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MatchingAlgoAbstract |
Abstract class for computing matchings in graphs.
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MatchingAlgoAbstractBasedMaximum |
Abstract class for computing matching in graphs, based on a maximum matching solution.
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MatchingAlgoAbstractBasedMinimum |
Abstract class for computing matching in graphs, based on a minimum matching solution.
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MatchingAlgoAbstractCardinality |
Abstract class for computing (only) cardinality matching in a graph.
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MatchingCardinalityBipartiteHopcroftKarp |
Hopcroft–Karp maximum unweighted matching algorithm for undirected bipartite graphs.
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MatchingCardinalityGabow1976 |
Gabow's implementation of Endmond's algorithm for cardinality maximum matching in general graphs.
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MatchingWeightedBipartiteHungarianMethod |
Kuhn's Hungarian method for maximum weighted matching in bipartite graphs.
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MatchingWeightedBipartiteSssp |
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MatchingWeightedBlossomV |
Blossom V implementation for maximum weighted matching.
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MatchingWeightedGabow1990 |
Edmonds' Blossom algorithm for Maximum weighted matching with Gabow's dynamic LCA data structure.
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MatchingWeightedGabow1990Simpler |
Edmonds' Blossom algorithm for Maximum weighted matching with Gabow's implementation WITHOUT dynamic LCA data