at the source and reaching the sink, which is equivalent to the sum of flows going out(in) of the source(sink) subtracted by the sum of flows going in(out) to the source(sink).

     Graph g = ...;
     FlowNetwork net = FlowNetwork.createAsEdgeWeight(g);
     for (int e : g.edges())
      f.setCapacity(e, 1);
     int sourceVertex = ...;
     int targetVertex = ...;
     MaxFlow maxFlowAlg = MaximumFlow.newBuilder().build();
     double totalFlow = maxFlowAlg.computeMaximumFlow(g, net, sourceVertex, targetVertex);
     System.out.println("The maximum flow that can be pushed in the network is " + totalFlow);
     for (int e : g.edges()) {
     	double capacity = net.getCapacity(e);
     	double flow = net.getFlow(e);
     	System.out.println("flow on edge " + e + ": " + flow + "/" + capacity);
    Barak Ugav
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • computeMaximumFlow

        double computeMaximumFlow​(Graph g,
                                  FlowNetwork net,
                                  int source,
                                  int sink)
        Calculate the maximum flow in a flow network.

        The function will set the edges flow by FlowNetwork.setFlow(int, double).

        g - a graph
        net - network flow
        source - a source vertex
        sink - a sink vertex
        the maximum flow in the network from the source to the sink
        IllegalArgumentException - if the source and the sink are the same vertex
      • newBuilder

        static MaximumFlow.Builder newBuilder()
        Create a new maximum flow algorithm builder.

        This is the recommended way to instantiate a new MaximumFlow object.

        a new builder that can build MaximumFlow objects