Package com.jgalgo

Interface Coloring

  • public interface Coloring
    An algorithm that assign a color to each vertex in a graph while avoiding identical color for any pair of adjacent vertices.

    Given a graph \(G=(V,E)\) a valid coloring is a function \(C:v \rightarrow c\) for any vertex \(v\) in \(V\) where each edge \((u,v)\) in \(E\) satisfy \(C(u) \neq C(v)\). The objective is to minimize the total number of different colors. The problem is NP-hard, but various heuristics exists which give decent results for general graphs and optimal results for special cases.

    Each color is represented as an integer in range \([0, \textit{colorsNum})\).

     Graph g = GraphFactory.newUndirected().newGraph();
     int v1 = g.addVertex();
     int v2 = g.addVertex();
     int v3 = g.addVertex();
     int v4 = g.addVertex();
     g.addEdge(v1, v2);
     g.addEdge(v2, v3);
     g.addEdge(v3, v1);
     g.addEdge(v3, v4);
     Coloring coloringAlg = Coloring.newBuilder().build();
     Coloring.Result colors = coloringAlg.computeColoring(g);
     System.out.println("A valid coloring with " + colors.colorsNum() + " colors was found");
     for (int u : g.vertices()) {
     	System.out.println("The color of vertex " + u + " is " + colors.colorOf(u));
     	for (EdgeIter eit = g.outEdges(u).iterator(); eit.hasNext();) {
     		int v =;
     		assert colors.colorOf(u) != colors.colorOf(v);
    Barak Ugav
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • computeColoring

        Coloring.Result computeColoring​(Graph g)
        Assign a color to each vertex of the given graph, resulting in a valid coloring.
        g - a graph
        a valid coloring with (hopefully) small number of different colors
        IllegalArgumentException - if g is directed
      • newBuilder

        static Coloring.Builder newBuilder()
        Create a new coloring algorithm builder.

        This is the recommended way to instantiate a new Coloring object.

        a new builder that can build Coloring objects