static <K> IntCollection |
IndexIdMaps.idToIndexCollection(Collection<K> idCollection,
IndexIdMap<K> map) |
Create an indices collection from a collection of IDs.
static <K> IntIterator |
IndexIdMaps.idToIndexIterator(Iterator<K> idIter,
IndexIdMap<K> map) |
Create an indices iterator from an iterator of IDs.
static <K> IntList |
IndexIdMaps.idToIndexList(List<K> idList,
IndexIdMap<K> map) |
Create an indices list from a list of IDs.
static <K> IntSet |
IndexIdMaps.idToIndexSet(Set<K> idSet,
IndexIdMap<K> map) |
Create an indices set from a set of IDs.
static <K> IWeightFunction |
IndexIdMaps.idToIndexWeightFunc(WeightFunction<K> w,
IndexIdMap<K> map) |
Create a weight function that accept elements indices, given a weight function that accept elements IDs.
static <K> IWeightFunctionInt |
IndexIdMaps.idToIndexWeightFunc(WeightFunctionInt<K> w,
IndexIdMap<K> map) |
Create an integer weight function that accept elements indices, given a weight function that accept elements IDs.
static <K,T,WeightsT extends IWeights<T>> WeightsT |
IndexIdMaps.idToIndexWeights(Weights<K,T> weights,
IndexIdMap<K> map) |
Create a weights view that is accessed by the elements indices, given a weights container that is accessed by the
element IDs.
static <K> Collection<K> |
IndexIdMaps.indexToIdCollection(IntCollection indexCollection,
IndexIdMap<K> map) |
Create an IDs collection from a collection of indices.
static <K> Iterator<K> |
IndexIdMaps.indexToIdIterator(IntIterator indexIter,
IndexIdMap<K> map) |
Create an IDs iterator from an iterator of indices.
static <K> List<K> |
IndexIdMaps.indexToIdList(IntList indexList,
IndexIdMap<K> map) |
Create an IDs list from a list of indices.
static <K> Set<K> |
IndexIdMaps.indexToIdSet(IntSet indexSet,
IndexIdMap<K> map) |
Create an IDs set from a set of indices.