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addEdge(int, int) - Method in class com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBaseWithEdgeEndpointsContainer
addEdge(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Add a new edge to the graph.
addEdge(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder
Add a new edge to the graph.
addEdge(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Add a new edge to the graph.
addEdge(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
Add a new edge to the graph.
addEdge(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
addEdge(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder
Add a new edge to the graph, with user-chosen identifier.
addEdge(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Add a new edge to the graph with user chosen ID.
addEdge(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
Add a new edge to the graph, with user-chosen identifier.
addEdge(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
addEdge(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
addEdge(V, V, E) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Add a new edge to the graph.
addEdge(V, V, E) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Add a new edge to the graph.
addEdgeRemoveListener(IndexRemoveListener) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Adds a listener that will be called each time a edge swap is performed.
addEdgesWeights(String, Class<? super T>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Add a new weights container associated with the edges of this graph.
addEdgesWeights(String, Class<? super T>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Add a new weights container associated with the edges of the built graph.
addEdgesWeights(String, Class<? super T>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Add a new weights container associated with the edges of this graph.
addEdgesWeights(String, Class<? super T>, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Add a new weights container associated with the edges of this graph with default value.
addEdgesWeights(String, Class<? super T>, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Add a new weights container associated with the edges of the built graph with default value.
addEdgesWeights(String, Class<? super T>, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Add a new weights container associated with the edges of this graph with default value.
addHint(GraphFactory.Hint) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Add a hint to this factory.
addHint(GraphFactory.Hint) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
addHint(GraphFactory.Hint) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
addLeaf(LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Vertex) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Add a new leaf vertex to the tree.
addQuery(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IQueries
Add a query for the lowest common ancestor of u and v.
addQuery(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.IQueries
Add a query for the heaviest edge in a tree between two vertices.
addQuery(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IQueries
addQuery(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.IQueries
addQuery(V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries
Add a query for the lowest common ancestor of u and v.
addQuery(V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.Queries
Add a query for the heaviest edge in a tree between two vertices.
addVertex() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Add a new vertex to the graph.
addVertex() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder
Add a new vertex to the graph.
addVertex() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Add a new vertex to the graph.
addVertex() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
Add a new vertex to the graph.
addVertex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
addVertex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder
addVertex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Add a new vertex to the graph with user chosen ID.
addVertex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
Add a new vertex to the graph, with user-chosen identifier.
addVertex(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
addVertex(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
addVertex(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Add a new vertex to the graph.
addVertex(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Add a new vertex to the graph.
addVertexRemoveListener(IndexRemoveListener) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Adds a listener that will be called each time a vertex remove or swap is performed.
addVerticesWeights(String, Class<? super T>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Add a new weights container associated with the vertices of this graph.
addVerticesWeights(String, Class<? super T>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Add a new weights container associated with the vertices of the built graph.
addVerticesWeights(String, Class<? super T>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Add a new weights container associated with the vertices of this graph.
addVerticesWeights(String, Class<? super T>, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Add a new weights container associated with the vertices of this graph with default value.
addVerticesWeights(String, Class<? super T>, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Add a new weights container associated with the vertices of built graph with default value.
addVerticesWeights(String, Class<? super T>, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Add a new weights container associated with the vertices of this graph with default value.
AlgorithmBuilderBase - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A base interface for all algorithm builders.
All - com.jgalgo.alg.EdgeDirection
The 'All' direction include all the edges with the vertex as the source or the target.
allClosures(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ClosuresEnumerator
Find all closures in the given graph.
allCycles(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CyclesEnumerator
Find all cycles in the given graph.
allMaximalCliques(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MaximalCliquesEnumerator
Finds all the maximal cliques in a graph.
allMinimumCuts(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutAllST
Compute all the minimum edge-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices.
allMinimumCuts(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutAllGlobal
Find all the minimum vertex-cuts in a graph.
allMinimumCuts(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<V>, V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutAllST
Compute all the minimum vertex-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices.
allowParallelEdges(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Determine if graphs built by this factory should be support parallel edges.
allowParallelEdges(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
allowParallelEdges(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
allowSelfEdges(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Determine if graphs built by this factory should be support self edges.
allowSelfEdges(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
allowSelfEdges(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
allSimplePaths(Graph<V, E>, V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.SimplePathsEnumerator
Find all the simple paths between a source and a target vertices in the given graph.
asIntGraphWeightFunc(WeightFunction<Integer>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunctions
Treat a given weight function as a weight function on a graph with integer vertices.


BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator<V,​E> - Class in com.jgalgo.gen
Generates a Barabási–Albert graph.
Bfs - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Bread first search (BFS) iterator.
Bfs.IntIter - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A BFS iterator for IntGraph.
Bfs.Iter<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A BFS iterator.
BfsDfsExample - Class in com.jgalgo.example
This example demonstrates how to use the BFS and DFS algorithms.
bfsExample() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.BfsDfsExample
This example demonstrates how to use the BFS algorithm.
BiConnectedComponentsAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm that compute the bi-connected components of a graph.
BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for BiConnectedComponentsAlgo objects.
BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object of a BiConnectedComponentsAlgo computation for IntGraph.
BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object of a BiConnectedComponentsAlgo computation.
BipartiteGraphs - Class in com.jgalgo.alg
Static class for bipartite graphs.
blockEdges(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
blockEdges(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Get all the edges that are contained in a block.
blocksGraph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
blocksGraph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Create a new graph representing the edges between the blocks.
blocksGraph(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
blocksGraph(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Create a new graph representing the edges between the blocks.
blockSite(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.IResult
blockSite(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.Result
Get the site vertex of a block.
blockSiteInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.IResult
Get the site vertex of a block.
blockSubGraph(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
blockSubGraph(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Create a new graph that contains only the vertices and edges that are contained in a block.
blockSubGraph(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
blockSubGraph(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Create a new graph that contains only the vertices and edges that are contained in a block with option to copy weights.
blockVertices(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
blockVertices(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Get all the vertices that are part of a block.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for bi-connected components computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ChinesePostman.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for chinese postman problem.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ClosuresEnumerator.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for closure enumeration.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ColoringAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for coloring computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo.Builder
Build a new CoresAlgo object.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CyclesEnumerator.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for cycles computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.DominatingSetAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum dominating set computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.EdgeCover.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum edge cover computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.EulerianTourAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for Eulerian tours computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for k-edge connected components computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KShortestPathsST.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for K shortest paths computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for k-connected components computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Builder
Create a new dynamic LCA algorithm.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for offline LCA computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorStatic.Builder
Create a new static LCA algorithm.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MatchingAlgo.Builder
Create a new matching algorithm object.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MaximalCliquesEnumerator.Builder
Build a new MaximalCliquesEnumerator object.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MaximumFlow.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for maximum flow computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumCostFlow.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum cost flow computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumDirectedSpanningTree.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum directed spanning tree computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutAllST.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum all edge-cuts computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutGlobal.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for global minimum edge-cut computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutST.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum edge-cut computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumMeanCycle.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum mean cycle computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumSpanningTree.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum spanning tree computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutAllGlobal.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for global minimum all vertex-cuts computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutAllST.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum all vertex-cuts computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutGlobal.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for global minimum vertex-cut computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutST.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum vertex-cut computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for all pairs shortest paths computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathHeuristicST.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for shortest path with heuristic computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for single source shortest path computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathST.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for S-T shortest path computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.SimplePathsEnumerator.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for simple paths computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.SteinerTreeAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for Steiner tree computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for strongly connected components computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TopologicalOrderAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for topological order computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for tree path maxima computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexCover.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for minimum vertex cover computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for Voronoi cells computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder
Create a new algorithm object for weakly connected components computation.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Build a new immutable graph with the builder vertices and edges.
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder
build() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
buildMutable() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Build a new mutable graph with the builder vertices and edges.
buildMutable() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder
buildMutable() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder


