Class ColoringRecursiveLargestFirst
- All Implemented Interfaces:
The Recursive Largest First (RLF) coloring algorithm assign colors to vertices in the following way: identify a maximal independent set \(S\), assign to \(S\) a new color, repeat as long as there are uncolored vertices. The maximal independent set is chosen in a greedy fashion; the vertex with the maximum number of uncolored vertices is first added to \(S\), than vertices are added one after another by choosing the vertex with maximum number of neighbors adjacent to vertices in \(S\), until no more vertices can be added to \(S\) (all uncolored vertices are adjacent to vertices in \(S\)).
The algorithm runs in time \(O(n m)\).
Note that the result is an approximation for the minimum number of colors, as finding an optimal coloring is an NP-hard problem.
- Author:
- Barak Ugav
- See Also:
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class com.jgalgo.alg.color.ColoringAlgoAbstract
Constructor Details
public ColoringRecursiveLargestFirst()Create a new coloring algorithm object.Please prefer using
to get a default implementation for theColoringAlgo