Package com.jgalgo

Class Trees

  • public class Trees
    extends Object
    Static methods class for tree graphs.
    Barak Ugav
    • Method Detail

      • isTree

        public static boolean isTree​(Graph g)
        Check if an undirected graph is a tree.

        An undirected graph is a tree if its connected and contains no cycle, therefore \(n-1\) edges.

        This method runs in linear time.

        g - a graph
        true if the graph is a tree, else false
        IllegalArgumentException - if g is a directed graph
      • isTree

        public static boolean isTree​(Graph g,
                                     int root)
        Check if a graph is a tree rooted as some vertex.

        For undirected graphs, a graph which is a tree rooted at some vertex can be rooted at any other vertex and will always be a tree. For directed graphs however this is not true. A directed graph might be a tree rooted at some vertex, but will no be connected if we root it at another vertex.

        This method runs in linear time.

        g - a graph
        root - a root vertex
        true if the graph is a tree rooted at root, else false.
      • isForest

        public static boolean isForest​(Graph g)
        Check if a graph is a forest.

        A forest is a graph which can be divided into trees, which is equivalent to saying a graph with no cycles.

        This method runs in linear time.

        g - a graph
        true if the graph is a forest, else false