cardinalityWeightFunction() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunction
Get the cardinality weight function.
CardinalityWeightFunction - Static variable in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunction
A weight function that assign a weight of 1 to any element.
CardinalityWeightFunction - Static variable in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunction
A weight function that assign a weight of 1 to any element.
ChinesePostman - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm for the chinese postman problem.
ChinesePostman.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for ChinesePostman objects.
clear() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Clear the data structure by removing all vertices in the tree.
clear() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries
Clear the container from all existing queries.
clear() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.Queries
Clear the container from all existing queries.
clear() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Clear the graph completely by removing all vertices and edges.
clear() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Clear the builder by removing all vertices and edges added to it.
clear() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Clear the graph completely by removing all vertices and edges.
clearEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Remove all the edges from the graph.
clearEdges() - Method in class com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBaseWithEdgeEndpointsContainer
clearEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Remove all the edges from the graph.
ClosuresEnumerator - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm that enumerate all the closure subsets in a directed graph.
ClosuresEnumerator.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for ClosuresEnumerator objects.
closuresIter(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ClosuresEnumerator
Iterate over all closures in the given graph.
ColoringAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm that assign a color to each vertex in a graph while avoiding identical color for any pair of adjacent vertices.
ColoringAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for ColoringAlgo objects.
coloringExample() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.ColoringExample
This example demonstrates how to use the coloring algorithm.
ColoringExample - Class in com.jgalgo.example
This example demonstrates how to use the coloring algorithm.
com.jgalgo - package com.jgalgo
Parent package for all modules of the JGAlgo library.
com.jgalgo.alg - package com.jgalgo.alg
Algorithms for solving graph problems.
com.jgalgo.example - package com.jgalgo.example
Simple examples using the basics of com.jgalgo.graph and com.jgalgo.alg.
com.jgalgo.gen - package com.jgalgo.gen
Graph generators used to generate (possibly random) graphs with different distributions and structures.
com.jgalgo.graph - package com.jgalgo.graph
Graphs object are the fundamental building blocks of the JGAlgo library.
compare(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunction
Compare two elements by their weights.
compare(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunctionInt
compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunction
compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunctionInt
compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsByte
compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsDouble
compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsFloat
compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsInt
compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsLong
compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsShort
compare(K, K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunction
Compare two elements by their weights.
compare(K, K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunctionInt
CompleteGraphGenerator<V,​E> - Class in com.jgalgo.gen
Generates a complete graph.
componentsNum() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
The number of k-vertex connected components.
componentSubGraph(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult
componentSubGraph(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
The subgraph of the k-vertex connected component with the given index.
componentVertices(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult
componentVertices(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
The vertices of the k-vertex connected component with the given index.
computeAllShortestPaths(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs
Compute the shortest path between each pair of vertices in a graph.
computeColoring(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ColoringAlgo
Assign a color to each vertex of the given graph, resulting in a valid coloring.
computeCores(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo
Compute the cores of the graph with respect to both in and out degree of the vertices.
computeCores(Graph<V, E>, EdgeDirection) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo
Compute the cores of the graph with respect the given degree type.
computeEulerianTour(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.EulerianTourAlgo
Compute an Eulerian tour in the graph that visit all edges exactly once.
computeHeaviestEdgeInTreePaths(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, TreePathMaxima.Queries<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima
Compute the heaviest edge in multiple tree paths.
computeKEdgeConnectedComponents(Graph<V, E>, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgo
Compute the k-edge connected components of a graph.
computeKShortestPaths(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, V, V, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KShortestPathsST
Compute the K shortest paths from a source vertex to a target vertex.
computeMaximumFlow(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, Collection<V>, Collection<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MaximumFlow
Calculate the maximum flow in a network between a set of sources and a set of sinks.
computeMaximumFlow(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MaximumFlow
Calculate the maximum flow in a network between a source and a sink.
computeMaximumMatching(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MatchingAlgo
Compute the maximum weighted matching of a weighted undirected graph.
computeMaximumPerfectMatching(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MatchingAlgo
Compute the maximum perfect matching of a weighted undirected graph.
computeMinCostFlow(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, WeightFunction<E>, WeightFunction<E>, WeightFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumCostFlow
Compute the min-cost (not maximum!) flow in a network given a supply for each vertex and a lower bound for the edges flows.
computeMinCostFlow(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, WeightFunction<E>, WeightFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumCostFlow
Compute the min-cost (not maximum!) flow in a network given a supply for each vertex.
computeMinCostMaxFlow(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, WeightFunction<E>, WeightFunction<E>, Collection<V>, Collection<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumCostFlow
Compute the min-cost max-flow in a network between a set of sources and a set of sinks given a lower bound for the edges flows.
computeMinCostMaxFlow(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, WeightFunction<E>, WeightFunction<E>, V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumCostFlow
Compute the min-cost max-flow in a network between a source and a sink given a lower bound for the edges flows.
computeMinCostMaxFlow(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, WeightFunction<E>, Collection<V>, Collection<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumCostFlow
Compute the min-cost max-flow in a network between a set of sources and a set of sinks.
computeMinCostMaxFlow(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, WeightFunction<E>, V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumCostFlow
Compute the min-cost max-flow in a network between a source and a sink.
computeMinimumCut(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutGlobal
Compute the global minimum edge-cut in a graph.
computeMinimumCut(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, Collection<V>, Collection<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutST
Compute the minimum edge-cut in a graph between two sets of vertices.
computeMinimumCut(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutST
Compute the minimum edge-cut in a graph between two terminal vertices.
computeMinimumCut(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutGlobal
Compute the global minimum vertex-cut in a graph.
computeMinimumCut(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<V>, V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutST
Compute the minimum vertex-cut in a graph between two terminal vertices.
computeMinimumDirectedSpanningTree(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumDirectedSpanningTree
Compute a minimum directed spanning tree (MDST) in a directed graph, rooted at the given vertex.
computeMinimumDominationSet(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.DominatingSetAlgo
Compute a minimum dominating set of the graph with respect to the in-degree + out-degree of the vertices.
computeMinimumDominationSet(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<V>, EdgeDirection) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.DominatingSetAlgo
Compute a minimum dominating set of the graph with respect to the given edges direction.
computeMinimumEdgeCover(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.EdgeCover
Compute a minimum edge cover of a graph with respect to an edge weight function.
computeMinimumMatching(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MatchingAlgo
Compute the minimum weighted matching of a weighted undirected graph.
computeMinimumMeanCycle(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumMeanCycle
Compute the minimum mean cycle in a graph.
computeMinimumPerfectMatching(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MatchingAlgo
Compute the minimum perfect matching of a weighted undirected graph.
computeMinimumSpanningTree(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumSpanningTree
Compute the minimum spanning tree (MST) of a given graph.
computeMinimumVertexCover(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexCover
Compute a minimum vertex cover of a graph with respect to a vertex weight function.
computeShortestEdgeVisitorCircle(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ChinesePostman
Compute the shortest circuit that visits all edges in the graph at least once.
computeShortestPath(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathST
Compute the shortest path from a source vertex to a target vertex.
computeShortestPath(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, V, V, ToDoubleFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathHeuristicST
Compute the shortest path between two vertices in a graph.
computeShortestPath(IntGraph, IWeightFunction, int, int, IntToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathHeuristicST
Compute the shortest path between two vertices in an int graph.
computeShortestPaths(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource
Compute the shortest paths from a source to any other vertex in a graph.
computeShortestTour(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TspMetric
Compute the shortest tour that visit all vertices.
computeSteinerTree(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, Collection<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.SteinerTreeAlgo
Compute the minimum Steiner tree of a given graph.
computeSubsetShortestPaths(Graph<V, E>, Collection<V>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs
Compute the shortest path between each pair of vertices in a given subset of the vertices of the graph.
computeTopologicalSorting(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TopologicalOrderAlgo
Compute the topological order of a DAG vertices.
computeVoronoiCells(Graph<V, E>, Collection<V>, WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo
Compute the Voronoi cells of a graph with respect to a set of sites and an edge weight function.
containsEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IMatching
Check whether an edge is part of the matching.
containsEdge(E) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Matching
Check whether an edge is part of the matching.
containsEdge(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IMatching
containsParallelEdges(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.alg.GraphsUtils
Check whether a graph contain parallel edges.
containsSelfEdges(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.alg.GraphsUtils
Check whether a graph contain self edges.
copy() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Create a copy of this graph, with the same vertices and edges, without copying weights.
copy() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
copy() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
copy(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Create a copy of this graph, with the same vertices and edges, with/without copying weights.
copy(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
copy(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
coreCrust(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo.IResult
coreCrust(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo.Result
The vertices in the crust of the given core.
CoresAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Cores computing algorithm.
CoresAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for CoresAlgo objects.
CoresAlgo.IResult - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
The result of the cores computation for IntGraph.
CoresAlgo.Result<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
The result of the cores computation.
coreShell(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo.IResult
coreShell(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo.Result
The vertices in the shell of the given core.
coreVertices(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo.IResult
coreVertices(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo.Result
The vertices of the given core.
createExternalEdgesWeights(Graph<?, E>, Class<? super T>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Weights
Create an external edge weights container.
createExternalEdgesWeights(Graph<?, E>, Class<? super T>, T) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Weights
Create an external edge weights container with default values.
createExternalEdgesWeights(IntGraph, Class<? super T>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeights
Create an external edge weights container.
createExternalEdgesWeights(IntGraph, Class<? super T>, T) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeights
Create an external edge weights container with default values.
createExternalVerticesWeights(Graph<V, ?>, Class<? super T>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Weights
Create an external vertex weights container.
createExternalVerticesWeights(Graph<V, ?>, Class<? super T>, T) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Weights
Create an external vertex weights container with default values.
createExternalVerticesWeights(IntGraph, Class<? super T>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeights
Create an external vertex weights container.
createExternalVerticesWeights(IntGraph, Class<? super T>, T) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeights
Create an external vertex weights container with default values.
crossEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
crossEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexBiPartition
Get the edges that cross between the left and right blocks.
crossEdges(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
crossEdges(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Get all the edges that cross between two different blocks.
CyclesEnumerator - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm that enumerate all cycles in a graph.
CyclesEnumerator.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for CyclesEnumerator objects.
cyclesIter(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CyclesEnumerator
Iterate over all cycles in the given graph.


defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsBool
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsByte
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsChar
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsDouble
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsFloat
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsInt
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsLong
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsObj
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeight() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsShort
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeightAsObj() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Weights
Get the default weight of this weights container.
defaultWeightAsObj() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsBool
defaultWeightAsObj() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsByte
defaultWeightAsObj() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsChar
defaultWeightAsObj() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsDouble
defaultWeightAsObj() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsFloat
defaultWeightAsObj() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsInt
defaultWeightAsObj() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsLong
defaultWeightAsObj() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsObj
defaultWeightAsObj() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsShort
DenseGraph - com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory.Hint
The graph density (# of edges) will be high, a constant fraction of \(O(n^2)\).
Dfs - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Depth first search (DFS) iterator.
Dfs.IntIter - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A DFS iterator for IntGraph.
Dfs.Iter<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A DFS iterator.
dfsExample() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.BfsDfsExample
This example demonstrates how to use the DFS algorithm.
distance(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.IResult
Get the distance to a target vertex.
distance(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.IResult
Get the distance of a vertex from its site.
distance(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs.IResult
Get the distance of the shortest path between two vertices.
distance(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.IResult
distance(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.IResult
distance(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs.IResult
distance(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.Result
Get the distance to a target vertex.
distance(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.Result
Get the distance of a vertex from its site.
distance(V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs.Result
Get the distance of the shortest path between two vertices.
DominatingSetAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm for computing a minimum dominating set.
DominatingSetAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for DominatingSetAlgo algorithms.
dynamicLCAExample() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.LowestCommonAncestorExample
This example demonstrates how to use the dynamic lowest common ancestor algorithm.


