Package com.jgalgo

Interface ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • build

        ShortestPathSingleSource build()
        Create a new algorithm object for single source shortest path computation.
        a new single source shortest path algorithm
      • setIntWeights

        ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder setIntWeights​(boolean enable)
        Enable/disable integer weights.

        More efficient and accurate implementations may be supported if the edge weights are known to be integer.

        enable - if true, the built ShortestPathSingleSource objects will support only integer weights
        this builder
      • setNegativeWeights

        ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder setNegativeWeights​(boolean enable)
        Enable/disable the support for negative numbers.

        More efficient and accurate implementations may be supported if its known in advance that all edge weights will be positive (which is the default).

        enable - if true, the built ShortestPathSingleSource objects will support negative numbers
        this builder
      • setMaxDistance

        ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder setMaxDistance​(double maxDistance)
        Set the maximum distance that should be supported.

        This method may be used as a hint to choose an ShortestPathSingleSource implementation.

        maxDistance - a maximum distance upper bound on the distance from the source to any vertex
        this builder
      • setDag

        ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder setDag​(boolean dagGraphs)
        Enable/disable the support for directed acyclic graphs (DAG) only.

        More efficient algorithm may exists if we know in advance all input graphs will be DAG. Note that if this option is enabled, ONLY directed acyclic graphs will be supported.

        dagGraphs - if true, the built ShortestPathSingleSource objects will support only directed acyclic graphs
        this builder
      • setCardinality

        ShortestPathSingleSource.Builder setCardinality​(boolean cardinalityWeight)
        Enable/disable the support for cardinality shortest paths only.

        More efficient algorithm may exists for cardinality shortest paths. Note that if this option is enabled, ONLY cardinality shortest paths will be supported.

        cardinalityWeight - if true, only cardinality shortest paths will be supported by algorithms built by this builder
        this builder