Interface MinimumDirectedSpanningTree

  • public interface MinimumDirectedSpanningTree
    Minimum spanning tree algorithm for directed graphs.

    A spanning tree in directed graph is defined similarly to a spanning tree in undirected graph, but the 'spanning tree' does not yield a strongly connected graph, rather a tree in which all the vertices are reachable from the root. Note that differing from the undirected MinimumSpanningTree, the root is given as part of the input, and the result spanning tree will span only the vertices reachable from the root with a single tree, and not a forest.

    Use newInstance() to get a default implementation of this interface.

    Barak Ugav
    • Method Detail

      • computeMinimumDirectedSpanningTree

        <V,​E> MinimumSpanningTree.Result<V,​E> computeMinimumDirectedSpanningTree​(Graph<V,​E> g,
                                                                                             WeightFunction<E> w,
                                                                                             V root)
        Compute a minimum directed spanning tree (MDST) in a directed graph, rooted at the given vertex.

        Note that the returned spanning tree is a single tree that span only the vertices reachable from the root, and not a forest that span the whole graph.

        If g is an IntGraph, a MinimumSpanningTree.IResult object will be returned. In that case, its better to pass a IWeightFunction as w to avoid boxing/unboxing.

        Type Parameters:
        V - the vertices type
        E - the edges type
        g - a directed graph
        w - an edge weight function
        root - vertex in the graph the spanning tree will be rooted from
        all edges composing the spanning tree
        IllegalArgumentException - if g is not directed