EdgeCover - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Minimum edge vertex cover algorithm.
EdgeCover.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for EdgeCover algorithms.
EdgeDirection - Enum in com.jgalgo.alg
The direction type of an edge with respect to a vertex.
edgeEndpoint(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Get the other end-point of an edge.
edgeEndpoint(E, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the other end-point of an edge.
edgeEndpoint(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
edgeEndpoints() - Method in class com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBaseWithEdgeEndpointsContainer
edgeIter() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
edgeIter() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Path
Get an EdgeIter that iterate over the edges of the path.
EdgeIter<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Iterator used to iterate over graph edges.
edgeIterationExample() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.EdgeIterationExample
This example demonstrates how to iterate over the edges of a graph.
EdgeIterationExample - Class in com.jgalgo.example
This example demonstrates how to iterate over the edges of a graph.
edgePath() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Dfs.IntIter
edgePath() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Dfs.Iter
Get the path from the source to the last vertex returned by Dfs.Iter.next().
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IMatching
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Matching
The collection of edges forming this matching.
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumSpanningTree.IResult
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumSpanningTree.Result
Get all the edges that form the spanning tree.
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Path
Get the edges forming this path.
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.SteinerTreeAlgo.IResult
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.SteinerTreeAlgo.Result
Get all the edges that form the Steiner tree.
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the set of all edges of the graph.
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Get the set of edges that were added to the graph.
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Get the set of all edges of the graph.
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
edges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
EdgeSet<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Set of graph edges.
edgeSource(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Get the source vertex of an edge.
edgeSource(E) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the source vertex of an edge.
edgeSource(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
edgesReIndexing() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder.ReIndexedGraph
Get the re-indexing map of the edges.
edgeTarget(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Get the target vertex of an edge.
edgeTarget(E) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the target vertex of an edge.
edgeTarget(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
emptyGraph(Collection<V>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.gen.EmptyGraphGenerator
Generate a new empty undirected graph.
EmptyGraphGenerator<V,​E> - Class in com.jgalgo.gen
A generator of empty graphs.
EulerianTourAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Eulerian tour calculation algorithm.
EulerianTourAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for EulerianTourAlgo objects.
expectedEdgesNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Hint about the number of edges expected to be added to the builder.
expectedEdgesNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Set the expected number of edges that will exist in the graph.
expectedEdgesNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
expectedEdgesNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
expectedVerticesNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Hint about the number of vertices expected to be added to the builder.
expectedVerticesNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Set the expected number of vertices that will exist in the graph.
expectedVerticesNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
expectedVerticesNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory


FastEdgeLookup - com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory.Hint
The graph should support fast edge lookup via Graph.getEdge(Object, Object) and Graph.getEdges(Object, Object).
FastEdgeRemoval - com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory.Hint
The graph should support fast edge removal via Graph.removeEdge(Object).
findBiConnectedComponents(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo
Compute all maximal bi-connected components of a graph.
findKVertexConnectedComponents(Graph<V, E>, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo
Find all k-vertex connected components in a graph.
findLca(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorStatic.IDataStructure
Find the lowest common ancestor of two vertices in the tree.
findLca(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorStatic.IDataStructure
findLca(V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorStatic.DataStructure
Find the lowest common ancestor of two vertices in the tree.
findLCAs(Graph<V, E>, V, LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline
Find the lowest common ancestors of the given queries.
findLowestCommonAncestor(LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Vertex, LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Vertex) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Find the lowest common ancestor of two vertices in the tree.
findPartition(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.alg.BipartiteGraphs
Find a bipartite partition of the given graph (if one exists).
findPartition(Graph<V, E>, boolean) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.alg.BipartiteGraphs
Find a bipartite partition of the given graph (if one exists), and optionally add the partition as vertex weights.
findPath(Graph<V, E>, V, V) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Path
Find a valid path from \(u\) to \(v\).
findPath(IntGraph, int, int) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
Find a valid path from \(u\) to \(v\).
findStronglyConnectedComponents(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo
Find all strongly connected components in a graph.
findWeaklyConnectedComponents(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgo
Compute all weakly connected components in a graph.
Flow<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Flow on graph edges.
foundNegativeCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs.Result
Check whether a negative cycle was found.
foundNegativeCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.Result
Check whether a negative cycle was found.
fromMap(Graph<V, E>, Object2BooleanMap<V>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexBiPartition
Create a new vertex bi-partition from a vertex-side map.
fromMap(Graph<V, E>, Object2IntMap<V>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Create a new vertex partition from a vertex-blockIndex map.
fromMap(IntGraph, Int2BooleanMap) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
Create a new vertex bi-partition from a vertex-side map.
fromMap(IntGraph, Int2IntMap) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
Create a new vertex partition from a vertex-blockIndex map.
fromMapping(Graph<V, E>, Predicate<V>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexBiPartition
Create a new vertex bi-partition from a vertex-side mapping function.
fromMapping(Graph<V, E>, ToIntFunction<V>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Create a new vertex partition from a vertex-blockIndex mapping function.
fromMapping(IntGraph, IntPredicate) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
Create a new vertex bi-partition from a vertex-side mapping function.
fromMapping(IntGraph, IntUnaryOperator) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
Create a new vertex partition from a vertex-blockIndex mapping function.


generate() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.gen.GraphGenerator
Generates an immutable graph.
generateIntoBuilder() - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
generateIntoBuilder() - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.CompleteGraphGenerator
generateIntoBuilder() - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.EmptyGraphGenerator
generateIntoBuilder() - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.GnpGraphGenerator
generateIntoBuilder() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.gen.GraphGenerator
Generates a graph into a builder.
generateIntoBuilder() - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.RecursiveMatrixGraphGenerator
generateMutable() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.gen.GraphGenerator
Generates a mutable graph.
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsBool
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsByte
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsChar
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsDouble
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsFloat
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsInt
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsLong
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsObj
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsShort
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsBool
get(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsByte
get(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsChar
get(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsDouble
get(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsFloat
get(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsInt
get(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsLong
get(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsObj
get(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsShort
get(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsBool
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsByte
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsChar
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsDouble
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsFloat
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsInt
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsLong
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsObj
Get the weight associated with the given element.
get(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsShort
Get the weight associated with the given element.
getAsObj(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeights
Get the weight associated with the given id.
getAsObj(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsBool
getAsObj(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsByte
getAsObj(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsChar
getAsObj(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsDouble
getAsObj(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsFloat
getAsObj(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsInt
getAsObj(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsLong
getAsObj(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsObj
getAsObj(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsShort
getAsObj(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeights
getAsObj(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsBool
getAsObj(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsByte
getAsObj(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsChar
getAsObj(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsDouble
getAsObj(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsFloat
getAsObj(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsInt
getAsObj(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsLong
getAsObj(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsObj
getAsObj(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsShort
getAsObj(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Weights
Get the weight associated with the given element.
getAsObj(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsBool
getAsObj(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsByte
getAsObj(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsChar
getAsObj(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsDouble
getAsObj(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsFloat
getAsObj(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsInt
getAsObj(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsLong
getAsObj(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsObj
getAsObj(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsShort
getBiCcEdges(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult
getBiCcEdges(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get the edges contained in a single bi-connected component.
getBiCcVertices(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult
getBiCcVertices(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get the vertices contained in a single bi-connected component.
getBlockGraph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get the graph of the bi-connected components.
getCutVertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult
getCutVertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get all the cut vertices in the graph.
getData() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Vertex
Get the user data of this vertex.
getEdge(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Get the edge whose source is source and target is target.
getEdge(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
getEdge(V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the edge whose source is source and target is target.
getEdges(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Get the edges whose source is source and target is target.
getEdges(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
getEdges(V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the edges whose source is source and target is target.
getEdgesIWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Get the edges weights of some key.
getEdgesIWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
Get the edges weights of some key.
getEdgesWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the edges weights of some key.
getEdgesWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Get the edges weights of some key.
getEdgesWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
getEdgesWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
getEdgesWeightsKeys() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the keys of all the associated edges weights.
getEdgesWeightsKeys() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Get the keys of all the associated edges weights.
getExistingPartition(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.alg.BipartiteGraphs
Get the existing bipartite partition of the given graph (if one exists).
getFlow(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IFlow
Get the amount of flow units going along an edge.
getFlow(E) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Flow
Get the amount of flow units going along an edge.
getFlow(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IFlow
getHeaviestEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.IResult
getHeaviestEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.Result
Get the heaviest edge found for a single query.
getHeaviestEdgeInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.IResult
Get the heaviest edge found for a single query.
getLca(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IResult
getLca(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Result
Get the lowest common ancestor of the given query.
getLcaInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IResult
Get the lowest common ancestor of the given query.
getMatchedEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IMatching
Get the only matched edge adjacent to a given vertex.
getMatchedEdge(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IMatching
getMatchedEdge(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Matching
Get the only matched edge adjacent to a given vertex.
getNegativeCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs.IResult
getNegativeCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs.Result
Get the negative cycle that was found.
getNegativeCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.IResult
getNegativeCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.Result
Get the negative cycle that was found.
getNumberOfBiCcs() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get the number of bi-connected components computed in the graph.
getParent() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Vertex
Get the parent vertex of this vertex.
getPath(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.IResult
Get shortest path to a target vertex.
getPath(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.IResult
Get the shortest path of a vertex from its site.
getPath(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs.IResult
Get the shortest path between vertices.
getPath(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.IResult
getPath(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.IResult
getPath(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs.IResult
getPath(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.Result
Get shortest path to a target vertex.
getPath(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.Result
Get the shortest path of a vertex from its site.
getPath(V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs.Result
Get the shortest path between vertices.
getQuerySource(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IQueries
getQuerySource(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries
Get a query source by index.
getQuerySource(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.IQueries
getQuerySource(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.Queries
Get a query source by index.
getQuerySourceInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IQueries
Get a query source by index.
getQuerySourceInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.IQueries
Get a query source by index.
getQueryTarget(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IQueries
getQueryTarget(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries
Get a query target by index.
getQueryTarget(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.IQueries
getQueryTarget(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.Queries
Get a query target by index.
getQueryTargetInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IQueries
Get a query target by index.
getQueryTargetInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.IQueries
Get a query target by index.
getSupply(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IFlow
Get the sum of flow units going out of a vertex, minus the sum of flow units going into a vertex.
getSupply(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IFlow
getSupply(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Flow
Get the sum of flow units going out of a vertex, minus the sum of flow units going into a vertex.
getSupplySubset(Collection<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Flow
Get the sum of flow units going out of a set of vertices, minus the sum of flow units going into the set.
getTotalCost(WeightFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Flow
Get the total cost of the flow.
getVertexBiCcs(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult
Get the bi-connected components a vertex is contained in.
getVertexBiCcs(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult
getVertexBiCcs(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Get the bi-connected components a vertex is contained in.
getVerticesIWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Get the vertices weights of some key.
getVerticesIWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
Get the vertices weights of some key.
getVerticesWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the vertices weights of some key.
getVerticesWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Get the vertices weights of some key.
getVerticesWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
getVerticesWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
getVerticesWeightsKeys() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the keys of all the associated vertices weights.
getVerticesWeightsKeys() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Get the keys of all the associated vertices weights.
GnpGraphGenerator<V,​E> - Class in com.jgalgo.gen
Generates a random graph using the G(n,p) model.
graph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
graph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult
graph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
The graph on which the k-vertex connected components were found.
graph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Get the graph that the partition is defined on.
graph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder.ReIndexedGraph
Get the newly created re-indexed graph.
Graph<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A discrete graph with vertices and edges.
GraphBaseWithEdgeEndpointsContainer - Class in com.jgalgo.graph
GraphBuilder<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A builder for graphs.
GraphFactory<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A factory for Graph objects.
GraphFactory.Hint - Enum in com.jgalgo.graph
Hints for a graph factory.
GraphGenerator<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.gen
A generator of graphs.
Graphs - Class in com.jgalgo.graph
Static methods class for graphs.
GraphsUtils - Class in com.jgalgo.alg
Static methods class for graphs.


