Package com.jgalgo.alg.connect
Algorithms for solving connectivity problems, such as strongly/weakly connected components, minimum edge/vertex cuts,
Interface Summary Interface Description BiConnectedComponentsAlgo An algorithm that compute the bi-connected components of a graph.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.IResult A result object of aBiConnectedComponentsAlgo
computation forIntGraph
.BiConnectedComponentsAlgo.Result<V,E> A result object of aBiConnectedComponentsAlgo
computation.KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgo An algorithm that compute the k-edge connected components of a graph.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgo Finds the k-vertex connected components of a graph.MinimumEdgeCutAllSt Minimum Edge-Cut algorithm that finds all minimum edge-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T).MinimumEdgeCutGlobal Global Minimum Edge-Cut algorithm without terminal vertices.MinimumEdgeCutSt Minimum Edge-Cut algorithm with terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T).MinimumVertexCutAllGlobal Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm that finds all minimum vertex-cuts in a graph (global vertex-cut).MinimumVertexCutAllSt Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm that finds all minimum vertex-cuts in a graph between two terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T).MinimumVertexCutGlobal Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm without terminal vertices.MinimumVertexCutSt Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm with terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T).StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo Strongly Connected components algorithm.WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgo Weakly Connected components algorithm. -
Class Summary Class Description BiConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract Abstract class for bi-connected components algorithms.BiConnectedComponentsAlgoHopcroftTarjan Hopcroft-Tarjan algorithm for bi-connected components.KEdgeConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract Abstract class for k-edge connected components algorithms.KEdgeConnectedComponentsWang Wang's algorithm for computing the k-edge connected components of a graph.KVertexConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract Abstract class for k-vertex connected components algorithms.KVertexConnectedComponentsWhiteMoody White-Moody algorithm for finding k-vertex-connected components in an undirected graph.MinimumEdgeCutAllStAbstract Abstract class for computing all minimum edge cuts between two terminal nodes.MinimumEdgeCutAllStPicardQueyranne Picard-Queyranne algorithm for enumerating all the minimum edge cuts between two terminal nodes.MinimumEdgeCutGlobalAbstract Abstract class for computing the global minimum edge cut in a graph.MinimumEdgeCutGlobalStoerWagner Stoer-Wagner Algorithm for global minimum cut.MinimumEdgeCutStAbstract Abstract class for computing the minimum edge cut between two vertices in a graph.MinimumVertexCutAllGlobalAbstract Abstract class for computing all global minimum vertex cuts in a graph.MinimumVertexCutAllGlobalKanevsky Kanevsky algorithm for computing all minimum unweighted vertex cuts in a graph.MinimumVertexCutAllStAbstract Abstract class for computing all minimum vertex cuts between two vertices in a graph.MinimumVertexCutAllStEdgeCut All Minimum Vertex-Cuts algorithm with terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T) using All Minimum Edge-Cuts algorithm.MinimumVertexCutGlobalAbstract Abstract class for computing the global minimum vertex cut in a graph.MinimumVertexCutGlobalEsfahanianHakimi Esfahanian-Hakimi algorithm for computing a minimum unweighted vertex cut in a graph.MinimumVertexCutStAbstract Abstract class for computing the minimum vertex cut between two vertices in a graph.MinimumVertexCutStEdgeCut Minimum Vertex-Cut algorithm with terminal vertices (source-sink, S-T) using Minimum Edge-Cut algorithm.StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract Abstract class for computing strongly connected components in a graph.StronglyConnectedComponentsPathBasedDfs Path based DFS implementation of Dijkstra's strongly connected components algorithm.StronglyConnectedComponentsTarjan Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm.WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgoAbstract Abstract class for computing weakly connected components in a graph.WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgoImpl Simple implementation of the weakly connected components algorithm.