Package com.jgalgo

Interface ShortestPathAllPairs.Result

    • Method Detail

      • distance

        double distance​(int source,
                        int target)
        Get the distance of the shortest path between two vertices.
        source - the source vertex
        target - the target vertex
        the sum of weights of edges in the shortest path from the source to target, or Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY if no such path exists
        IllegalArgumentException - if a negative cycle found. See foundNegativeCycle()
      • getPath

        Path getPath​(int source,
                     int target)
        Get the shortest path between vertices.
        source - the source vertex
        target - the target vertex
        the shortest path from the source to target, or null if no such path exists
        IllegalArgumentException - if a negative cycle found. See foundNegativeCycle()
      • foundNegativeCycle

        boolean foundNegativeCycle()
        Check whether a negative cycle was found.

        If a negative cycle was found, there is no unique shortest paths, as the paths weight could be arbitrary small by going through the cycle multiple times.

        true if a negative cycle was found