hasNext() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Bfs.Iter
Check whether there is more vertices to iterate over.
hasNext() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Dfs.Iter
Check whether there is more vertices to iterate over.


idToIndex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIntIdMap
Get the index of an element by its ID.
idToIndex(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIntIdMap
idToIndex(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMap
Get the index of an element by its identifier.
idToIndexCollection(Collection<K>, IndexIdMap<K>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an indices collection from a collection of IDs.
idToIndexIfExist(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIntIdMap
Get the index of an element by its identifier if it exists, or -1 if it doesn't.
idToIndexIfExist(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIntIdMap
idToIndexIfExist(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMap
Get the index of an element by its identifier if it exists, or -1 if it doesn't.
idToIndexIterator(Iterator<K>, IndexIdMap<K>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an indices iterator from an iterator of IDs.
idToIndexSet(Set<K>, IndexIdMap<K>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an indices set from a set of IDs.
idToIndexWeightFunc(WeightFunction<K>, IndexIdMap<K>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create a weight function that accept elements indices, given a weight function that accept elements IDs.
idToIndexWeightFunc(WeightFunctionInt<K>, IndexIdMap<K>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an integer weight function that accept elements indices, given a weight function that accept elements IDs.
idToIndexWeights(Weights<K, T>, IndexIdMap<K>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create a weights view that is accessed by the elements indices, given a weights container that is accessed by the element IDs.
IEdgeIter - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Iterator used to iterate over int graph edges.
IEdgeSet - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Set of int graph edges.
IFlow - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Flow on IntGraph edges.
IMatching - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A matching in a IntGraph.
immutableCopy() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Create an immutable copy of this graph, with the same vertices and edges, without copying weights.
immutableCopy() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
immutableCopy() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
immutableCopy(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Create an immutable copy of this graph, with the same vertices and edges, with/without copying weights.
immutableCopy(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
immutableCopy(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
immutableView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get an immutable view of this graph.
immutableView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
immutableView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
In - com.jgalgo.alg.EdgeDirection
The 'In' direction include all the edges with the vertex as the target, in case of a directed graph, or as the source or the target, in case of an undirected graph.
indexGraph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get an Index graph view of this graph.
indexGraph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
this function will always return the same graph, no reason to call it
IndexGraph - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A graph whose vertices and edges identifiers are indices.
IndexGraphBuilder - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A builder for Index graphs.
IndexGraphBuilder.ReIndexedGraph - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A result object of re-indexing and building a graph operation.
IndexGraphBuilder.ReIndexingMap - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A map of indices, mapping an original index to a re-indexed index.
indexGraphEdgesMap() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the index-id edges mapping of this graph.
indexGraphEdgesMap() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
this function will always return the identity mapping, no reason to call it
indexGraphEdgesMap() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
IndexGraphFactory - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A factory for Index graphs.
indexGraphVerticesMap() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the index-id vertices mapping of this graph.
indexGraphVerticesMap() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
this function will always return the identity mapping, no reason to call it
indexGraphVerticesMap() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
IndexIdMap<K> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A mapping between Graph IDs to IndexGraph indices.
IndexIdMaps - Class in com.jgalgo.graph
Static methods class for index-id maps.
IndexIntIdMap - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A mapping between IntGraph IDs to IndexGraph indices.
IndexRemoveListener - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A listener that will be notified when an IndexGraph remove a vertex or an edge.
indexToId(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMap
Get the identifier of an element by its index.
indexToId(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIntIdMap
indexToIdCollection(IntCollection, IndexIdMap<K>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an IDs collection from a collection of indices.
indexToIdCollection(IntCollection, IndexIntIdMap) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an int IDs collection from a collection of indices.
indexToIdEdgeIter(Graph<V, E>, IEdgeIter) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an IEdgeIter that return IDs of vertices and edges from an IEdgeIter that return indices of vertices and edges.
indexToIdEdgeIter(IntGraph, IEdgeIter) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an IEdgeIter that return IDs of vertices and edges from an IEdgeIter that return indices of vertices and edges.
indexToIdIfExist(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMap
Get the identifier of an element by its index if it exists, or null if it doesn't.
indexToIdIfExist(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIntIdMap
indexToIdIfExistInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIntIdMap
Get the identifier of an element by its index if it exists, or -1 if it doesn't.
indexToIdInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIntIdMap
Get the ID of an element by its index.
indexToIdIterator(IntIterator, IndexIdMap<K>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an IDs iterator from an iterator of indices.
indexToIdIterator(IntIterator, IndexIntIdMap) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an IDs iterator from an iterator of indices.
indexToIdList(IntList, IndexIdMap<K>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an IDs list from a list of indices.
indexToIdList(IntList, IndexIntIdMap) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an IDs list from a list of indices.
indexToIdSet(IntSet, IndexIdMap<K>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an IDs set from a set of indices.
indexToIdSet(IntSet, IndexIntIdMap) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.IndexIdMaps
Create an IDs set from a set of indices.
inEdges(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Get the edges whose target is target.
inEdges(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
inEdges(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the edges whose target is target.
initTree() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Initialize the tree the LCA will operate on and create a root vertex.
integerCosts(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumCostFlow.Builder
Enable/disable integer costs.
integerNetwork(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumCostFlow.Builder
Enable/disable integer network (capacities, flows, vertices supplies and edges flow lower bound).
IntGraph - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A discrete graph with int vertices and edges.
IntGraphBuilder - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A builder for int graphs.
IntGraphFactory - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
A factory for IntGraph objects.
intIterator() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IEdgeSet
Return an edge iterator that iterate over the edges in this set.
IPath - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A path of edges in an int graph.
isAllowParallelEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Checks whether parallel edges are supported.
isAllowSelfEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Checks whether self edges are supported.
isBipartite(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.alg.BipartiteGraphs
Check whether the given graph is bipartite or not.
isCardinality(WeightFunction<?>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunction
Check if the given weight function is the cardinality weight function.
isClosure(Graph<V, E>, Set<V>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ClosuresEnumerator
Check whether the given set is a closure in the given graph.
isColoring(Graph<V, E>, ToIntFunction<V>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ColoringAlgo
Check whether a given mapping is a valid coloring of a graph.
isCover(Graph<V, E>, Collection<E>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.EdgeCover
Check whether a set of edges is a edge cover of a graph.
isCover(Graph<V, E>, Collection<V>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexCover
Check whether a set of vertices is a vertex cover of a graph.
isCut(Graph<V, E>, Set<V>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutGlobal
Check whether the given vertices form a vertex cut in the graph.
isCutVertex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult
Check whether a vertex is a cut-vertex.
isCutVertex(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult
isCutVertex(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result
Check whether a vertex is a cut-vertex.
isCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
isCycle() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Path
Check whether this path form a cycle.
isDirected() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Checks whether the graph is directed.
isDominatingSet(Graph<V, E>, Collection<V>, EdgeDirection) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.DominatingSetAlgo
Check whether a given set of vertices is a dominating set of a graph.
isForest(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.alg.Trees
Check if a graph is a forest.
isInteger(WeightFunction<?>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunction
Check if the given weight function is an integer weight function.
isLeft(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
Check whether a vertex is contained in the left block (block 0).
isLeft(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
isLeft(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexBiPartition
Check whether a vertex is contained in the left block (block 0).
isMatching(Graph<V, E>, Collection<E>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Matching
Check whether the given collection of edges form a valid matching in the graph.
isPartition(Graph<V, E>, Predicate<V>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexBiPartition
Check if a mapping is a valid bi-partition of the vertices of a graph.
isPartition(Graph<V, E>, ToIntFunction<V>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Check if a mapping is a valid partition of the vertices of a graph.
isPartition(IntGraph, IntPredicate) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
Check if a mapping is a valid bi-partition of the vertices of a graph.
isPartition(IntGraph, IntUnaryOperator) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
Check if a mapping is a valid partition of the vertices of a graph.
isPath(Graph<V, E>, V, V, List<E>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Path
Check whether the given edge list is a valid path in the given graph.
isPath(IntGraph, int, int, IntList) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
Check whether the given edge list is a valid path in the given graph.
isPerfect() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Matching
Check whether this matching is perfect.
isRight(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
Check whether a vertex is contained in the right block (block 1).
isRight(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexBiPartition
Check whether a vertex is contained in the right block (block 1).
isSimple() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Path
Check whether this path is simple.
isSpanningForest(Graph<V, E>, Collection<E>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumSpanningTree
Check whether a given set of edges is a spanning forest of a given graph.
isSpanningTree(Graph<V, E>, Collection<E>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumSpanningTree
Check whether a given set of edges is a spanning tree of a given graph.
isSteinerTree(Graph<V, E>, Collection<V>, Collection<E>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.SteinerTreeAlgo
Check whether a given set of edges is a valid Steiner tree for a given graph and terminals.
isStronglyConnected(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo
Check whether a graph is strongly connected.
isTree(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.alg.Trees
Check if an undirected graph is a tree.
isTree(Graph<V, E>, V) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.alg.Trees
Check if a graph is a tree rooted as some vertex.
isVertexMatched(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IMatching
Check whether a vertex is matched by the matching.
isVertexMatched(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IMatching
isVertexMatched(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Matching
Check whether a vertex is matched by the matching.
isWeaklyConnected(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgo
Check whether a graph is weakly connected.
iterator() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.EdgeSet
Return an edge iterator that iterate over the edges in this set.
iterator() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IEdgeSet
Return an edge iterator that iterate over the edges in this set.
IVertexBiPartition - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A partition of the vertices of an int graph into two blocks.
IVertexPartition - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A partition of the vertices of an int graph.
IWeightFunction - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Weight function that maps graph edges or vertices of IntGraph to weights.
IWeightFunctionInt - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Weight function that maps graph edges or vertices of IntGraph to integer weights.
IWeights<T> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Weights of int graph vertices or edges.
IWeightsBool - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of boolean for int graphs.
IWeightsByte - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of byte for int graphs.
IWeightsChar - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of char for int graphs.
IWeightsDouble - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of double for int graphs.
IWeightsFloat - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of float for int graphs.
IWeightsInt - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of int for int graphs.
IWeightsLong - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of long for int graphs.
IWeightsObj<T> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of Object for int graphs.
IWeightsShort - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of short for int graphs.


