Class WeightFunctions

    • Method Detail

      • localEdgeWeightFunction

        public static WeightFunction localEdgeWeightFunction​(IndexGraph g,
                                                             WeightFunction w)
        Get a 'local' version of a given weight function.

        A WeightFunction is a functional interface, and may be implemented in many mays, and querying the weight of a single edge may be arbitrarily costly. In scenarios in which the weights of the edges are needed multiple times, it may be more efficient to query the weights of each edge once and store the result locally, to ensure the potentially heavy computations occur few as possible.

        This method accept a weight function, and return a 'local' version of it. If the original weight function is already some 'local' implementation of a weight function, it will be returned as is without duplication. In other cases, in which the implementation decide to, the weights of the edges are computed onces and stored in a local weight function, which is than returned. In all cases, the returned weight function is local.

        This function is used only for performance boost, it does not change any functionally over using the original weight function.

        g - a graph
        w - a weight function
        a local version of the weight function
      • localEdgeWeightFunction

        public static WeightFunction.Int localEdgeWeightFunction​(IndexGraph g,
                                                                 WeightFunction.Int w)
        Get a 'local' version of a given weight function.

        A WeightFunction is a functional interface, and may be implemented in many mays, and querying the weight of a single edge may be arbitrarily costly. In scenarios in which the weights of the edges are needed multiple times, it may be more efficient to query the weights of each edge once and store the result locally, to ensure the potentially heavy computations occur few as possible.

        This method accept a weight function, and return a 'local' version of it. If the original weight function is already some 'local' implementation of a weight function, it will be returned as is without duplication. In other cases, in which the implementation decide to, the weights of the edges are computed onces and stored in a local weight function, which is than returned. In all cases, the returned weight function is local.

        This function is used only for performance boost, it does not change any functionally over using the original weight function.

        g - a graph
        w - a weight function
        a local version of the weight function