JGAlgoConfig - Class in com.jgalgo
A global configuration class.


KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm that compute the k-edge connected components of a graph.
KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgo objects.
KShortestPathsST - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm for computing the K shortest paths between two vertices in a graph.
KShortestPathsST.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for KShortestPathsST objects.
KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Finds the k-vertex connected components of a graph.
KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo objects.
KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Result of a KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo computation for IntGraph.
KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Result of a KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo computation.


lastEdge() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Bfs.IntIter
lastEdge() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Bfs.Iter
Get the edge that led to the last vertex returned by Bfs.Iter.next().
lastEdgeInt() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Bfs.IntIter
Get the edge that led to the last vertex returned by Bfs.IntIter.nextInt().
layer() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Bfs.Iter
Get the layer of the last vertex returned by Bfs.Iter.next().
leftEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
leftEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexBiPartition
Get the edges that are contained in the left block.
leftVertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
leftVertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexBiPartition
Get the vertices in the 'left' block.
localEdgeWeightFunction(IndexGraph, IWeightFunction) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunctions
Get a 'local' version of a given weight function.
localEdgeWeightFunction(IndexGraph, IWeightFunctionInt) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunctions
Get a 'local' version of a given weight function.
LowestCommonAncestorDynamic - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Dynamic algorithm for Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) queries.
LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for LowestCommonAncestorDynamic objects.
LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Vertex - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A tree vertex in an LowestCommonAncestorDynamic data structure.
LowestCommonAncestorExample - Class in com.jgalgo.example
This example demonstrates how to use the lowest common ancestor algorithm.
LowestCommonAncestorOffline - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm for computing the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two vertices in a tree, offline.
LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for LowestCommonAncestorOffline objects.
LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IQueries - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Queries container for LowestCommonAncestorOffline computations for IntGraph.
LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IResult - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Result of a LowestCommonAncestorOffline computation for IntGraph.
LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Queries container for LowestCommonAncestorOffline computations.
LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Result<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Result of a LowestCommonAncestorOffline computation.
LowestCommonAncestorStatic - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Static Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) algorithm.
LowestCommonAncestorStatic.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for LowestCommonAncestorStatic objects.
LowestCommonAncestorStatic.DataStructure<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Data structure result created from a static LCA pre-processing.
LowestCommonAncestorStatic.IDataStructure - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Data structure result created from a static LCA pre-processing for IntGraph.


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.BfsDfsExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.ColoringExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.EdgeIterationExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.LowestCommonAncestorExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.MaximumMatchingExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.MinimumSpanningTreeExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.ShortestPathExample
matchedVertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IMatching
matchedVertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Matching
Get all the vertices matched by the matching.
Matching<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A matching in a graph.
MatchingAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Maximum/minimum matching algorithm.
MatchingAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MatchingAlgo objects.
maxCore() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo.Result
The maximum core number of the graph.
MaximalCliquesEnumerator - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Algorithm for enumerating over all maximal cliques in a graph.
MaximalCliquesEnumerator.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MaximalCliquesEnumerator objects.
maximalCliquesIter(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MaximalCliquesEnumerator
Iterate over all maximal cliques in a graph.
MaximumFlow - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Calculate the maximum flow in a flow network.
MaximumFlow.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MaximumFlow objects.
maximumMatchingExample() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.MaximumMatchingExample
This example demonstrates how to use the maximum matching algorithm.
MaximumMatchingExample - Class in com.jgalgo.example
This example demonstrates how to use the maximum matching algorithm.
MinimumCostFlow - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Compute the minimum-cost (max) flow in a flow network.
MinimumCostFlow.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MinimumCostFlow objects.
minimumCutsIter(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutAllST
Iterate over all the minimum edge-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices.
minimumCutsIter(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutAllGlobal
Iterate over all the minimum vertex-cuts in a graph.
minimumCutsIter(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<V>, V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutAllST
Iterate over all the minimum vertex-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices.
MinimumDirectedSpanningTree - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Minimum spanning tree algorithm for directed graphs.
MinimumDirectedSpanningTree.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MinimumDirectedSpanningTree objects.
MinimumEdgeCutAllST - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Minimum Edge-Cut algorithm that finds all minimum edge-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T).
MinimumEdgeCutAllST.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MinimumEdgeCutAllST objects.
MinimumEdgeCutGlobal - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Global Minimum Edge-Cut algorithm without terminal vertices.
MinimumEdgeCutGlobal.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MinimumEdgeCutGlobal objects.
MinimumEdgeCutST - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Minimum Edge-Cut algorithm with terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T).
MinimumEdgeCutST.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MinimumEdgeCutST objects.
MinimumMeanCycle - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Algorithm that find the cycle with the minimum mean weight.
MinimumMeanCycle.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MinimumMeanCycle objects.
MinimumSpanningTree - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Minimum spanning tree algorithm.
MinimumSpanningTree.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MinimumSpanningTree objects.
MinimumSpanningTree.IResult - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object for MinimumSpanningTree computation for IntGraph.
MinimumSpanningTree.Result<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object for MinimumSpanningTree computation.
MinimumSpanningTreeExample - Class in com.jgalgo.example
This example demonstrates how to use the minimum spanning tree algorithm.
MinimumVertexCutAllGlobal - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm that finds all minimum vertex-cuts in a graph (global vertex-cut).
MinimumVertexCutAllGlobal.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MinimumVertexCutAllGlobal objects.
MinimumVertexCutAllST - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm that finds all minimum vertex-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T).
MinimumVertexCutAllST.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MinimumVertexCutAllST objects.
MinimumVertexCutGlobal - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm without terminal vertices.
MinimumVertexCutGlobal.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MinimumVertexCutGlobal objects.
MinimumVertexCutST - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm with terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T).
MinimumVertexCutST.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for MinimumVertexCutST objects.
mstExample() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.MinimumSpanningTreeExample
This example demonstrates how to use the minimum spanning tree algorithm.


newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo
Create a new bi-connected components algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ChinesePostman
Create a new builder for chinese postman algorithms.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ClosuresEnumerator
Create a new closure enumeration algo builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ColoringAlgo
Create a new coloring algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo
Create a new builder for core algorithms.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CyclesEnumerator
Create a new cycles enumeration algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.DominatingSetAlgo
Create a new dominating set algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.EdgeCover
Create a new edge cover algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.EulerianTourAlgo
Create a new Eulerian tour algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgo
Create a new k-edge connected components algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KShortestPathsST
Create a new K shortest paths algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo
Create a new k-connected components algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Create a new dynamic LCA algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline
Create a new offline LCA algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorStatic
Create a new static LCA algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MatchingAlgo
Create a new matching algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MaximalCliquesEnumerator
Create a new builder for maximal cliques algorithms.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MaximumFlow
Create a new maximum flow algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumCostFlow
Create a new minimum cost flow algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumDirectedSpanningTree
Create a new minimum directed spanning tree algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutAllST
Create a new minimum all edge-cuts algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutGlobal
Create a new global minimum edge-cut algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutST
Create a new minimum edge-cut algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumMeanCycle
Create a new minimum mean cycle algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumSpanningTree
Create a new minimum spanning tree algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutAllGlobal
Create a new global minimum all vertex-cuts algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutAllST
Create a new minimum all vertex-cuts algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutGlobal
Create a new global minimum vertex-cut algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutST
Create a new minimum vertex-cut algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs
Create a new all pairs shortest paths algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathHeuristicST
Create a new heuristic shortest path algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource
Create a new single source shortest path algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathST
Create a new S-T shortest path algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.SimplePathsEnumerator
Create a new simple paths enumerator algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.SteinerTreeAlgo
Create a new Steiner tree algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo
Create a new strongly connected algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TopologicalOrderAlgo
Create a new topological order algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima
Create a new tree path maxima algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexCover
Create a new vertex cover algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo
Create a new Voronoi cells algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgo
Create a new weakly connected algorithm builder.
newBuilder() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Create a new graph builder with the factory parameters.
newBuilder() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
newBuilder() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
newCopyOf(Graph<Integer, Integer>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
newCopyOf(Graph<Integer, Integer>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
newCopyOf(Graph<Integer, Integer>, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
newCopyOf(Graph<Integer, Integer>, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
newCopyOf(Graph<V, E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Create a copy of a given graph, with the same vertices and edges, without copying weights.
newCopyOf(Graph<V, E>, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Create a copy of a given graph, with the same vertices and edges, with/without copying weights.
newDirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Create a new directed empty graph.
newDirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Create a new builder that builds directed graphs.
newDirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Create a directed graph factory.
newDirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Create a new directed empty index graph.
newDirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder
Create a new builder that builds directed graphs.
newDirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
Create a directed index graph factory.
newDirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Create a new directed empty int graph.
newDirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
Create a new builder that builds directed int graphs.
newDirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
Create a directed int graph factory.
newFrom(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Create a new builder initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, without copying the weights.
newFrom(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Create a new graph factory based on a given implementation.
newFrom(Graph<V, E>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Create a new builder initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, with/without copying the weights.
newFrom(IndexGraph) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder
Create a new builder initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, without copying the weights.
newFrom(IndexGraph) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
Create a new index graph factory based on a given implementation.
newFrom(IndexGraph, boolean) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder
Create a new builder initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, with/without copying the weights.
newFrom(IntGraph) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
Create a new builder initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, without copying the weights.
newFrom(IntGraph) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
Create a new graph factory based on a given implementation.
newFrom(IntGraph, boolean) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
Create a new builder initialized with an existing graph vertices and edges, with/without copying the weights.
newFromMaximumFlow(MaximumFlow) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutST
Create a new minimum edge-cut algorithm using a maximum flow algorithm.
newGraph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Create a new empty graph.
newGraph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
newGraph() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo
Create a new bi-connected components algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ChinesePostman
Create a new algorithm object for chinese postman problem.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ClosuresEnumerator
Create a new closure enumeration algorithm.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ColoringAlgo
Create a new coloring algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo
Create a new cores algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CyclesEnumerator
Create a new algorithm for cycles enumerating.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.DominatingSetAlgo
Create a new dominating set algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.EdgeCover
Create a new edge cover algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.EulerianTourAlgo
Create a new Eulerian tour computation algorithm.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgo
Create a new k-edge connected components algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KShortestPathsST
Create a new K shortest paths algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo
Create a new k-connected components algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Create a new algorithm for dynamic LCA queries.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.IQueries
Create an empty queries container.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline
Create a new offline LCA algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorStatic
Create a new algorithm for static LCA queries.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MatchingAlgo
Create a new matching algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MaximalCliquesEnumerator
Create a new maximal cliques algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MaximumFlow
Create a new maximum flow algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumCostFlow
Create a new min-cost-flow algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumDirectedSpanningTree
Create a new directed-MST algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutAllST
Create a new minimum S-T all edge-cuts algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutGlobal
Create a new minimum global edge-cut algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumEdgeCutST
Create a new minimum S-T edge-cut algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumMeanCycle
Create a new min mean cycle algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumSpanningTree
Create a new MST algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutAllGlobal
Create a new global minimum all vertex-cuts algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutAllST
Create a new minimum S-T all vertex-cuts algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutGlobal
Create a new minimum global vertex-cut algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MinimumVertexCutST
Create a new minimum S-T vertex-cut algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs
Create a new all-pairs-shortest-paths algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathHeuristicST
Create a new shortest path algorithm with heuristic.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource
Create a new shortest path algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathST
Create a new S-T shortest path algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.SimplePathsEnumerator
Create a new algorithm for simple paths enumeration.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.SteinerTreeAlgo
Create a new Steiner tree algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo
Create a new strongly connected components algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TopologicalOrderAlgo
Create a new topological order algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.IQueries
Create an empty queries container.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima
Create a new tree path maxima algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.Queries
Create an empty queries container.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexCover
Create a new vertex cover algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo
Create a new Voronoi cells algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgo
Create a new weakly connected components algorithm object.
newInstance() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.gen.BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
Creates a new Barabási–Albert graph generator.
newInstance() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.gen.CompleteGraphGenerator
Creates a new complete graph generator.
newInstance() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.gen.EmptyGraphGenerator
Creates a new empty graph generator.
newInstance() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.gen.GnpGraphGenerator
Creates a new G(n,p) generator.
newInstance() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.gen.RecursiveMatrixGraphGenerator
Creates a new R-MAT generator.
newInstance(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries
Create an empty queries container.
newInstance(Graph<V, E>, V) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Bfs
Create a BFS iterator.
newInstance(Graph<V, E>, V) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Dfs
Create a DFS iterator.
newInstance(Graph<V, E>, V, V, List<E>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Path
Create a new path from an edge list, a source and a target vertices.
newInstance(IntGraph, int) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Bfs
Create a BFS iterator in an int graph.
newInstance(IntGraph, int) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Dfs
Create a DFS iterator for an int graph.
newInstance(IntGraph, int, int, IntList) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
Create a new path from an edge list, a source and a target vertices.
newInstanceBackward(Graph<V, E>, V) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Bfs
Create a backward BFS iterator.
newInstanceBackward(IntGraph, int) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Bfs
Create a backward BFS iterator in an int graph.
newIntInstance() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.gen.BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
Creates a new Barabási–Albert graph generator for IntGraph.
newIntInstance() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.gen.CompleteGraphGenerator
Creates a new complete graph generator for IntGraph.
newIntInstance() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.gen.EmptyGraphGenerator
Creates a new empty graph generator for IntGraph.
newIntInstance() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.gen.GnpGraphGenerator
Creates a new G(n,p) generator for IntGraph.
newIntInstance() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.gen.RecursiveMatrixGraphGenerator
Creates a new R-MAT generator for IntGraph.
newUndirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Create a new undirected empty graph.
newUndirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Create a new builder that builds undirected graphs.
newUndirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Create an undirected graph factory.
newUndirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Create a new undirected empty index graph.
newUndirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder
Create a new builder that builds undirected graphs.
newUndirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
Create an undirected index graph factory.
newUndirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Create a new undirected empty int graph.
newUndirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
Create a new builder that builds undirected graphs.
newUndirected() - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
Create an undirected int graph factory.
next() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Bfs.IntIter
Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
next() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Bfs.Iter
Advance the iterator and return a vertex that was not visited by the iterator yet.
next() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Dfs.IntIter
next() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Dfs.Iter
Advance the iterator and return a vertex that was not visited by the iterator yet.
nextInt() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Bfs.IntIter
Advance the iterator and return a vertex that was not visited by the iterator yet.
nextInt() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Dfs.IntIter
Advance the iterator and return a vertex that was not visited by the iterator yet.
NoSuchEdgeException - Exception in com.jgalgo.graph
Exception thrown when an edge is not found in a graph.
NoSuchVertexException - Exception in com.jgalgo.graph
Exception thrown when a vertex is not found in a graph.
numberOfBlocks() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexBiPartition
numberOfBlocks() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Get the number of blocks in the partition.


ofEdge(int) - Static method in exception com.jgalgo.graph.NoSuchEdgeException
Create a new exception of a missing edge by its int identifier.
ofEdge(Object) - Static method in exception com.jgalgo.graph.NoSuchEdgeException
Create a new exception of a missing edge by its identifier.
ofIndex(int) - Static method in exception com.jgalgo.graph.NoSuchEdgeException
Create a new exception of a missing edge by its index.
ofIndex(int) - Static method in exception com.jgalgo.graph.NoSuchVertexException
Create a new exception of a missing vertex by its index.
ofVertex(int) - Static method in exception com.jgalgo.graph.NoSuchVertexException
Create a new exception of a missing vertex by its int identifier.
ofVertex(Object) - Static method in exception com.jgalgo.graph.NoSuchVertexException
Create a new exception of a missing vertex by its identifier.
orderComparator() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TopologicalOrderAlgo.IResult
orderComparator() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TopologicalOrderAlgo.Result
Get a comparator that compare vertices by their order in the topological order.
orderedVertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TopologicalOrderAlgo.IResult
orderedVertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TopologicalOrderAlgo.Result
Get all the vertices ordered in the list by the topological order.
origToReIndexed(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder.ReIndexingMap
Map an element's original index to its re-indexed index.
Out - com.jgalgo.alg.EdgeDirection
The 'Out' direction include all the edges with the vertex as the source, in case of a directed graph, or as the source or the target, in case of an undirected graph.
outEdges(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Get the edges whose source is source.
outEdges(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
outEdges(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the edges whose source is source.


Path<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A path of edges in a graph.
peekNext() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.EdgeIter
Peek at the next edge of the iterator without advancing it.
peekNext() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IEdgeIter
peekNextInt() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IEdgeIter
Peek at the next edge of the iterator without advancing it.
preProcessTree(Graph<V, E>, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorStatic
Perform a static pre processing of a tree for future LCA (Lowest common ancestor) queries.


randEdge(Graph<?, E>, Random) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.Graphs
Get a random edge from the given graph.
randEdge(IntGraph, Random) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.Graphs
Get a random edge from the given int graph.
RandomizedAlgorithm - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Randomized algorithm interface.
randVertex(Graph<V, ?>, Random) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.Graphs
Get a random vertex from the given graph.
randVertex(IntGraph, Random) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.Graphs
Get a random vertex from the given int graph.
reachableVertices(Graph<V, E>, Iterator<V>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Path
Find all the vertices reachable from a given set of source vertices.
reachableVertices(Graph<V, E>, V) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Path
Find all the vertices reachable from a given source vertex.
reachableVertices(IntGraph, int) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
Find all the vertices reachable from a given source vertex.
reachableVertices(IntGraph, IntIterator) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
Find all the vertices reachable from a set of given source vertices.
RecursiveMatrixGraphGenerator<V,​E> - Class in com.jgalgo.gen
Generates a random graph using the R-MAT model.
reIndexAndBuild(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder
Re-Index the vertices/edges and build a new immutable graph with the new indexing.
reIndexAndBuildMutable(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder
Re-Index the vertices/edges and build a new mutable graph with the new indexing.
reIndexedToOrig(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder.ReIndexingMap
Map an element's re-indexed index to its original index.
removeEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Remove an edge from the graph.
removeEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Remove an edge from the graph.
removeEdge(E) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Remove an edge from the graph.
removeEdge(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
removeEdgeRemoveListener(IndexRemoveListener) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Removes an edge remove listener.
removeEdgesOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Remove all the edges of a vertex.
removeEdgesOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Remove all the edges of a vertex.
removeEdgesOf(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
removeEdgesOf(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Remove all the edges of a vertex.
removeEdgesWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Remove a weight type associated with the edges of the graph.
removeEdgesWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Remove a weight type associated with the edges of the graph.
removeHint(GraphFactory.Hint) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Remove a hint from this factory.
removeHint(GraphFactory.Hint) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
removeHint(GraphFactory.Hint) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
removeInEdgesOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Remove all edges whose target is target.
removeInEdgesOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Remove all edges whose target is target.
removeInEdgesOf(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
removeInEdgesOf(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Remove all edges whose target is target.
removeLast(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexRemoveListener
A callback that is called when the last element is removed.
removeOutEdgesOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Remove all edges whose source is source.
removeOutEdgesOf(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Remove all edges whose source is source.
removeOutEdgesOf(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
removeOutEdgesOf(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Remove all edges whose source is source.
removeVertex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Remove a vertex and all its edges from the graph.
removeVertex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Remove a vertex and all its edges from the graph.
removeVertex(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
removeVertex(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Remove a vertex and all its edges from the graph.
removeVertexRemoveListener(IndexRemoveListener) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Removes a vertex remove listener.
removeVerticesWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Remove a weight type associated with the vertices of the graph.
removeVerticesWeights(String) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Remove a weight type associated with the vertices of the graph.
reverseEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Reverse an edge by switching its source and target.
reverseEdge(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Reverse an edge by switching its source and target.
reverseEdge(E) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Reverse an edge by switching its source and target.
reverseEdge(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
reverseView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get a reversed view of this graph.
reverseView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
reverseView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
rightEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
rightEdges() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexBiPartition
Get the edges that are contained in the right block.
rightVertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
rightVertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexBiPartition
Get the vertices in the 'right' block.


set(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsBool
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(int, byte) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsByte
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(int, char) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsChar
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(int, double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsDouble
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(int, float) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsFloat
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsInt
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(int, long) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsLong
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(int, short) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsShort
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(int, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsObj
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(Integer, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsBool
set(Integer, byte) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsByte
set(Integer, char) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsChar
set(Integer, double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsDouble
set(Integer, float) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsFloat
set(Integer, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsInt
set(Integer, long) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsLong
set(Integer, short) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsShort
set(Integer, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsObj
set(K, boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsBool
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(K, byte) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsByte
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(K, char) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsChar
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(K, double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsDouble
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(K, float) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsFloat
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(K, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsInt
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(K, long) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsLong
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(K, short) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsShort
Set the weight associated with the given element.
set(K, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsObj
Set the weight associated with the given element.
setAsObj(int, Boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsBool
setAsObj(int, Byte) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsByte
setAsObj(int, Character) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsChar
setAsObj(int, Double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsDouble
setAsObj(int, Float) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsFloat
setAsObj(int, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsInt
setAsObj(int, Long) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsLong
setAsObj(int, Short) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsShort
setAsObj(int, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeights
Set the weight associated with the given id.
setAsObj(int, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsObj
setAsObj(Integer, Boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsBool
setAsObj(Integer, Byte) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsByte
setAsObj(Integer, Character) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsChar
setAsObj(Integer, Double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsDouble
setAsObj(Integer, Float) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsFloat
setAsObj(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsInt
setAsObj(Integer, Long) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsLong
setAsObj(Integer, Short) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsShort
setAsObj(Integer, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeights
setAsObj(Integer, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsObj
setAsObj(K, Boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsBool
setAsObj(K, Byte) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsByte
setAsObj(K, Character) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsChar
setAsObj(K, Double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsDouble
setAsObj(K, Float) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsFloat
setAsObj(K, Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsInt
setAsObj(K, Long) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsLong
setAsObj(K, Short) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsShort
setAsObj(K, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Weights
Set the weight associated with the given element.
setAsObj(K, T) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsObj
setBipartite(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MatchingAlgo.Builder
Set whether the matching algorithms built by this builder should only support bipartite graphs.
setCardinality(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.MatchingAlgo.Builder
Set whether the matching algorithms built by this builder should support only maximum cardinality matching.
setCardinality(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathAllPairs.Builder
Enable/disable the support for cardinality shortest paths only.
setCardinality(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder
Enable/disable the support for cardinality shortest paths only.
setDag(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder
Enable/disable the support for directed acyclic graphs (DAG) only.
setData(Object) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic.Vertex
Set the user data of this vertex.
setDirected(boolean) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
Determine if the generated graph(s) is directed or undirected.
setDirected(boolean) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.CompleteGraphGenerator
Determine if the generated graph(s) is directed or undirected.
setDirected(boolean) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.EmptyGraphGenerator
Determine if the generated graph(s) is directed or undirected.
setDirected(boolean) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.GnpGraphGenerator
Determine if the generated graph(s) is directed or undirected.
setDirected(boolean) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.RecursiveMatrixGraphGenerator
Determine if the generated graph(s) is directed or undirected.
setDirected(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
Determine if graphs built by this factory should be directed or not.
setDirected(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
setDirected(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
setEdgeProbabilities(double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.RecursiveMatrixGraphGenerator
Set the edge probabilities of the generated graph(s).
setEdgeProbability(double) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.GnpGraphGenerator
Set the probability each edge will exists in the generated graph(s).
setEdges(int, BiFunction<V, V, E>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.RecursiveMatrixGraphGenerator
Set the edge builder function of the generated graph(s).
setEdges(int, Supplier<E>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.RecursiveMatrixGraphGenerator
Set the edge supplier of the generated graph(s).
setEdges(BiFunction<V, V, E>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
Set the edge builder function of the generated graph(s).
setEdges(BiFunction<V, V, E>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.CompleteGraphGenerator
Set the edge builder function of the generated graph(s).
setEdges(BiFunction<V, V, E>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.GnpGraphGenerator
Set the edge builder function of the generated graph(s).
setEdges(Supplier<E>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
Set the edge supplier of the generated graph(s).
setEdges(Supplier<E>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.CompleteGraphGenerator
Set the edge supplier of the generated graph(s).
setEdges(Supplier<E>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.GnpGraphGenerator
Set the edge supplier of the generated graph(s).
setEdgesToAddPerStep(int) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
Set the number of edges added each time step (k) when generated graph(s).
setInitialCliqueSize(int) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
Set the initial clique size of the generated graph(s).
setIntWeights(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder
Enable/disable integer weights.
setMaxDistance(double) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder
Set the maximum distance that should be supported.
setNegativeWeights(boolean) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder
Enable/disable the support for negative numbers.
setOption(String, Object) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.AlgorithmBuilderBase
[TL;DR Don't call me!] Set an option.
setOption(String, Object) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory
[TL;DR Don't call me!] Set an option.
setOption(String, Object) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphFactory
setOption(String, Object) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphFactory
setParallelByDefault(boolean) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.JGAlgoConfig
Enable/disable default parallel computations in all algorithms.
setSeed(long) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.RandomizedAlgorithm
Sets the seed for the random number generator.
setSeed(long) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
Set the seed of the random number generator used to generate the graph(s).
setSeed(long) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.GnpGraphGenerator
Set the seed of the random number generator used to generate the graph(s).
setSeed(long) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.RecursiveMatrixGraphGenerator
Set the seed of the random number generator used to generate the graph(s).
setSelfEdges(boolean) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.CompleteGraphGenerator
Determine if the generated graph(s) will contain self-loops.
setSelfEdges(boolean) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.GnpGraphGenerator
Determine if the generated graph(s) will contain self-loops.
setVertices(int, Supplier<V>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
Set the vertices set of the generated graph(s) from a supplier.
setVertices(int, Supplier<V>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.CompleteGraphGenerator
Set the vertices set of the generated graph(s) from a supplier.
setVertices(int, Supplier<V>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.GnpGraphGenerator
Set the vertices set of the generated graph(s) from a supplier.
setVertices(int, Supplier<V>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.RecursiveMatrixGraphGenerator
Set the vertices set of the generated graph(s) from a supplier.
setVertices(Collection<V>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
Set the vertices of the generated graph(s).
setVertices(Collection<V>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.CompleteGraphGenerator
Set the vertices of the generated graph(s).
setVertices(Collection<V>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.EmptyGraphGenerator
Set the vertices of the generated graph(s).
setVertices(Collection<V>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.GnpGraphGenerator
Set the vertices set of the generated graph(s).
setVertices(Collection<V>) - Method in class com.jgalgo.gen.RecursiveMatrixGraphGenerator
Set the vertices of the generated graph(s).
ShortestPathAllPairs - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm that compute all pairs shortest path (APSP) in a graph.
ShortestPathAllPairs.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for ShortestPathAllPairs objects.
ShortestPathAllPairs.IResult - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object for an ShortestPathAllPairs algorithm for IntGraph.
ShortestPathAllPairs.Result<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object for an ShortestPathAllPairs algorithm.
shortestPathExample() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.ShortestPathExample
This example demonstrates how to use the single-source shortest path algorithm.
ShortestPathExample - Class in com.jgalgo.example
This example demonstrates how to use the single-source shortest path algorithm.
ShortestPathHeuristicST - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Shortest path algorithm that uses a distance heuristic function.
ShortestPathHeuristicST.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for ShortestPathHeuristicST objects.
ShortestPathSingleSource - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Single Source Shortest Path algorithm.
ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for ShortestPathSingleSource objects.
ShortestPathSingleSource.IResult - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object for the ShortestPathSingleSource problem for IntGraph.
ShortestPathSingleSource.Result<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object for the ShortestPathSingleSource problem.
ShortestPathST - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm for computing the shortest path between two vertices in a graph.
ShortestPathST.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for ShortestPathST objects.
SimplePathsEnumerator - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm that enumerate over simple paths between a source and a target.
SimplePathsEnumerator.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for SimplePathsEnumerator objects.
simplePathsIter(Graph<V, E>, V, V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.SimplePathsEnumerator
Iterate over all the simple paths between a source and a target vertices in the given graph.
size() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorDynamic
Get the number of vertices in the tree.
size() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Queries
Get the number of queries in this container.
size() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.LowestCommonAncestorOffline.Result
Get the number of queries in this result.
size() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.Queries
Get the number of queries in this container.
size() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima.Result
Get the number queries results this result object hold.
source() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
source() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Path
Get the source vertex of the path.
source() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.EdgeIter
Get the source vertex of the last returned edge.
source() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IEdgeIter
sourceInt() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
Get the source vertex of the path.
sourceInt() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IEdgeIter
Get the source vertex of the last returned edge.
staticLCAExample() - Static method in class com.jgalgo.example.LowestCommonAncestorExample
This example demonstrates how to use the static lowest common ancestor algorithm.
SteinerTreeAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
An algorithm for the Steiner tree problem.
SteinerTreeAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for SteinerTreeAlgo objects.
SteinerTreeAlgo.IResult - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object for SteinerTreeAlgo computation for IntGraph.
SteinerTreeAlgo.Result<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object for SteinerTreeAlgo computation.
StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Strongly Connected components algorithm.
StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo objects.
subGraph(Graph<V, E>, Collection<V>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.Graphs
Create a new graph that is an induced subgraph of the given graph.
subGraph(Graph<V, E>, Collection<V>, Collection<E>) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.Graphs
Create a new graph that is a subgraph of the given graph.
subGraph(Graph<V, E>, Collection<V>, Collection<E>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.Graphs
Create a new graph that is a subgraph of the given graph, with option to copy weights.
subGraph(IntGraph, IntCollection, IntCollection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.jgalgo.graph.Graphs
Create a new graph that is a subgraph of the given int graph, with option to copy weights.
subGraphCopy(Collection<Integer>, Collection<Integer>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
Create a new graph that is a subgraph of this graph.
subGraphCopy(Collection<V>, Collection<E>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Create a new graph that is a subgraph of this graph.
swapAndRemove(int, int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexRemoveListener
A callback that is called when removedIdx is swapped with swappedIdx and then removed.


target() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
target() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Path
Get the target vertex of the path.
target() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.EdgeIter
Get the target vertex of the last returned edge.
target() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IEdgeIter
targetInt() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
Get the target vertex of the path.
targetInt() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IEdgeIter
Get the target vertex of the last returned edge.
TopologicalOrderAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Algorithm that calculate a topological order of graph vertices.
TopologicalOrderAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for TopologicalOrderAlgo objects.
TopologicalOrderAlgo.IResult - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object of a TopologicalOrderAlgo algorithm for IntGraph.
TopologicalOrderAlgo.Result<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object of a TopologicalOrderAlgo algorithm.
TreePathMaxima - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Tree Path Maxima (TPM) algorithm.
TreePathMaxima.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for TreePathMaxima objects.
TreePathMaxima.IQueries - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Queries container for TreePathMaxima computations for IntGraph.
TreePathMaxima.IResult - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object for TreePathMaxima algorithm for IntGraph.
TreePathMaxima.Queries<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Queries container for TreePathMaxima computations.
TreePathMaxima.Result<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object for TreePathMaxima algorithm.
Trees - Class in com.jgalgo.alg
Static methods class for tree graphs.
TspMetric - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Metric Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) algorithm.
TspMetricMatchingAppx - Class in com.jgalgo.alg
TSP \(3/2\)-approximation using maximum matching.
TspMetricMatchingAppx() - Constructor for class com.jgalgo.alg.TspMetricMatchingAppx
Create a new TSP \(3/2\)-approximation algorithm.
TspMetricMSTAppx - Class in com.jgalgo.alg
TSP \(2\)-approximation using MST.
TspMetricMSTAppx() - Constructor for class com.jgalgo.alg.TspMetricMSTAppx
Create a new TSP \(2\)-approximation algorithm.


undirectedView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get an undirected view of this (directed) graph.
undirectedView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
undirectedView() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
unmatchedVertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IMatching
unmatchedVertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Matching
Get all the vertices that are not matched by the matching.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.jgalgo.alg.EdgeDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory.Hint
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.jgalgo.alg.EdgeDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.jgalgo.graph.GraphFactory.Hint
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyMST(Graph<V, E>, WeightFunction<E>, Collection<E>, TreePathMaxima) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TreePathMaxima
Verify that the given edges actually form an MST of a graph.
VertexBiPartition<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A partition of the vertices of a graph into two blocks.
VertexBiPartitionWeightKey - Static variable in class com.jgalgo.alg.BipartiteGraphs
The vertices weight key of the bipartite property.
vertexBlock(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
vertexBlock(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
Get the block containing a vertex.
vertexBlock(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexBiPartition
vertexBlock(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IVertexPartition
vertexBlock(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexBiPartition
vertexBlock(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VertexPartition
Get the block containing a vertex.
vertexCoreNum(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo.IResult
The core number of the given vertex.
vertexCoreNum(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo.IResult
vertexCoreNum(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.CoresAlgo.Result
The core number of the given vertex.
VertexCover - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Minimum weighted vertex cover algorithm.
VertexCover.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for VertexCover algorithms.
vertexOrderIndex(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TopologicalOrderAlgo.IResult
Get the index of a vertex in the topological order.
vertexOrderIndex(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TopologicalOrderAlgo.IResult
vertexOrderIndex(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.TopologicalOrderAlgo.Result
Get the index of a vertex in the topological order.
VertexPartition<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A partition of the vertices of a graph.
vertexSite(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.IResult
Get the site vertex of a vertex.
vertexSite(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.IResult
vertexSite(V) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.VoronoiAlgo.Result
Get the site vertex of a vertex.
vertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.IPath
vertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.alg.Path
Get the vertices forming this path.
vertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.Graph
Get the set of all vertices of the graph.
vertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.GraphBuilder
Get the set of vertices that were added to the graph.
vertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraph
Get the set of all vertices of the graph.
vertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraph
vertices() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IntGraphBuilder
verticesReIndexing() - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IndexGraphBuilder.ReIndexedGraph
Get the re-indexing map of the vertices.
VoronoiAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Voronoi cells algorithm.
VoronoiAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for VoronoiAlgo algorithms.
VoronoiAlgo.IResult - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object of VoronoiAlgo computation for IntGraph.
VoronoiAlgo.Result<V,​E> - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A result object of VoronoiAlgo computation.


WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgo - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
Weakly Connected components algorithm.
WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgo.Builder - Interface in com.jgalgo.alg
A builder for WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgo objects.
weight(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunction
Get the weight of an element.
weight(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunctionInt
weight(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsDouble
Get the weight of an element.
weight(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsFloat
Get the weight of an element.
weight(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsLong
Get the weight of an element.
weight(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunction
weight(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunctionInt
weight(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsDouble
weight(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsFloat
weight(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsLong
weight(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunction
Get the weight of an element.
weight(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunctionInt
weight(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsDouble
Get the weight of an element.
weight(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsFloat
Get the weight of an element.
weight(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsLong
Get the weight of an element.
WeightFunction<K> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Weight function that maps graph edges or vertices to weights.
WeightFunctionInt<K> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Weight function that maps graph edges or vertices to integer weights.
WeightFunctions - Class in com.jgalgo.graph
Static methods class for weight functions.
weightInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunctionInt
Get the integer weight of an element.
weightInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsByte
Get the integer weight of an element.
weightInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsInt
Get the integer weight of an element.
weightInt(int) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsShort
Get the integer weight of an element.
weightInt(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunctionInt
weightInt(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsByte
weightInt(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsInt
weightInt(Integer) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightsShort
weightInt(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunctionInt
Get the integer weight of an element.
weightInt(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsByte
Get the integer weight of an element.
weightInt(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsInt
Get the integer weight of an element.
weightInt(K) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightsShort
Get the integer weight of an element.
Weights<K,​T> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Weights of graph vertices or edges.
WeightsBool<K> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of boolean.
WeightsByte<K> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of byte.
WeightsChar<K> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of char.
WeightsDouble<K> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of double.
WeightsFloat<K> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of float.
WeightsInt<K> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of int.
WeightsLong<K> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of long.
WeightsObj<K,​T> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of Object.
WeightsShort<K> - Interface in com.jgalgo.graph
Specific weights of short.
weightSum(IWeightFunction, IntIterable) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunction
Get the sum of the weights of multiple elements.
weightSum(WeightFunction<K>, Iterable<K>) - Static method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunction
Get the sum of the weights of multiple elements.
weightSum(Iterable<Integer>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunction
weightSum(Iterable<Integer>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.IWeightFunctionInt
weightSum(Iterable<K>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunction
Get the sum of the weights of multiple elements.
weightSum(Iterable<K>) - Method in interface com.jgalgo.graph.WeightFunctionInt
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